[pytest-dev] trainer needed for pytest training at EP2015

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Jun 3 11:31:48 CEST 2015


* holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> [2015-06-02 09:30:49 +0000]:
> Hello,
> as i am giving a keynote at EuroPython 2015 in Bilbao and want to do a
> little workshop in connection with it, I'd rather not do the pytest
> training which also got accepted.  
> Is anybody here interested to give the 3h pytest training using my
> materials?  I'd then ask the EP organizers to wave the entrance fee
> as it certainly requires some preparation still.

I think you're talking about [1], right?

I got into pytest as part of the "Adopt pytest month", so I'm rather
new to it - but I certainly know how to use it, write fixtures, and
recently wrote a plugin[2] (and contributed to others[3][4]) for it.

Looking at that overview, I'm confident I'd be able to do that, even
though I'm only using pytest for 1-2 months.

This would probably make the difference between coming and not coming
to EuroPython for me - I never was there before, and with the entrance
fee, I dismissed it as being too expensive for me[*], but looking at
the flight/hotel prices, I could afford that part.

So if there isn't someone else who'd take it and you think I could do
it, let's talk!

(Holger: If you prefer you can also query me on IRC, The-Compiler on
Freenode - tried to ping you there, but without any success)


[1] https://ep2015.europython.eu/conference/talks/pytest-simple-rapid-and-fun-testing-with-python
[2] https://github.com/The-Compiler/pytest-mccabe
[3] https://github.com/davehunt/pytest-html/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3AThe-Compiler
[4] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3AThe-Compiler
[*] I'm aware of the financial aid they're offering - but in theory I
    do have the money, I just don't want to spend that much as I'm
    saving for my upcoming studies - but at the same time, that makes
    me feel like others can use that support more and I shouldn't
    "exploit" it.

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