[pytest-dev] FOSDEM / Saturday pytest meetup in Bruxelles

Anatoly Bubenkov bubenkoff at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 13:10:57 CET 2015

Hi all,
i've put discussed stuff into a small overview:


*feel free to update/comment*

On 19 January 2015 at 21:24, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> as some of you know some pytest devs are going to meet at FOSDEM
> in Bruxelles end of the month.  ASFAIK, Anatoly Bubenkoff, Brianna Laugher,
> Floris Bruynooghe and me are bound to come, anyone else?
> During our meetup i'd like to discuss and work on finalizing
> https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev as the new place for pytest core, py,
> pytest-xdist, pytest-cache, ..., tox, repositories and using a unified
> contribution process for all of them.
> I'd also like to discuss going for a little crowd-funding project that
> automates testing and releasing pytest-dev packages including pushing docs
> to the respective sites.  Bruno Oliveira has already done some work
> for visualizing the pytest-plugin status against the latest pytest release
> which can probably be re-used
> http://pytest.org/latest/plugins_index/index.html
> As to the location at FOSDEM, I suggest to meetup 4pm around the
> Python FOSDEM room: http://python-fosdem.org/#location
> I'll probably be there during the day but also have some other
> appointments so can't guarantee that.  I'll arrive friday evening
> but will probably directly go to Pieter Hintjens's flat and only arrive
> saturday morning at the conf site.
> best,
> holger
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Anatoly Bubenkov
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