[pytest-dev] pytest hangout meeting minutes

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Tue Dec 15 16:42:18 EST 2015

We had an (experimental) Google Hangout meeting with some core
developers today - here are the notes I took, completely unedited
because I want to go to sleep ;)

If I missed or misrepresented something, please let me know - sorry!

pytest hangout meeting


- Bruno/nicoddemus
- Holger/hpk
- Florian/The-Compiler
- Floris/flub
- abusalimov (pytest-catchlog contributor)
- Ronny/ronny

ronny: meta-organization

ronny proposes to have a meta-organization to have an issue tracker and wiki to
collect tasks/informations involving more than one pytest-dev project.
Something similar to metaflask.

Meta-things like how pytest-dev work, how to release those, etc.

Also collect infos about the members of the project.

-> Task workflow for management tasks which would feel clunky on a ML

Bruno sees some value as there's a plugin index thing there.

flub asks if this isn't basically the same than using a prefix on PyPI.

ronny/bruno: There's much more information than you could have on PyPI, you
could add information like compatibility etc.

flub: Let's try it - worried that it's another data source to get out of data

ronny: We should re-evaluate it in 6-12 months and see how well it worked.

hpk: plugincompat is already there and interesting - why not just add a
'people' page on the website?

flo: I think having a machine-readable represenation of plugins and people
doesn't make sense, even metaflask is a graveyard.

flub: We already have an overview of recommended plugins in the docs, as for
logging, just let's clarify there.

ronny: but what about cross-project issues, I don't want those in the pytest
tracker. e.g. a plugin moving to github. I'd like to see a separate bug tracker
for ecosystem tasks.

hpk: Why not just a 'cross' label for pytest issues. I don't think it's worth
it to have a repo just for issue tracking? The issues also are more visibile
like currently.

flo: I don't see why pytest (as an ecosystem) is concerned about other projects

bruno: Other than movements, what do you think should be there?

ronny: e.g. maintainer applications or moving to pytest-dev?

hpk: I think that's fine on the mailinglist (flo points out it's documented
that way already)

ronny: okay, let's do labels for issues then and use the ML for other stuff.

hpk: sprint

What about a pytest sprint in spring and doing crowd-funding for travel?

ronny: he'd like to ask one of the Plone maintainers who's interested in pytest
and experienced in setting up those sprints.

everyone likes the idea!

ronny: moving other projects to github

ronny is currently working on a better import from bitbucket to github.
ronny would like to migrate stuff from bb to gh

flub: the maintainer of that would definitely need to agree, ronny agrees.

-> move every project where the maintainers agree to github

ronny: automated releases

ronny: pushing signed tag to github -> get release uploaded to PyPI

hpk: that's the golden aim, but regendoc is still not completely automated.

ronny: I want to work on that, with Travis creating a PR every time something
changes via regendoc.

florian/ronny: Only signed tags should cause releases!

hpk: I'm still very sceptical about that - it often takes a couple of tries to
release something.

ronny: but you can create rc tags, etc. etc. until things look right.

hpk: I like to create an artefact, test that, and release *exactly that*. With
a tag workflow you lose that ability.

ronny: But it would with reducable builds. The build system should create the
same artefact.

hpk: Let's do a PR against howtorelease. I want an automated process, I just
don't think tagging is the right way to do that.

-> The work is a good idea either way, no matter whether we trigger the process
via tags or another mechanism.

bruno: At work we create a release branch, that branch generates artefacts
which aren't published yet. I can *manually* publish and tag it then.

flo: I'd like it most if *testing* was automated.

bruno: What about using devpi via travis?

ronny: We could have a release branch and then make travis do something
different there.

general idea: PR -> release branch -> travis uploads a release somewhere and
tests it -> you can publish that artifact

holger: I'm doing releases for 7-8 projects - we do want to be sure wheels are
working properly. wheels already were broken earlier.

flub: But that works already with an option? I manually build with setup.py and
use tox to test those?

==> we can all agree on automating steps and the general idea

holger: other issues are the changelog or merging features/master. Usually when
I merge something into master I merge it into features as well.

holger: What about doing auto-merges via bot of master -> features

flo: I think this is too noisy, what about weekly or so?

holger: We don't really have a way to do this systematically so far.

bruno: Why not just before every master/bugfix release? If we fix a bug we'll
do a release anyways, so why not do it then?

(holger leaves)

ronny: subtests

new concept introduced to unittest.py with py3 - you can have sub-tests which
means the test still continues when an assertion fails.

this would allow to create "sections" with proper names (and reporting) for
larger tests.

flub: So what's the challenge about that?

[I couldn't really follow, so no logs here, sorry]

ronny: capturing

ronny: We currently replace sys.std... objects and replace them by capturing
ones. I'd like to add a kind of capturing where the capturing captures the
whole test run.

[I couldn't really follow, so no logs here, sorry]

--> let's move it to the ML because it's better when written

deferred until later

- unittests in pytest testsuite
- DI framework
- 3.x plans

-- Florian

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