[pytest-dev] Cheeseshop (PyPI) access

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Wed Aug 5 19:43:59 CEST 2015

Hi all,

As discussed at EuroPython I was looking at giving everyone in the
pytest-dev groups on bitbucket and github access on the cheeseshop
(pypi) to be able to do releases.  Currently I only know the following
cheeseshop usernames however:


So could other people in pytest-dev on either bitbucket or github
please let me know their usernames?  Preferably gpg signed and/or
encrypted if possible [0][1], but don't worry too much if not.

Additionally I only have the permissions to do this on the following

pytest-timeout (not yet in pytest-dev but it really should be ;-))

In particular I'm missing access to py :-)

Could owners of other repos enable other people as well if they agree?
Or if you can't be bothered to do this currently very manual task for
everyone just give me permissions and tell me to add the full list of
people and I'll patiently go through the list.


[0] My key is 4CCB3FFC, as signed

[1] I also have keybase.io invites if you'd like some form of
    verification.  Keybase provides an easy way to "prove" a
    particular private key can control a particular github account,
    which has it's use [2].

[2] Not that this couldn't be done manually, but everyone is bad with
    manually doing things as proven by after having met Holger a few
    times in real life we still haven't verified our keys despite
    using them sometimes in email.  Ah, gpg.
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