[pytest-dev] xdist and data sharing during execution in parallel

Anatoly Bubenkov bubenkoff at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 08:57:58 CEST 2014

I would just use something like redis for that, seriously
Don't overcomplicate things in pytest-xdist
As a side note, if you need the communication between the tests, then
you're probably doing something wrong, as it's the rule of thumb - tests
cannot share state with other tests

On 17 September 2014 18:32, Ayelet Regev <ayelet at fabrixsystems.com> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I'm creating a time-line based on pytest.
> im using xdist with multiple slaves (in the amount of the tests). Each
> test is started by time and dependency. which mean some of the gateways
> will be waiting for others to be "Done".
> for that, io need some data sharing between them all, and cannot use
> "slaveoutput".
> i created my own dict object using file handler, and i want to create
> instance once on master and share it will all slaves.
> but i cannot pass object to "slaveinput"
> Do you have any advice?
> *def pytest_configure(config):*
>     config.global_time_line_json = config.getoption("timeline",None)
>     unicode_to_ascii(config.global_time_line_json)
>     if config.global_time_line_json is None:
>         raise Exception("no timeline data was provided to command")
>     config.properties = config.getoption("properties")
>     unicode_to_ascii(config.properties)
>     logfile = config.properties.get("logfile",None)
>     if logfile is None:
>         raise Exception("no logfile path was provided to command under
> properties")
>     config.flow_dir = config.properties.get("flow_dir",None)
>     logfile_basename = os.path.basename(logfile)
>     _logger = Logger(config.flow_dir,logfile_basename)
>     config.logger = _logger.logger()
>     config.active_dir = "%s/%s" % (config.flow_dir,ACTIVE_DIR)
>     *if not hasattr(config,"slaveinput"):*
> *        config.logger.info2("Master")*
> *        config.global_data = PersistentDict('%s/%s' %
> (config.active_dir,FLOW_JSON), 'c', format='json')*
> *def pytest_configure_node(node):*
>     # runs only on Master
>     node.config.logger.info2("on Master sending data to Slave")
>    * node.slaveinput["global_data"] = node.config.global_data*
> --
> Best Regards,
> Ayelet Regev Dabah
> Email: ayelet at fabrixsystems.com
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Anatoly Bubenkov
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