[pytest-dev] pytest.internal test failures

Anatoly Bubenkov bubenkoff at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 10:04:59 CEST 2014

so that might very well be the issue - gevent does the patching of the
threading module which is in use of the execnet...
try to NOT use gevent patching but just use it directly (by importing and
using it's attributes), eg avoild .patch_all

On 4 September 2014 10:02, Srinath <g.s.srinath89 at gmail.com> wrote:

> We just run py.test -n <int>. pytest automatically picks up the tests and
> then run. some of the unit tests import code from components. Components do
> gevent monkey patch. so, execnet although uses threading, the locking stuff
> gets overridden by gevent. Hope this clarifies the use case.
> [image: Srinath GS on about.me]
> Srinath GS
> about.me/srinathgs
>   <http://about.me/srinathgs>http://srinath.im
> I write code @ Alamut
> Srinath G S
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Anatoly Bubenkov <bubenkoff at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I mean the mode of the execnet, do you use threads there?
>> On 4 September 2014 09:10, Srinath <g.s.srinath89 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Anatoly,
>>> We use a lot of greenlets in our code. Unit Tests import them. They get
>>> monkey patched. So, we really can't use only threading.
>>> [image: Srinath GS on about.me]
>>> Srinath GS
>>> about.me/srinathgs
>>>   <http://about.me/srinathgs>http://srinath.im
>>> I write code @ Alamut
>>> Srinath G S
>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Anatoly Bubenkov <bubenkoff at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> we use all 4 at latest versions: pytest, pytest-xdist, execnet, py and
>>>> it works
>>>> my suggestion is to try not using greenlets and instead use default -
>>>> threading
>>>> On 4 September 2014 08:45, Srinath <g.s.srinath89 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>  Hi list,
>>>>> *23:01:51* Traceback (most recent call last):*23:01:51*   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>*23:01:51*   File "<string>", line 6, in <module>*23:01:51*   File "/home/epsilon/shiningpanda/jobs/9783e24d/virtualenvs/83eb871d/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/execnet/gateway_base.py", line 1215, in serve*23:01:51*     SlaveGateway(io=io, id=id, _startcount=2).serve()*23:01:51*   File "/home/epsilon/shiningpanda/jobs/9783e24d/virtualenvs/83eb871d/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/execnet/gateway_base.py", line 777, in serve*23:01:51*     self.join()*23:01:51*   File "/home/epsilon/shiningpanda/jobs/9783e24d/virtualenvs/83eb871d/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/execnet/gateway_base.py", line 735, in join*23:01:51*     self._receiverthread.join(timeout)*23:01:51*   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 668, in join*23:01:51*     self.__block.wait()*23:01:51*   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 244, in wait*23:01:51*     waiter.acquire()*23:01:51*   File "_semaphore.pyx", line 112, in gevent._semaphore.Semaphore.acquire (gevent/gevent._semaphore.c:3004)*23:01:51*   File "/home/epsilon/shiningpanda/jobs/9783e24d/virtualenvs/83eb871d/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gevent/hub.py", line 331, in switch*23:01:51*     return greenlet.switch(self)*23:01:51* gevent.hub.LoopExit: This operation would block forever
>>>>> We keep getting this error in our CI system which raises `pytest.internal` error. Can anyone suggest a way to solve this?
>>>>> pytest version:
>>>>> pytest==2.5.2
>>>>> pytest-cache==0.9
>>>>> pytest-capturelog==0.7
>>>>> pytest-cov==1.6
>>>>> pytest-figleaf==1.0
>>>>> pytest-growl==0.1
>>>>> pytest-pep8==1.0.4
>>>>> pytest-xdist==1.8
>>>>> execnet==1.1
>>>>> Please help.
>>>>> Also, can anyone tell which version of pytest works well with execnet1.2? This is the version that has gevent support.
>>>>> [image: Srinath GS on about.me]
>>>>> Srinath GS
>>>>> about.me/srinathgs
>>>>>   <http://about.me/srinathgs>http://srinath.im
>>>>> I write code @ Alamut
>>>>> Srinath G S
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>>>> --
>>>> Anatoly Bubenkov
>> --
>> Anatoly Bubenkov

Anatoly Bubenkov
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