[py-dev] steps to include a new plugin

Ronny Pfannschmidt Ronny.Pfannschmidt at gmx.de
Mon Nov 26 18:14:34 CET 2012

Hi Adam,

i am having trouble seeing a good use-case
for just throwing a bunch of marks at something,

in my worldview marks are something to express intents/configurations
so if there is an intent that combines more than one mark, i  think that 
a function that properly configures/applies those marks
might make more sense

so at least i don’t see a place where i would use EXCESS markers

an example that comes to my mind where your utility could help would be 
better creation of intent describing decorators

eg. something like

def needs_posixop(name):
	return pytest.marks(
		#? shortcuts that for nonmarkers?
		getattr(pytest.mark, name),
			not hasattr(os, name),
			reason='no %r in sys' %(name,))

def test_foo():

however im a bit under the impression that instead of throwing in 
markers there, i'd would rather see something like the following

@pytest.mark.needs_posixop('dup', 'dup2')
def test_foo():

and having other marks be expanded from that

maybe with a new hook called pytest_makeitem_expandmark
(please find a better name)

def pytest_makeitem_expandmarks(item, mark):
	if mark.name == 'needs_posixops'
		for op in mark.args:
			item.applymarker(getattr(pytest.mark, op))

so please provide a few more real world use-cases that make us see the 
merit of this utility

once we understand more about how and where it will be useful,
a normal pull request on bitbucket can be used to
push patches that extend the builtin marks plugin with the new additions 
can be done

best wishes,
Ronny Pfannschmidt

On 11/26/2012 05:25 PM, Adam Goucher wrote:
> If I wanted to try and add https://github.com/adamgoucher/pytest-marks
> to the main pytest distribution. Is there a process for consideration,
> code style rules, etc.?
> The idea of this plugin is to allow script creators to not have to do
>       @pytest.mark.red
>       @pytest.mark.green
>       @pytest.mark.blue
>       @pytest.mark.black
>       @pytest.mark.orange
>       @pytest.mark.pink
>       def some_test_method(self):
>           # some check-y stuff
> but rather
>       @pytest.marks('red', 'green', 'blue', 'black', 'orange', 'pink')
>       def some_test_method(self):
>           # some check-y stuff
> -adam
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