[py-dev] Cached file tag

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Sat Jul 7 17:06:19 CEST 2012

2012/7/7 Floris Bruynooghe <flub at devork.be>:
> Hi all,
> While I was fixing issue #168 I was wondering if it does not make
> sense to make the PYTEST_TAG variable (in _pytest.assertion.rewrite)
> available on the public API?  Python itself has imp.get_tag(), so
> maybe pytest.get_tag() is a reasonable name?

I assume you wanted this because you were using the tag in your test.
test_rewrite.py is allowed to dig into the internals, so what you did
was completely acceptable. I don't see what it would be needed for
outside of that. It's very much an implementation detail.


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