[py-dev] Advanced assert equal

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Wed Sep 22 11:55:54 CEST 2010

hi Floris,

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 01:11 +0100, Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
> Hi Holger
> I've updated my repo with the following changes:
> * Don't use py.test.config, using Holger's suggestion of an attribute
> on AssertionError
> * Renamed pytest_assert_compare to pytest_assert_binrepr
> * Moved all tests to testing/plugin/test_pytest_assertion.py
> * Implemented the default hook to pretty much mirror unittest2's behaviour.
> * Added examples in doc/examples/assertion/failure_demo.py - I found
> this easier to work with then the actual tests
> I guess the main thing now is to fine-tune the default reporting for
> various cases.  I'm fairly tempted not to try and predict too much in
> this area and rather wait to tune these till they come up.

Yes, this makes sense. I am eager to merge, a few things: 

* could you merge current py-trunk? 
* could you run tests on python3? 
* could you maybe look into the two failures i attached
  as test_bugs.py? 

(feel free to hang out/ask on #pylib - i should be there a lot
this week and today).

> Related to this you said you'd like to see "x in y" and "x != y" for
> some types.  Could you be more specific as I can't think of what you'd
> like to do with "in" or "!=", I'm probably lacking creativity right
> now...

Let's see when i or someone else actually comes up with a concrete case :) 

> I'm happy to hear feedback anyone might have, I've probably still missed things.

Thanks already for your work, great additions. 


> Regards
> Floris
> -- 
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