[py-dev] Running the least run test

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon May 17 19:18:20 CEST 2010

Hi Simon, 

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 16:27 +0100, Simon Callan wrote:
> Having got good answers to my previous questions, I'm back for more help,
> with a few related questions.
> 1) Is it possible to programmatically stop py.test halfway through running a
> set of tests? I.e., for an external program to say "complete the current
> test and then stop".

That's not easily possible although distributed testing internally 
this feature.  Can you create an enhancement issue and maybe describe
your use case / intention of using it a bit more? This helps me a lot
to avoid coding features nobody needs. 
> 2) If I have a number of tests (let's say a1 to a5), and I aborted the test
> during the running of test a3, is it possible for the next invocation of
> py.test to remember where it got to, and start running again at test a4?

Rerunning the last failure(s) and continuing on would probably be nice. 
It's not possible currently, requires adding some persistence
between py.test invocations.  Could you also create an issue? 

If you or somebody else has anything to add or to suggest, shoot :) 


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