[py-dev] funcarg name clash / conftest load behaviour

Frank Hempel red_socks at gmx.de
Thu Jun 24 16:35:59 CEST 2010


I experienced the possibility of funcarg name clashes when defining the funcarg factories in conftest.py. Lets say there are two project directories side by side and each has it "own" conftest.py. If both conftest.py's define a funcarg factory for the the same funcarg-name only the factory of the last loaded conftest.py is the one used for both directories.
And this holds also when I start the py.test-command from within a project directory. If i'm in bad luck I get the funcargs from the project' conftest.py sitting next to me (and there is actually the chance of other side-effects from the configure/unconfigure methods of the others project conftest.py).

I encountered this problem when i integrated third party projects into mine via svn:externals.

Maybe i overlooked it, is there the possibility to change the behaviour of loading the conftest.py's?

Thanks you,
best regards,
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