[py-dev] renaming py and py.test, worth it?

Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at activestate.com
Tue Jul 13 17:16:52 CEST 2010

  I won't mind at this. But as a forewarning it may be a good idea to 
first provide DeprecationWarning in the next few releases before doing a 
rename. Something like:

     "DeprecationWarning: The `py.test` package is being deprecated; 
starting from release 1.5.0 it will be renamed to `xxtest`. Please visit 
http://xxtest.org/migration-from-py.test.html for details on migration"


On 7/13/2010 3:05 AM, holger krekel wrote:
> Hi all,
> every now and then i am thinking about a renaming strategy for
> the py lib.  Main reasons why i want to rename:
> * "py" is too generic a name
> * i want to separate py.test and py packages (py.path and other
>    non-py.test bits are used by quite some projects and it makes
>    no sense to enforce installation of py.test scripts)
> Here is the strategy:
> (1) rename py to XXlib  (XX being any two letters)
> (2) rename py.test to AAtest (AA being any two letters)
> (3) provide a script that helps to replace occurences of "import py" etc.
> (4) maintain and release XXlib and AAtest separately
> (5) provide a compatibility "py" package that depends on XXlib and AAtest
> The (4) is actually slightly tricky because with the rename to AAtest
> the "pytest_*" hooks should be renamed as well.  I can imagine to
> discover both "pytest_" and "AAtest_" hooks for the first releases
> after the split.
> Although i'd aim to minimize the pain this split would certainly cause some.
> What do you think?
> Worth it?
> best,
> holger
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