[py-dev] Advanced monkeypatching?

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Sun Dec 19 15:38:01 CET 2010


On 18 December 2010 14:51, Virgil Dupras <hsoft at hardcoded.net> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Monkeypatching is great and all, but some type of patching is a little bit more complex to do, such as patching the system time and patching os.stat for specific filenames. I have my own "homebrewed" solution for this, but I was wondering if such solution had their place in the monkeypatch module of pytest itself. Does it? Or should a "pytest-monkeypatch++" package be created?
> The "homebrewed" code I'm talking about is at https://bitbucket.org/hsoft/hsutil/src/43014954c6a8/hsutil/testutil.py#cl-83 ( patch_osstat() and patch_today() ).

Looking at the patch_osstat() it seems to me that it just fakes
os.stat() for one specific path but uses the original in place
otherwise.  This sounds like it could be just a specialised object
used to patch with.  I can imagine the monkeypatch plugin to provide a
funcarg which provides this functionality, e.g.:

def test_foo(monkeypatch, monkey_osstat):

Though probably with better names ;-).

I'm not sure I understand the use case for patch_today() so won't
comment on that part.


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