[py-dev] pending py.test-1.1.0b1 / advanced skipping

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Thu Oct 22 21:15:31 CEST 2009

Hi all,

Next week I'd like to package a 1.1b1 release working well
with CPython 2.4-3.1, pypy and Jython.

My intention is for it to be major cleanup release,
backward compatible but deprecating old stuff.

It will also introduce a few new features and refinements,
among them generalized skipping:


If you have any feedback or comments on this, i am happy
to hear them.  Bitbuckets py-trunk repo has the working code - 
and i am also hanging around on #pylib on freenode usually.


Metaprogramming, Python, Testing: http://tetamap.wordpress.com
Python, PyPy, pytest contracting: http://merlinux.eu 

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