[py-dev] 1.0.0b5 with some fixes uploaded

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Wed Jun 24 18:22:54 CEST 2009

Hi again, 

FYI i addressed a few issues from the tracker and uploaded a
new 1.0.0b5 release:

* remove scope-argument from request.addfinalizer() because
  request.cached_setup has the scope arg. TOOWTDI.

* perform setup finalization before reporting failures

* apply modified patches from Andreas Kloeckner to allow
  test functions to have no func_code (#22) and to make
  "-k" and function keywords work  (#20)

* apply isatty patch from Daniel Peolzleithner (issue #23)

* resolve issue #18, multiprocessing.Manager() and
  redirection clash


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 13:21 +0200, holger krekel wrote:
> Hello all,
> i just uploaded a 1.0.0b3 release up to PyPI.   This is still
> The reason being that installing command line scripts on
> But there is no deep dependency - i.e. you can easily tweak
> the setup.py file to run without setuptools.
> What's new with 1.0.0b3, compared to 1.0.0b1?
> * much improved py.test documentation (http://pytest.org)
> * Plugins now define hooks directly instead of in a class 
> * there is a new pytest_generate_tests test parametrization
>   hook, see my blog
> Hope things work for everyone - please let me know of any
> problems.  Next week i'd like to do a 1.0 final.
> thanks & best,
> holger
> -- 
> Metaprogramming, Python, Testing: http://tetamap.wordpress.com
> Python, PyPy, pytest contracting: http://merlinux.eu 

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