[py-dev] revised proposal for py.test/tool install

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Tue Dec 22 19:46:42 CET 2009

Hi all,

thanks for all your feedback!  Here is a revised proposal:

- for CPython interpreters:
  - always install py.test (so the last install wins)
  - additionally install py.test with a version suffix (sys.version_info[:2])
    meaning: py.test2.4 py.test2.5 py.test3.1 etc.
    (if enough people prefer a dash before the version info, i'll do a dash :) 
  - install the other little py.cleanup/py.lookup/py.svnwcrevert etc.
    development tools without version suffix
- for PyPy and Jython:
  - install py.test-pypy, py.test-jython
    i.e.: no py.test proper and no version numbers (yet)
  - don't install the other development tools at all because it's unlikely
    users will want them to override the cpython mediated ones, particularly
    Jython which has a high startup overhead.

Additionally i can imagine honoring an environment variable


which would inhibit the creation of py.test$SUFFIX binaries.
This is useful for people working with virtual environments
or PEP370 which already manages per-interpreter versions.

Sounds fine? 
also on windows?


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