[py-dev] [TIP] towards 1.0 / code URLS using py.test?

Grig Gheorghiu grig at gheorghiu.net
Sat Jan 26 17:30:51 CET 2008

--- holger krekel <holger at merlinux.de> wrote:

> Hey everybody, 
> Feel free to also mail me your favourite annoyance or feature
> wish along ... or point to ones from other tools.  This all
> increases chances that 1.0 will work to your expectations :) 
> I could use contributions or help (or sometimes just hints) in 
> the following particular areas: 
> - integrating py.test with Twisted 
> - packaging for debian, setuptools
> - unix/windows cross-platform communication and process
>   deployment 

Hi, Holger!

My main request for py.test would be #2 in your list above. I'd like to
be able to say 'easy_install py.test' and be done. From what I see in
the Python community, the more a tool can be easily deployed and
upgraded, and the more it integrates with other standard tools (such as
setuptools) -- the better its chances of being used on a large scale.


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