[py-dev] py.test and editors (Re: [issue57] Emacs and py.test tracebacks)

Ralf Schmitt schmir at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 19:51:49 CEST 2008

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:40 PM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> hum, it's a feature that has been of use to some people.
> let me ask: has it ever hit you badly?

not yet :)

>> Can't you just use the inplace installation? (i.e. eval py/env.py)?
>> py/bin/py.test is still there..
> i guess i could and probably also the others.  I'll think about it.

searching for the py lib and calling exec with another py.test (if py
lib is found) sounds like a clean solution (on unix platforms)....

> If others like to chime in here, please do so.
> I can also imagine to just use a normal distutils setup.py
> for 0.9.2 based on what you did.  I recently i even had someone
> not wanting to use setuptools based installs (for a different
> project).  Btw, I actually assumed that python 2.5 came with setuptools
> but that is not the case, has just been discussed at some point, right?

it's automatically installed.

- Ralf

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