[py-dev] Speed of py.test compared to unittest

Eduardo "EdCrypt" O. Padoan eopadoan at altavix.com
Wed Nov 15 13:06:29 CET 2006

> I ran a test of a simple application that converts roman numeral to
> integer and vice versa (taken from Mike Pilgrim's
> http://diveintopython.org/ ).
> In a test that checks all 4999 possible numbers, unittest performs in
> about 125 mSeconds, while py.test takes about 3.8 seconds.  That's 30
> times slower.
> The unittest and py.test driven scripts perform the same tests.
I've tried to convert the Pilgrim's unittest examples to Py.test too,
and I think the performance using simple asserts inside loops was
acceptable. But using generative tests, I was tremendouly slow.

I you people think attachment is a bad idea, I can think of another
way to share the code I'm talking about.

EduardoOPadoan (eopadoan->altavix::com)
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MSN: eopadoan at altavix dot com
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