[py-dev] py.test

Bryan Weingarten Bryan.Weingarten at watchguard.com
Fri Apr 28 18:35:04 CEST 2006

thanks jan,

Exactly what I wanted.  Using py.test has been really great so far.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Balster [mailto:jan at balster.info] 
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:10 AM
To: Bryan Weingarten
Cc: py-dev at codespeak.net
Subject: Re: [py-dev] py.test

Hi Bryan,

please try http://python.org/pypi/py/0.8.0-alpha2 for now.
A more official release is on the way, but you know, releases and dates


Bryan Weingarten wrote:
> i talked to jan at pycon about putting snapshots of the py.test on the
> website in zip format and he seemed ok with it.   the problem is that
> our firewall blocks subversion calls and i can't check out the code.
> subversion uses so many non-standard commands such as PROPFIND, etc.  
> i had the sysadmin add the commands, but subversion wanted more holes 
> poked in our firewall and we had already spend too much time with it 
> and the security risk was too high to make so many changes to the 
> firewall at once.  so it would be very helpful if you could put weekly

> or monthly or maybe even just milestone dated snapshots on the site.
> thanks,
> bryan
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