[py-dev] Latest py.test results on WinXP

David Stanek dstanek at dstanek.com
Mon Jun 13 20:29:38 CEST 2005

> On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 06:58 -0700, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
>> I just did an svn update and ran py.test in the top-level py directory
>> on a WinXP box. Here's the output:
> you don't happen to have switched to the branch in-between?
> I see py/compat path parts which should only be present
> in David's dist-doctest branch ...

I actually added them to the trunk. I read up on issue 8 and saw that it
is listed for release 0.8.0. With the __init__.py in place it doesn't look
like the inclusion of the py/compat directory causes any issues. I can
roll it out if need be. Sorry about not including __init__.py, I am not
sure where my head was.


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