[py-dev] py.path.dict and py.path.proxy patch

Matthew Scott mscott at goldenspud.com
Sat Jan 29 06:04:43 CET 2005

Round 2!

The attached patch provides the new classes py.path.dict and 
py.path.proxy, as well as py.__impl__.path.virtual.virtual.Path which is 
the basis for them.

This is an attempt at taking into account some of the suggestions that 
holger made regarding generalization of the py.path.embed patch I posted 
in the last couple of days.  This patch supersedes the embed1.patch and 
embed1-1.patch files, so don't use those anymore.

What py.path.proxy allows you to do is to take an arbitrary path and 
create a proxy filesystem into a limited area of that path's filesystem. 
  Maybe a better word would be sandbox, but I found proxy to be easier 
to type.  Naming suggestions are welcome.  This code is set in fresh 
mud, not in stone.  :)

I haven't yet tried py.path.proxy using anything but py.path.local root 

Here's an example of using py.path.proxy to wrap a directory specified 
by py.path.local, and of using py.path.dict to create a dictionary-based 
virtual file system that contains a copy of that directory:

I started IPython in a directory underneath my home directory that 
contains pictures of a model of laptop that I owned years ago, the 
Toshiba T1200XE.  I created a 'here' variable to contain that path.

 >>> import py
 >>> here = py.path.local()
 >>> here
--- local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www/crap/t1200xe')

Listing the directory, you can see that it has three files inside it:

 >>> here.listdir()

Now for the fun part.  I created a 'prox' variable which is a 
py.path.proxy whose root is the 'here' path.

 >>> prox = py.path.proxy(root=here)
 >>> prox
--- proxypath('/', local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www/crap/t1200xe'))

If you list its directory, it obviously contains the same files:

 >>> prox.listdir()
[proxypath('/1.jpg', local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www/crap/t1200xe')),
  proxypath('/2.jpg', local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www/crap/t1200xe')),
  proxypath('/3.jpg', local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www/crap/t1200xe'))]

If you traverse to parent directories with 'here', it goes up and up and up.

 >>> here.join('..', '..')
--- local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www')

However, if you attempt the same thing using 'prox', you run into the 
boundary that was defined when prox's virtual filesystem was created.

 >>> prox.join('..', '..')
--- proxypath('/', local('/home/gldnspud/personal/www/crap/t1200xe'))

Now I'll create a 'virt' variable which will contain a py.path.dict 
starting from an empty dictionary.

 >>> virt = py.path.dict()
 >>> virt
--- dictpath('/', <dict at 4064ed74>)
 >>> virt.listdir()
--- []

I'll populate it with the contents of 'prox'.

 >>> prox.copy(target=virt)
 >>> virt.listdir()
[dictpath('/2.jpg', <dict at 4064ed74>),
  dictpath('/3.jpg', <dict at 4064ed74>),
  dictpath('/1.jpg', <dict at 4064ed74>)]

What's fun (but maybe pointless other than to show that when it isn't 
pointless to do so, it can be done) is creating a proxy for a dict path, 
and then a proxy for that proxy.

 >>> virt.join('a', 'b', 'c').ensure(dir=True)
--- dictpath('/a/b/c', <dict at 4064ed74>)
 >>> virt.listdir()
[dictpath('/2.jpg', <dict at 4064ed74>),
  dictpath('/a', <dict at 4064ed74>),
  dictpath('/3.jpg', <dict at 4064ed74>),
  dictpath('/1.jpg', <dict at 4064ed74>)]
 >>> prox2 = py.path.proxy(root=virt.join('a'))
 >>> prox2.listdir()
--- [proxypath('/b', dictpath('/a', <dict at 4064ed74>))]
 >>> prox3 = py.path.proxy(root=prox2.join('b'))
 >>> prox3.listdir()
--- [proxypath('/c', proxypath('/b', dictpath('/a', <dict at 4064ed74>)))]

Removing the "c" directory in prox3 of course will result in a/b/c being 
removed from virt.

 >>> prox3.join('c').remove()
 >>> virt.join('a', 'b').listdir()
--- []

Let's delete the jpg files from virt and create a small text file, and 
see what the underlying dictionary representation of virt is.  (Hint: a 
'c' key stands for contents.  A directory's contents is a dictionary, 
and a file's contents is a string).

 >>> for path in virt.listdir(fil='*.jpg'): path.remove()
 >>> virt.listdir()
--- [dictpath('/a', <dict at 4064ed74>)]
 >>> virt.join('test.txt').ensure().write('hello world')
 >>> virt.join('test.txt').read()
--- 'hello world'
 >>> virt.fs.dict
--- {'c': {'a': {'c': {'b': {'c': {}}}}, 'test.txt': {'c': 'hello world'}}}

Fun stuff!

- Matthew
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