[py-dev] py.path.embed patch

Matthew Scott mscott at goldenspud.com
Sat Jan 29 01:07:35 CET 2005

holger krekel wrote:
> thanks for the patch, first of all.  i couldn't yet look more
> carefully into your patch but i am wondering why you didn't
> just provide the virtual path based on dictionaries so that
> you can use py.path.local and py.path.dict (or some such)
> quite interchangeably? 

Well, I had originally considered that, but I realized that what I 
mainly wanted was a way to have a self-contained "sandbox" of files. 
That sandbox could either be based on a local path, or embedded into a 
Python module (or even a pickle, or whatever) as a dictionary.

Then, the code using those sandboxes would initialize them based on what 
was available (either a local path or a dictionary) and after that, not 
care whether the files were on disk or in a dictionary.

The use of a "context" also allows virtual chdir() operations to occur. 
  That means you can do the following:

 >>> import py
 >>> ctx = py.path.embed.virtualContext()
 >>> path = py.path.embed(context=ctx)
 >>> print repr(path)
embed('/', virtual(406cddfc))
 >>> subdir = path.join('foo').ensure(dir=True)
 >>> subdir.chdir()
 >>> path2 = py.path.embed(context=ctx)
 >>> print repr(path2)
embed('/foo', virtual(406cddfc))

> On a side note i believe that py.path.extpy uses some "embed" similar 
> ideas to represent files/hierarchies from within python modules 
> offering a filesystem-path like interface. Generally i think
> the virtualization idea is worthwhile to integrate but i am not 
> sure yet how it bests fits in and it's obviously good to 
> avoid code duplication. 


Perhaps the "local context" in my code could be refactored into some 
sort of "sandbox" path class that can use *any* path object as its 
"context" or "virtual root".

That would satisfy my desire to take a py.path.local object pointing to 
a directory, then use that as the root of a sandbox of files that I want 
to manage.

I may look at py.path.extpy and see how it works.  I think it might make 
sense in this case to use a simpler dictionary-based virtual filesystem. 
  But then we have the conundrum that I solved with the concept of 
contexts in py.path.embed - what is the "root" of that virtual 
filesystem?  Some sort of top-level object would still be needed to 
allow navigation through parents of virtual paths.

Well those are my ramblings for now.  :)  I may charge forward with 
using py.path.embed but I think its actual use will be simple enough 
that if we decide to use some other techniques to accomplish the same 
thing, it won't be a problem at all to refactor.

And speaking of paths, contexts, and virtual filesystems...  Schevo has 
some support for ZIP files for loading icons.   py.path.zip??  :)

- Matthew

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