[py-dev] Re: [py-svn] r8187 - py/dist/py

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Mon Jan 17 11:16:30 CET 2005

Hi Holger,

On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 09:41:41PM +0100, holger krekel wrote:
> hacks for importing the py lib itself was involved.  Should we, 
> after all, try to substitute these hacks with a clean custom 
> import hook as well?   

I don't know.  So far I believe that we have found a reasonable compromize,
though I'm not sure how painful it will become in the future.  I think that
the py lib (and most "reasonable" packages) can already be imported both with
Python's __import__ and with the py lib's system, so it's fine to use one or
the other depending on the situation.  Plus, bootstrapping is always messy...


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