[py-dev] Re: reponsiveness of tkinter frontend

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sun Apr 10 23:44:18 CEST 2005

Hi Jan, 

On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 22:48 +0200, Jan Balster wrote:
> holger krekel wrote:
> I just saw the new --tkinter option. HipHipHurray!

:-) i am still refactoring the exact details a bit ... 

> Can I use  --session=guisession on the remote side?

not quite.  --session is just a user-level option. 
How we internally organize our sessions is another 
issue.  I intend to now get --looponfailing and --exec 
back to run and take care that i have a clean approach
"splitting" sessions into a local and remote side. 
This should be a good guide to the tkinter handling 
(which i guess could be simplified a lot, but 
may require small extensions to py.execnet). 

> What about options for a sessionclass?

if you look into cmdline.py you'll find at the beginning: 

    def main():
        config, args = py.test.Config.parse(py.std.sys.argv[1:])

this config object is an instance of py/test/config.py's Config class
and has an "option" attribute, holding all options (including 
any custom ones by applications in which context we run). 
When session.main() is invoked, it also has such a 'config' 
attribute.  I want all collectors and items to grow it too. 

This evening's refactorings got actually triggered by wanting to
fully implement the already existing --traceconfig option
which requires the collectors to have access to configs.
Having tried this earlier today brought me the N'th time to the
config mess, which i hope is now in an acceptable state. 

> >>>>I can write quickly a simple frontend with a list for failed and skipped
> >>>>tests if you need a more responsive gui.
> > 
> > That would be useful.  If possible, i'd put this into a separate tab. 
> > Keeping a full tree view of all tests (with failing/passing/skipped
> > just by color) seems worthwhile.  But the "failing test list" with
> > the checkboxes should be the default. 
> I'm working on this.

great. i am still trying to finalize session-handling details 
but will not touch tkinter much this night. 

Btw, i am on #pylib (a freshly opened irc.freenode.net IRC channel :-) 
in case you want to talk more interactively ... 


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