[py-dev] Re: reponsiveness of tkinter frontend

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sun Apr 10 21:15:04 CEST 2005

Hi Jan, 

On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 13:56 +0200, Jan Balster wrote:
> holger krekel wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 12:28 +0200, Jan Balster wrote:
> >>The tree is updated for every call to guidriver.start and guidriver.end.
> >>If you can see many tree items, it's very slow. That's a problem with
> >>the tktree package I use.
> > 
> > It's not possible for to just update part of the tree? 
> > 
> The tree widget can't change a simple node into a expandable node (node
> with child nodes).
> The tree uses a callback to build nodes on demand. If a collector
> starts, the coressponding node has no childnodes. If the next test
> starts, the node has to be changed into a expandable node. To do this
> the parent node will be collapsed and expanded again. The callback will
> build the 'collector'node as an expandable node, because it has childtests.

I think i understand.  It's unfortunate, then, that the Tktree 
widget can't efficiently handle growing trees. 
> >>I can write quickly a simple frontend with a list for failed and skipped
> >>tests if you need a more responsive gui.

That would be useful.  If possible, i'd put this into a separate tab. 
Keeping a full tree view of all tests (with failing/passing/skipped
just by color) seems worthwhile.  But the "failing test list" with
the checkboxes should be the default. 

Note that the search-query-interface, i mentioned, is not there yet. 



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