[py-dev] unitest.main() equivalent

Huy huymail at swiftdsl.com.au
Fri Apr 8 18:42:59 CEST 2005

holger krekel wrote:
> Hi Huy, 
> On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 09:00 +1000, Huy wrote:
>>I was wondering if there is a unittest.main() equivalent in py.test
> not really. 

>>I'm basically trying to run my test directly in eclipse using pydev.
> 'pydev' means py.test, i guess?  Is it so that one runs 
pydev is the eclipse plugin for python development. It would be cool if 
py.test was some how integrated with this. pydev parses exception 
messages and auto links them to the source.

> tests with eclipse by running the file directly?  
> Isn't there a way to customize eclipse by specifying that 
> "python path/to/py.test FILE_OR_DIRECTORY" 
> should be run for testing?

Tried this but I want to run it through the pydev facilities, which work 
  by running the test file itself. I can't get it to run pytest.bat (I'm 
on windows) conveniently with my test files/directory and still get the 
nice source linking.

Thanks for your answers,


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