[py-dev] Error with py.test and scipy ...

Jan Balster jan at balster.info
Thu Apr 7 21:50:18 CEST 2005

Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> oops ... I may say I'm using the latest version of py.test (checked out
> today), scipy 0.3.2 and python 2.3.5 on a linux debian plateform.
> Thanks !
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I just tried to use py.test. However, I experience segmentation fault
>> when importing scipy module. Did anyone have the same problem before ?

Yes. I used a fresh compiled Scipy 0.3.2 and Python 2.4 with latest
py.test on SuSE 9.2 linux.


class TestClass:

    def test_scipy(self):
        import scipy
        assert 1==1

scipy_________test_pytest.py[1] segmentation fault

It seems to be a problem in scipy_base.
Here is what i did:

in scipy_base/__init__.py comment out:
	from index_tricks import *
	from function_base import *
	from polynomial import *
	from scimath import *

in common.py remove amin, amax, extract, insert, poly1d, r_ from the
"from scipy_base import" statement

in pilutil.py remove amin, amax, mgrid from the "from scipy_base import"

Now the little testcase runs without a segfault.
Hope this works for you.


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