[py-dev] rootdir and --session

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Dec 9 08:37:46 CET 2004

When I run py.test --session I get an error (and perhaps because that's 
the only option that requires configuration?):

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/ianb/py/dist/py/bin/py.test", line 5, in ?
   File "/home/ianb/py/dist/py/test/cmdline.py", line 29, in main
     run.session(args, filenames)
   File "/home/ianb/py/dist/py/test/run.py", line 174, in session
     rootdir = py.path.local(py.test.config.getfirst('rootdir'))
   File "/home/ianb/py/dist/py/test/config.py", line 50, in getfirst
     raise AttributeError, param
AttributeError: rootdir

The only place it seems to be looking for configuration is 
py/test/defaultconfig.py, and it's not clear how I add other files.  And 
should rootdir be a command-line option (default '.')?

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  / http://blog.ianbicking.org

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