[Pytest-commit] commit/tox: 2 new changesets

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue May 12 15:27:05 CEST 2015

2 new commits in tox:

Changeset:   554373915117
User:        hpk42
Date:        2015-05-12 12:01:28+00:00
Summary:     - store and show information about what is installed in each venv
- rename internal methods to accomodate the fact that we are not only
  installing sdist's
Affected #:  13 files

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a CHANGELOG
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 - (new) introduce environment variable isolation:
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
    2.0).  If ``False`` (the default), then a non-zero exit code from one command
    will abort execution of commands for that environment.
+- show and store in json the version dependency information for each venv
 - remove the long-deprecated "distribute" option as it has no effect these days.
 - fix issue233: avoid hanging with tox-setuptools integration example. Thanks simonb.
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
   for testenv sections.  Can be used from plugins through the 
   tox_add_option hook.

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a doc/Makefile
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
 	-rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
 install: clean html 
-	@rsync -avz $(BUILDDIR)/html/ testrun.org:/www/testrun.org/tox/dev
+	@rsync -avz $(BUILDDIR)/html/ testrun.org:/www/testrun.org/tox/latest
+	#dev
 	#@scp $(BUILDDIR)/latex/*.pdf testrun.org:www-tox/latest

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a doc/announce/release-2.0.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/announce/release-2.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+tox-2.0: plugins, platform, env isolation
+tox-2.0 was released to pypi, a major new release with *mostly*
+backward-compatible enhancements and fixes:
+- experimental support for plugins, see https://testrun.org/tox/dev/plugins.html
+  which includes also a refined internal registration mechanism for new testenv
+  ini options.  You can now ask tox which testenv ini parameters exist
+  with ``tox --help-ini``.
+- ENV isolation: only pass through very few environment variables from the
+  tox invocation to the test environments.  This may break test runs that
+  previously worked with tox-1.9 -- you need to either use the
+  ``setenv`` or ``passenv`` ini variables to set appropriate environment
+  variables.
+- PLATFORM support: you can set ``platform=REGEX`` in your testenv sections
+  which lets tox skip the environment if the REGEX does not match ``sys.platform``.
+- tox now stops execution of test commands if the first of them fails unless
+  you set ``ignore_errors=True``.
+Thanks to Volodymyr Vitvitski, Daniel Hahler, Marc Abramowitz, Anthon van
+der Neuth and others for contributions.
+More documentation about tox in general:
+    http://tox.testrun.org/
+    pip install -U tox
+code hosting and issue tracking on bitbucket:
+    https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/tox
+What is tox?
+tox standardizes and automates tedious test activities driven from a
+simple ``tox.ini`` file, including:
+* creation and management of different virtualenv environments
+  with different Python interpreters
+* packaging and installing your package into each of them
+* running your test tool of choice, be it nose, py.test or unittest2 or other tools such as "sphinx" doc checks
+* testing dev packages against each other without needing to upload to PyPI
+Holger Krekel, merlinux GmbH

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a doc/conf.py
--- a/doc/conf.py
+++ b/doc/conf.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 # General information about the project.
 project = u'tox'
-copyright = u'2013, holger krekel and others'
+copyright = u'2015, holger krekel and others'
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a setup.py
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
         description='virtualenv-based automation of test activities',
-        version='2.0.0.dev2',
+        version='2.0.0.dev4',
         platforms=['unix', 'linux', 'osx', 'cygwin', 'win32'],
         author='holger krekel',

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tests/test_config.py
--- a/tests/test_config.py
+++ b/tests/test_config.py
@@ -827,13 +827,13 @@
     def test_substitution_error(tmpdir, newconfig):
         py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, newconfig, """
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
     def test_substitution_defaults(tmpdir, newconfig):
         config = newconfig("""
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             commands =
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@
-        conf = config.envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = config.envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0][0] == config.toxinidir
         assert argv[1][0] == config.toxworkdir
@@ -859,18 +859,18 @@
     def test_substitution_positional(self, newconfig):
         inisource = """
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             commands =
                 cmd1 [hello] \
                 cmd1 {posargs:hello} \
-        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "[hello]", "world"]
         assert argv[1] == ["cmd1", "hello", "world"]
-        conf = newconfig(['brave', 'new'], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig(['brave', 'new'], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "[hello]", "world"]
         assert argv[1] == ["cmd1", "brave", "new", "world"]
@@ -886,58 +886,58 @@
     def test_posargs_backslashed_or_quoted(self, tmpdir, newconfig):
         inisource = """
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             commands =
                 echo "\{posargs\}" = {posargs}
                 echo "posargs = " "{posargs}"
-        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ['echo', '\\{posargs\\}', '=']
         assert argv[1] == ['echo', 'posargs = ', ""]
-        conf = newconfig(['dog', 'cat'], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig(['dog', 'cat'], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ['echo', '\\{posargs\\}', '=', 'dog', 'cat']
         assert argv[1] == ['echo', 'posargs = ', 'dog cat']
     def test_rewrite_posargs(self, tmpdir, newconfig):
         inisource = """
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             args_are_paths = True
             changedir = tests
             commands = cmd1 {posargs:hello}
-        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "hello"]
-        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "tests/hello"]
         tmpdir.ensure("tests", "hello")
-        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "hello"]
     def test_rewrite_simple_posargs(self, tmpdir, newconfig):
         inisource = """
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             args_are_paths = True
             changedir = tests
             commands = cmd1 {posargs}
-        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1"]
-        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "tests/hello"]
         tmpdir.ensure("tests", "hello")
-        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "hello"]
@@ -947,12 +947,12 @@
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
-        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py27']
         packages = [dep.name for dep in conf.deps]
         assert packages == ['pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'fun']
@@ -1165,11 +1165,11 @@
                                           monkeypatch, newconfig):
         monkeypatch.setenv("HUDSON_URL", "xyz")
         config = newconfig("""
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             commands =
-        conf = config.envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = config.envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         expect_path = config.toxworkdir.join("distshare")
         assert argv[0][0] == expect_path
@@ -1180,11 +1180,11 @@
         config = newconfig("""
             distshare = {env:WORKSPACE}/hello
-            [testenv:py24]
+            [testenv:py27]
             commands =
-        conf = config.envconfigs['py24']
+        conf = config.envconfigs['py27']
         argv = conf.commands
         assert argv[0][0] == config.distshare
         assert config.distshare == tmpdir.join("hello")
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
         assert str(env.basepython) == sys.executable
     def test_default_environments(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch):
-        envs = "py26,py27,py31,py32,py33,py34,jython,pypy,pypy3"
+        envs = "py26,py27,py32,py33,py34,py35,py36,jython,pypy,pypy3"
         inisource = """
             envlist = %s
@@ -1291,21 +1291,21 @@
         assert not config.option.skip_missing_interpreters
     def test_defaultenv_commandline(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch):
-        config = newconfig(["-epy24"], "")
-        env = config.envconfigs['py24']
-        assert env.basepython == "python2.4"
+        config = newconfig(["-epy27"], "")
+        env = config.envconfigs['py27']
+        assert env.basepython == "python2.7"
         assert not env.commands
     def test_defaultenv_partial_override(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch):
         inisource = """
-            envlist = py24
-            [testenv:py24]
+            envlist = py27
+            [testenv:py27]
             commands= xyz
         config = newconfig([], inisource)
-        env = config.envconfigs['py24']
-        assert env.basepython == "python2.4"
+        env = config.envconfigs['py27']
+        assert env.basepython == "python2.7"
         assert env.commands == [['xyz']]

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tests/test_z_cmdline.py
--- a/tests/test_z_cmdline.py
+++ b/tests/test_z_cmdline.py
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@
         config = parseconfig([])
         session = Session(config)
-        sdist = session.sdist()
+        sdist = session.get_installpkg_path()
         assert sdist.check()
         assert sdist.ext == ".zip"
         assert sdist == config.distdir.join(sdist.basename)
-        sdist2 = session.sdist()
+        sdist2 = session.get_installpkg_path()
         assert sdist2 == sdist
         assert sdist.stat().size < 10
-        sdist_new = Session(config).sdist()
+        sdist_new = Session(config).get_installpkg_path()
         assert sdist_new == sdist
         assert sdist_new.stat().size > 10
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
         config = parseconfig([])
         session = Session(config)
-        sdist = session.sdist()
+        sdist = session.get_installpkg_path()
         assert sdist.check()
         assert sdist.ext == ".zip"
         assert sdist == config.distdir.join(sdist.basename)
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
     p = distshare.ensure("pkg123-1.4.5.zip")
     session = Session(config)
-    sdist_path = session.sdist()
+    sdist_path = session.get_installpkg_path()
     assert sdist_path == p
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
     p = tmpdir.ensure("pkg123-1.0.zip")
     config = newconfig(["--installpkg=%s" % p], "")
     session = Session(config)
-    sdist_path = session.sdist()
+    sdist_path = session.get_installpkg_path()
     assert sdist_path == p
@@ -722,7 +722,9 @@
                 for command in envdata[commandtype]:
                     assert command["output"]
                     assert command["retcode"]
-            pyinfo = envdata["python"]
-            assert isinstance(pyinfo["version_info"], list)
-            assert pyinfo["version"]
-            assert pyinfo["executable"]
+            if envname != "GLOB":
+                assert isinstance(envdata["installed_packages"], list)
+                pyinfo = envdata["python"]
+                assert isinstance(pyinfo["version_info"], list)
+                assert pyinfo["version"]
+                assert pyinfo["executable"]

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tox.ini
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 commands=echo {posargs}
-commands= py.test --timeout=60 {posargs}
+commands= py.test --timeout=180 {posargs}

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tox/__init__.py
--- a/tox/__init__.py
+++ b/tox/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-__version__ = '2.0.0.dev2'
+__version__ = '2.0.0.dev4'
 from .hookspecs import hookspec, hookimpl  # noqa

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tox/_cmdline.py
--- a/tox/_cmdline.py
+++ b/tox/_cmdline.py
@@ -67,10 +67,12 @@
             self.venvname = self.venv.name
             self.venvname = "GLOB"
-        cat = {"runtests": "test", "getenv": "setup"}.get(msg)
-        if cat:
-            envlog = session.resultlog.get_envlog(self.venvname)
-            self.commandlog = envlog.get_commandlog(cat)
+        if msg == "runtests":
+            cat = "test"
+        else:
+            cat = "setup"
+        envlog = session.resultlog.get_envlog(self.venvname)
+        self.commandlog = envlog.get_commandlog(cat)
     def __enter__(self):
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@
         resultjson = self.session.config.option.resultjson
         if resultjson or redirect:
             fout = self._initlogpath(self.id)
-            fout.write("actionid=%s\nmsg=%s\ncmdargs=%r\nenv=%s\n" % (
+            fout.write("actionid: %s\nmsg: %s\ncmdargs: %r\nenv: %s\n\n" % (
                 self.id, self.msg, args, env))
             self.popen_outpath = outpath = py.path.local(fout.name)
@@ -442,47 +444,47 @@
                 venv.status = sys.exc_info()[1]
                 return False
-    def installpkg(self, venv, sdist_path):
-        """Install source package in the specified virtual environment.
+    def installpkg(self, venv, path):
+        """Install package in the specified virtual environment.
         :param :class:`tox._config.VenvConfig`: Destination environment
-        :param str sdist_path: Path to the source distribution.
+        :param str path: Path to the distribution package.
         :return: True if package installed otherwise False.
         :rtype: bool
-        self.resultlog.set_header(installpkg=py.path.local(sdist_path))
-        action = self.newaction(venv, "installpkg", sdist_path)
+        self.resultlog.set_header(installpkg=py.path.local(path))
+        action = self.newaction(venv, "installpkg", path)
         with action:
-                venv.installpkg(sdist_path, action)
+                venv.installpkg(path, action)
                 return True
             except tox.exception.InvocationError:
                 venv.status = sys.exc_info()[1]
                 return False
-    def sdist(self):
+    def get_installpkg_path(self):
-        :return: Path to the source distribution
+        :return: Path to the distribution
         :rtype: py.path.local
         if not self.config.option.sdistonly and (self.config.sdistsrc or
-            sdist_path = self.config.option.installpkg
-            if not sdist_path:
-                sdist_path = self.config.sdistsrc
-            sdist_path = self._resolve_pkg(sdist_path)
+            path = self.config.option.installpkg
+            if not path:
+                path = self.config.sdistsrc
+            path = self._resolve_pkg(path)
             self.report.info("using package %r, skipping 'sdist' activity " %
-                             str(sdist_path))
+                             str(path))
-                sdist_path = self._makesdist()
+                path = self._makesdist()
             except tox.exception.InvocationError:
                 v = sys.exc_info()[1]
                 self.report.error("FAIL could not package project - v = %r" %
-            sdistfile = self.config.distshare.join(sdist_path.basename)
-            if sdistfile != sdist_path:
+            sdistfile = self.config.distshare.join(path.basename)
+            if sdistfile != path:
                 self.report.info("copying new sdistfile to %r" %
@@ -491,16 +493,16 @@
                     self.report.warning("could not copy distfile to %s" %
-                    sdist_path.copy(sdistfile)
-        return sdist_path
+                    path.copy(sdistfile)
+        return path
     def subcommand_test(self):
         if self.config.skipsdist:
             self.report.info("skipping sdist step")
-            sdist_path = None
+            path = None
-            sdist_path = self.sdist()
-            if not sdist_path:
+            path = self.get_installpkg_path()
+            if not path:
                 return 2
         if self.config.option.sdistonly:
@@ -514,7 +516,22 @@
                 elif self.config.skipsdist or venv.envconfig.skip_install:
-                    self.installpkg(venv, sdist_path)
+                    self.installpkg(venv, path)
+                # write out version dependency information
+                action = self.newaction(venv, "envreport")
+                with action:
+                    pip = venv.getcommandpath("pip")
+                    # we can't really call internal helpers here easily :/
+                    # output = venv._pcall([str(pip), "freeze"],
+                    #                      cwd=self.config.toxinidir,
+                    #                      action=action)
+                    output = py.process.cmdexec("%s freeze" % (pip))
+                    packages = output.strip().split("\n")
+                    action.setactivity("installed", ",".join(packages))
+                    envlog = self.resultlog.get_envlog(venv.name)
+                    envlog.set_installed(packages)
         retcode = self._summary()
         return retcode
@@ -589,6 +606,8 @@
             self.report.line("  envdir=    %s" % envconfig.envdir)
             self.report.line("  downloadcache=%s" % envconfig.downloadcache)
             self.report.line("  usedevelop=%s" % envconfig.usedevelop)
+            self.report.line("  setenv=%s" % envconfig.setenv)
+            self.report.line("  passenv=%s" % envconfig.passenv)
     def showenvs(self):
         for env in self.config.envlist:

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tox/_config.py
--- a/tox/_config.py
+++ b/tox/_config.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 default_factors = {'jython': 'jython', 'pypy': 'pypy', 'pypy3': 'pypy3',
                    'py': sys.executable}
-for version in '24,25,26,27,30,31,32,33,34,35'.split(','):
+for version in '26,27,32,33,34,35,36'.split(','):
     default_factors['py' + version] = 'python%s.%s' % tuple(version)
 hookimpl = pluggy.HookimplMarker("tox")
@@ -361,9 +361,18 @@
     def passenv(config, reader, section_val):
         passenv = set(["PATH"])
+        # we ensure that tmp directory settings are passed on
+        # we could also set it to the per-venv "envtmpdir"
+        # but this leads to very long paths when run with jenkins
+        # so we just pass it on by default for now.
         if sys.platform == "win32":
             passenv.add("SYSTEMROOT")  # needed for python's crypto module
             passenv.add("PATHEXT")     # needed for discovering executables
+            passenv.add("TEMPDIR")
+            passenv.add("TMP")
+        else:
+            passenv.add("TMPDIR")
         for spec in section_val:
             for name in os.environ:
                 if fnmatchcase(name.upper(), spec.upper()):
@@ -626,6 +635,7 @@
+        reader.vc = vc
         for env_attr in config._testenv_attr:
             atype = env_attr.type

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tox/_venv.py
--- a/tox/_venv.py
+++ b/tox/_venv.py
@@ -327,7 +327,6 @@
         env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = str(self.path)
         return env
     def test(self, redirect=False):

diff -r 453b0b5844f1482f598260c5f08ea3fcd3283740 -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a tox/result.py
--- a/tox/result.py
+++ b/tox/result.py
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@
         l = self.dict.setdefault(name, [])
         return CommandLog(self, l)
+    def set_installed(self, packages):
+        self.dict["installed_packages"] = packages
 class CommandLog:
     def __init__(self, envlog, list):

Changeset:   5fbd833e8b0e
User:        hpk42
Date:        2015-05-12 12:20:46+00:00
Summary:     rename internal files -- in any case tox offers no external API except for the
experimental plugin hooks, use tox internals at your own risk.
Affected #:  16 files

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 CHANGELOG
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@
   for testenv sections.  Can be used from plugins through the 
   tox_add_option hook.
+- rename internal files -- tox offers no external API except for the
+  experimental plugin hooks, use tox internals at your own risk.

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 setup.py
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
         description='virtualenv-based automation of test activities',
-        version='2.0.0.dev4',
+        version='2.0.0.dev5',
         platforms=['unix', 'linux', 'osx', 'cygwin', 'win32'],
         author='holger krekel',

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tests/test_config.py
--- a/tests/test_config.py
+++ b/tests/test_config.py
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 import py
 import pytest
 import tox
-import tox._config
-from tox._config import *  # noqa
-from tox._venv import VirtualEnv
+import tox.config
+from tox.config import *  # noqa
+from tox.venv import VirtualEnv
 class TestVenvConfig:
@@ -1321,12 +1321,12 @@
         if make_hashseed is None:
             make_hashseed = lambda: '123456789'
-        original_make_hashseed = tox._config.make_hashseed
-        tox._config.make_hashseed = make_hashseed
+        original_make_hashseed = tox.config.make_hashseed
+        tox.config.make_hashseed = make_hashseed
             config = newconfig(args, tox_ini)
-            tox._config.make_hashseed = original_make_hashseed
+            tox.config.make_hashseed = original_make_hashseed
         return config.envconfigs
     def _get_envconfig(self, newconfig, args=None, tox_ini=None):

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tests/test_interpreters.py
--- a/tests/test_interpreters.py
+++ b/tests/test_interpreters.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import pytest
 from tox.interpreters import *  # noqa
-from tox._config import get_plugin_manager
+from tox.config import get_plugin_manager

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tests/test_venv.py
--- a/tests/test_venv.py
+++ b/tests/test_venv.py
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 import pytest
 import os
 import sys
-import tox._config
-from tox._venv import *  # noqa
+import tox.config
+from tox.venv import *  # noqa
 from tox.interpreters import NoInterpreterInfo
 # def test_global_virtualenv(capfd):
@@ -253,14 +253,14 @@
 def test_test_hashseed_is_in_output(newmocksession):
-    original_make_hashseed = tox._config.make_hashseed
-    tox._config.make_hashseed = lambda: '123456789'
+    original_make_hashseed = tox.config.make_hashseed
+    tox.config.make_hashseed = lambda: '123456789'
         mocksession = newmocksession([], '''
-        tox._config.make_hashseed = original_make_hashseed
+        tox.config.make_hashseed = original_make_hashseed
     venv = mocksession.getenv('python')
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
     mocksession = newmocksession([], "")
     venv = mocksession.getenv('python')
     action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "qwe", [])
-    monkeypatch.setattr(tox._venv, "hack_home_env", None)
+    monkeypatch.setattr(tox.venv, "hack_home_env", None)
     venv._install(["x"], action=action)
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@
 def test_hack_home_env(tmpdir):
-    from tox._venv import hack_home_env
+    from tox.venv import hack_home_env
     env = hack_home_env(tmpdir, "http://index")
     assert env["HOME"] == str(tmpdir)
     assert env["PIP_INDEX_URL"] == "http://index"
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
 def test_hack_home_env_passthrough(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
-    from tox._venv import hack_home_env
+    from tox.venv import hack_home_env
     env = hack_home_env(tmpdir, "http://index")
     monkeypatch.setattr(os, "environ", env)

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tests/test_z_cmdline.py
--- a/tests/test_z_cmdline.py
+++ b/tests/test_z_cmdline.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 pytest_plugins = "pytester"
-from tox._cmdline import Session
-from tox._config import parseconfig
+from tox.session import Session
+from tox.config import parseconfig
 def test_report_protocol(newconfig):

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tox/__init__.py
--- a/tox/__init__.py
+++ b/tox/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-__version__ = '2.0.0.dev4'
+__version__ = '2.0.0.dev5'
 from .hookspecs import hookspec, hookimpl  # noqa
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
     class MissingDependency(Error):
         """ a dependency could not be found or determined. """
-from tox._cmdline import main as cmdline  # noqa
+from tox.session import main as cmdline  # noqa

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tox/__main__.py
--- a/tox/__main__.py
+++ b/tox/__main__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-from tox._cmdline import main
+from tox.session import main
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tox/_cmdline.py
--- a/tox/_cmdline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
-Automatically package and test a Python project against configurable
-Python2 and Python3 based virtual environments. Environments are
-setup by using virtualenv. Configuration is generally done through an
-INI-style "tox.ini" file.
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import tox
-import py
-import os
-import sys
-import subprocess
-from tox._verlib import NormalizedVersion, IrrationalVersionError
-from tox._venv import VirtualEnv
-from tox._config import parseconfig
-from tox.result import ResultLog
-from subprocess import STDOUT
-def now():
-    return py.std.time.time()
-def main(args=None):
-    try:
-        config = parseconfig(args)
-        if config.option.help:
-            show_help(config)
-            raise SystemExit(0)
-        elif config.option.helpini:
-            show_help_ini(config)
-            raise SystemExit(0)
-        retcode = Session(config).runcommand()
-        raise SystemExit(retcode)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        raise SystemExit(2)
-def show_help(config):
-    tw = py.io.TerminalWriter()
-    tw.write(config._parser.format_help())
-    tw.line()
-def show_help_ini(config):
-    tw = py.io.TerminalWriter()
-    tw.sep("-", "per-testenv attributes")
-    for env_attr in config._testenv_attr:
-        tw.line("%-15s %-8s default: %s" %
-                (env_attr.name, "<" + env_attr.type + ">", env_attr.default), bold=True)
-        tw.line(env_attr.help)
-        tw.line()
-class Action(object):
-    def __init__(self, session, venv, msg, args):
-        self.venv = venv
-        self.msg = msg
-        self.activity = msg.split(" ", 1)[0]
-        self.session = session
-        self.report = session.report
-        self.args = args
-        self.id = venv and venv.envconfig.envname or "tox"
-        self._popenlist = []
-        if self.venv:
-            self.venvname = self.venv.name
-        else:
-            self.venvname = "GLOB"
-        if msg == "runtests":
-            cat = "test"
-        else:
-            cat = "setup"
-        envlog = session.resultlog.get_envlog(self.venvname)
-        self.commandlog = envlog.get_commandlog(cat)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.report.logaction_start(self)
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        self.report.logaction_finish(self)
-    def setactivity(self, name, msg):
-        self.activity = name
-        self.report.verbosity0("%s %s: %s" % (self.venvname, name, msg), bold=True)
-    def info(self, name, msg):
-        self.report.verbosity1("%s %s: %s" % (self.venvname, name, msg), bold=True)
-    def _initlogpath(self, actionid):
-        if self.venv:
-            logdir = self.venv.envconfig.envlogdir
-        else:
-            logdir = self.session.config.logdir
-        try:
-            l = logdir.listdir("%s-*" % actionid)
-        except py.error.ENOENT:
-            logdir.ensure(dir=1)
-            l = []
-        num = len(l)
-        path = logdir.join("%s-%s.log" % (actionid, num))
-        f = path.open('w')
-        f.flush()
-        return f
-    def popen(self, args, cwd=None, env=None, redirect=True, returnout=False, ignore_ret=False):
-        stdout = outpath = None
-        resultjson = self.session.config.option.resultjson
-        if resultjson or redirect:
-            fout = self._initlogpath(self.id)
-            fout.write("actionid: %s\nmsg: %s\ncmdargs: %r\nenv: %s\n\n" % (
-                self.id, self.msg, args, env))
-            fout.flush()
-            self.popen_outpath = outpath = py.path.local(fout.name)
-            fin = outpath.open()
-            fin.read()  # read the header, so it won't be written to stdout
-            stdout = fout
-        elif returnout:
-            stdout = subprocess.PIPE
-        if cwd is None:
-            # XXX cwd = self.session.config.cwd
-            cwd = py.path.local()
-        try:
-            popen = self._popen(args, cwd, env=env,
-                                stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT)
-        except OSError as e:
-            self.report.error("invocation failed (errno %d), args: %s, cwd: %s" %
-                              (e.errno, args, cwd))
-            raise
-        popen.outpath = outpath
-        popen.args = [str(x) for x in args]
-        popen.cwd = cwd
-        popen.action = self
-        self._popenlist.append(popen)
-        try:
-            self.report.logpopen(popen, env=env)
-            try:
-                if resultjson and not redirect:
-                    assert popen.stderr is None  # prevent deadlock
-                    out = None
-                    last_time = now()
-                    while 1:
-                        fin_pos = fin.tell()
-                        # we have to read one byte at a time, otherwise there
-                        # might be no output for a long time with slow tests
-                        data = fin.read(1)
-                        if data:
-                            sys.stdout.write(data)
-                            if '\n' in data or (now() - last_time) > 1:
-                                # we flush on newlines or after 1 second to
-                                # provide quick enough feedback to the user
-                                # when printing a dot per test
-                                sys.stdout.flush()
-                                last_time = now()
-                        elif popen.poll() is not None:
-                            if popen.stdout is not None:
-                                popen.stdout.close()
-                            break
-                        else:
-                            py.std.time.sleep(0.1)
-                            fin.seek(fin_pos)
-                    fin.close()
-                else:
-                    out, err = popen.communicate()
-            except KeyboardInterrupt:
-                self.report.keyboard_interrupt()
-                popen.wait()
-                raise KeyboardInterrupt()
-            ret = popen.wait()
-        finally:
-            self._popenlist.remove(popen)
-        if ret and not ignore_ret:
-            invoked = " ".join(map(str, popen.args))
-            if outpath:
-                self.report.error("invocation failed (exit code %d), logfile: %s" %
-                                  (ret, outpath))
-                out = outpath.read()
-                self.report.error(out)
-                if hasattr(self, "commandlog"):
-                    self.commandlog.add_command(popen.args, out, ret)
-                raise tox.exception.InvocationError(
-                    "%s (see %s)" % (invoked, outpath), ret)
-            else:
-                raise tox.exception.InvocationError("%r" % (invoked, ), ret)
-        if not out and outpath:
-            out = outpath.read()
-        if hasattr(self, "commandlog"):
-            self.commandlog.add_command(popen.args, out, ret)
-        return out
-    def _rewriteargs(self, cwd, args):
-        newargs = []
-        for arg in args:
-            if sys.platform != "win32" and isinstance(arg, py.path.local):
-                arg = cwd.bestrelpath(arg)
-            newargs.append(str(arg))
-        # subprocess does not always take kindly to .py scripts
-        # so adding the interpreter here.
-        if sys.platform == "win32":
-            ext = os.path.splitext(str(newargs[0]))[1].lower()
-            if ext == '.py' and self.venv:
-                newargs = [str(self.venv.getcommandpath())] + newargs
-        return newargs
-    def _popen(self, args, cwd, stdout, stderr, env=None):
-        args = self._rewriteargs(cwd, args)
-        if env is None:
-            env = os.environ.copy()
-        return self.session.popen(args, shell=False, cwd=str(cwd),
-                                  universal_newlines=True,
-                                  stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env)
-class Reporter(object):
-    actionchar = "-"
-    def __init__(self, session):
-        self.tw = py.io.TerminalWriter()
-        self.session = session
-        self._reportedlines = []
-        # self.cumulated_time = 0.0
-    def logpopen(self, popen, env):
-        """ log information about the action.popen() created process. """
-        cmd = " ".join(map(str, popen.args))
-        if popen.outpath:
-            self.verbosity1("  %s$ %s >%s" % (popen.cwd, cmd, popen.outpath,))
-        else:
-            self.verbosity1("  %s$ %s " % (popen.cwd, cmd))
-    def logaction_start(self, action):
-        msg = action.msg + " " + " ".join(map(str, action.args))
-        self.verbosity2("%s start: %s" % (action.venvname, msg), bold=True)
-        assert not hasattr(action, "_starttime")
-        action._starttime = now()
-    def logaction_finish(self, action):
-        duration = now() - action._starttime
-        # self.cumulated_time += duration
-        self.verbosity2("%s finish: %s after %.2f seconds" % (
-            action.venvname, action.msg, duration), bold=True)
-    def startsummary(self):
-        self.tw.sep("_", "summary")
-    def info(self, msg):
-        if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 2:
-            self.logline(msg)
-    def using(self, msg):
-        if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 1:
-            self.logline("using %s" % (msg,), bold=True)
-    def keyboard_interrupt(self):
-        self.error("KEYBOARDINTERRUPT")
-#    def venv_installproject(self, venv, pkg):
-#        self.logline("installing to %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, pkg))
-    def keyvalue(self, name, value):
-        if name.endswith(":"):
-            name += " "
-        self.tw.write(name, bold=True)
-        self.tw.write(value)
-        self.tw.line()
-    def line(self, msg, **opts):
-        self.logline(msg, **opts)
-    def good(self, msg):
-        self.logline(msg, green=True)
-    def warning(self, msg):
-        self.logline("WARNING:" + msg, red=True)
-    def error(self, msg):
-        self.logline("ERROR: " + msg, red=True)
-    def skip(self, msg):
-        self.logline("SKIPPED:" + msg, yellow=True)
-    def logline(self, msg, **opts):
-        self._reportedlines.append(msg)
-        self.tw.line("%s" % msg, **opts)
-    def verbosity0(self, msg, **opts):
-        if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 0:
-            self.logline("%s" % msg, **opts)
-    def verbosity1(self, msg, **opts):
-        if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 1:
-            self.logline("%s" % msg, **opts)
-    def verbosity2(self, msg, **opts):
-        if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 2:
-            self.logline("%s" % msg, **opts)
-    # def log(self, msg):
-    #    py.builtin.print_(msg, file=sys.stderr)
-class Session:
-    def __init__(self, config, popen=subprocess.Popen, Report=Reporter):
-        self.config = config
-        self.popen = popen
-        self.resultlog = ResultLog()
-        self.report = Report(self)
-        self.make_emptydir(config.logdir)
-        config.logdir.ensure(dir=1)
-        # self.report.using("logdir %s" %(self.config.logdir,))
-        self.report.using("tox.ini: %s" % (self.config.toxinipath,))
-        self._spec2pkg = {}
-        self._name2venv = {}
-        try:
-            self.venvlist = [
-                self.getvenv(x)
-                for x in self.config.envlist
-            ]
-        except LookupError:
-            raise SystemExit(1)
-        self._actions = []
-    def _makevenv(self, name):
-        envconfig = self.config.envconfigs.get(name, None)
-        if envconfig is None:
-            self.report.error("unknown environment %r" % name)
-            raise LookupError(name)
-        venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig=envconfig, session=self)
-        self._name2venv[name] = venv
-        return venv
-    def getvenv(self, name):
-        """ return a VirtualEnv controler object for the 'name' env.  """
-        try:
-            return self._name2venv[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            return self._makevenv(name)
-    def newaction(self, venv, msg, *args):
-        action = Action(self, venv, msg, args)
-        self._actions.append(action)
-        return action
-    def runcommand(self):
-        self.report.using("tox-%s from %s" % (tox.__version__, tox.__file__))
-        if self.config.minversion:
-            minversion = NormalizedVersion(self.config.minversion)
-            toxversion = NormalizedVersion(tox.__version__)
-            if toxversion < minversion:
-                self.report.error(
-                    "tox version is %s, required is at least %s" % (
-                        toxversion, minversion))
-                raise SystemExit(1)
-        if self.config.option.showconfig:
-            self.showconfig()
-        elif self.config.option.listenvs:
-            self.showenvs()
-        else:
-            return self.subcommand_test()
-    def _copyfiles(self, srcdir, pathlist, destdir):
-        for relpath in pathlist:
-            src = srcdir.join(relpath)
-            if not src.check():
-                self.report.error("missing source file: %s" % (src,))
-                raise SystemExit(1)
-            target = destdir.join(relpath)
-            target.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
-            src.copy(target)
-    def _makesdist(self):
-        setup = self.config.setupdir.join("setup.py")
-        if not setup.check():
-            raise tox.exception.MissingFile(setup)
-        action = self.newaction(None, "packaging")
-        with action:
-            action.setactivity("sdist-make", setup)
-            self.make_emptydir(self.config.distdir)
-            action.popen([sys.executable, setup, "sdist", "--formats=zip",
-                          "--dist-dir", self.config.distdir, ],
-                         cwd=self.config.setupdir)
-            try:
-                return self.config.distdir.listdir()[0]
-            except py.error.ENOENT:
-                # check if empty or comment only
-                data = []
-                with open(str(setup)) as fp:
-                    for line in fp:
-                        if line and line[0] == '#':
-                            continue
-                        data.append(line)
-                if not ''.join(data).strip():
-                    self.report.error(
-                        'setup.py is empty'
-                    )
-                    raise SystemExit(1)
-                self.report.error(
-                    'No dist directory found. Please check setup.py, e.g with:\n'
-                    '     python setup.py sdist'
-                )
-                raise SystemExit(1)
-    def make_emptydir(self, path):
-        if path.check():
-            self.report.info("  removing %s" % path)
-            py.std.shutil.rmtree(str(path), ignore_errors=True)
-            path.ensure(dir=1)
-    def setupenv(self, venv):
-        action = self.newaction(venv, "getenv", venv.envconfig.envdir)
-        with action:
-            venv.status = 0
-            envlog = self.resultlog.get_envlog(venv.name)
-            try:
-                status = venv.update(action=action)
-            except tox.exception.InvocationError:
-                status = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            if status:
-                commandlog = envlog.get_commandlog("setup")
-                commandlog.add_command(["setup virtualenv"], str(status), 1)
-                venv.status = status
-                self.report.error(str(status))
-                return False
-            commandpath = venv.getcommandpath("python")
-            envlog.set_python_info(commandpath)
-            return True
-    def finishvenv(self, venv):
-        action = self.newaction(venv, "finishvenv")
-        with action:
-            venv.finish()
-            return True
-    def developpkg(self, venv, setupdir):
-        action = self.newaction(venv, "developpkg", setupdir)
-        with action:
-            try:
-                venv.developpkg(setupdir, action)
-                return True
-            except tox.exception.InvocationError:
-                venv.status = sys.exc_info()[1]
-                return False
-    def installpkg(self, venv, path):
-        """Install package in the specified virtual environment.
-        :param :class:`tox._config.VenvConfig`: Destination environment
-        :param str path: Path to the distribution package.
-        :return: True if package installed otherwise False.
-        :rtype: bool
-        """
-        self.resultlog.set_header(installpkg=py.path.local(path))
-        action = self.newaction(venv, "installpkg", path)
-        with action:
-            try:
-                venv.installpkg(path, action)
-                return True
-            except tox.exception.InvocationError:
-                venv.status = sys.exc_info()[1]
-                return False
-    def get_installpkg_path(self):
-        """
-        :return: Path to the distribution
-        :rtype: py.path.local
-        """
-        if not self.config.option.sdistonly and (self.config.sdistsrc or
-                                                 self.config.option.installpkg):
-            path = self.config.option.installpkg
-            if not path:
-                path = self.config.sdistsrc
-            path = self._resolve_pkg(path)
-            self.report.info("using package %r, skipping 'sdist' activity " %
-                             str(path))
-        else:
-            try:
-                path = self._makesdist()
-            except tox.exception.InvocationError:
-                v = sys.exc_info()[1]
-                self.report.error("FAIL could not package project - v = %r" %
-                                  v)
-                return
-            sdistfile = self.config.distshare.join(path.basename)
-            if sdistfile != path:
-                self.report.info("copying new sdistfile to %r" %
-                                 str(sdistfile))
-                try:
-                    sdistfile.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
-                except py.error.Error:
-                    self.report.warning("could not copy distfile to %s" %
-                                        sdistfile.dirpath())
-                else:
-                    path.copy(sdistfile)
-        return path
-    def subcommand_test(self):
-        if self.config.skipsdist:
-            self.report.info("skipping sdist step")
-            path = None
-        else:
-            path = self.get_installpkg_path()
-            if not path:
-                return 2
-        if self.config.option.sdistonly:
-            return
-        for venv in self.venvlist:
-            if not venv.matching_platform():
-                venv.status = "platform mismatch"
-                continue  # we simply omit non-matching platforms
-            if self.setupenv(venv):
-                if venv.envconfig.usedevelop:
-                    self.developpkg(venv, self.config.setupdir)
-                elif self.config.skipsdist or venv.envconfig.skip_install:
-                    self.finishvenv(venv)
-                else:
-                    self.installpkg(venv, path)
-                # write out version dependency information
-                action = self.newaction(venv, "envreport")
-                with action:
-                    pip = venv.getcommandpath("pip")
-                    # we can't really call internal helpers here easily :/
-                    # output = venv._pcall([str(pip), "freeze"],
-                    #                      cwd=self.config.toxinidir,
-                    #                      action=action)
-                    output = py.process.cmdexec("%s freeze" % (pip))
-                    packages = output.strip().split("\n")
-                    action.setactivity("installed", ",".join(packages))
-                    envlog = self.resultlog.get_envlog(venv.name)
-                    envlog.set_installed(packages)
-                self.runtestenv(venv)
-        retcode = self._summary()
-        return retcode
-    def runtestenv(self, venv, redirect=False):
-        if not self.config.option.notest:
-            if venv.status:
-                return
-            venv.test(redirect=redirect)
-        else:
-            venv.status = "skipped tests"
-    def _summary(self):
-        self.report.startsummary()
-        retcode = 0
-        for venv in self.venvlist:
-            status = venv.status
-            if isinstance(status, tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound):
-                msg = "  %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status))
-                if self.config.option.skip_missing_interpreters:
-                    self.report.skip(msg)
-                else:
-                    retcode = 1
-                    self.report.error(msg)
-            elif status == "platform mismatch":
-                msg = "  %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status))
-                self.report.verbosity1(msg)
-            elif status and status != "skipped tests":
-                msg = "  %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status))
-                self.report.error(msg)
-                retcode = 1
-            else:
-                if not status:
-                    status = "commands succeeded"
-                self.report.good("  %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, status))
-        if not retcode:
-            self.report.good("  congratulations :)")
-        path = self.config.option.resultjson
-        if path:
-            path = py.path.local(path)
-            path.write(self.resultlog.dumps_json())
-            self.report.line("wrote json report at: %s" % path)
-        return retcode
-    def showconfig(self):
-        self.info_versions()
-        self.report.keyvalue("config-file:", self.config.option.configfile)
-        self.report.keyvalue("toxinipath: ", self.config.toxinipath)
-        self.report.keyvalue("toxinidir:  ", self.config.toxinidir)
-        self.report.keyvalue("toxworkdir: ", self.config.toxworkdir)
-        self.report.keyvalue("setupdir:   ", self.config.setupdir)
-        self.report.keyvalue("distshare:  ", self.config.distshare)
-        self.report.keyvalue("skipsdist:  ", self.config.skipsdist)
-        self.report.tw.line()
-        for envconfig in self.config.envconfigs.values():
-            self.report.line("[testenv:%s]" % envconfig.envname, bold=True)
-            self.report.line("  basepython=%s" % envconfig.basepython)
-            self.report.line("  pythoninfo=%s" % (envconfig.python_info,))
-            self.report.line("  envpython=%s" % envconfig.envpython)
-            self.report.line("  envtmpdir=%s" % envconfig.envtmpdir)
-            self.report.line("  envbindir=%s" % envconfig.envbindir)
-            self.report.line("  envlogdir=%s" % envconfig.envlogdir)
-            self.report.line("  changedir=%s" % envconfig.changedir)
-            self.report.line("  args_are_path=%s" % envconfig.args_are_paths)
-            self.report.line("  install_command=%s" %
-                             envconfig.install_command)
-            self.report.line("  commands=")
-            for command in envconfig.commands:
-                self.report.line("    %s" % command)
-            self.report.line("  deps=%s" % envconfig.deps)
-            self.report.line("  envdir=    %s" % envconfig.envdir)
-            self.report.line("  downloadcache=%s" % envconfig.downloadcache)
-            self.report.line("  usedevelop=%s" % envconfig.usedevelop)
-            self.report.line("  setenv=%s" % envconfig.setenv)
-            self.report.line("  passenv=%s" % envconfig.passenv)
-    def showenvs(self):
-        for env in self.config.envlist:
-            self.report.line("%s" % env)
-    def info_versions(self):
-        versions = ['tox-%s' % tox.__version__]
-        try:
-            version = py.process.cmdexec("virtualenv --version")
-        except py.process.cmdexec.Error:
-            versions.append("virtualenv-1.9.1 (vendored)")
-        else:
-            versions.append("virtualenv-%s" % version.strip())
-        self.report.keyvalue("tool-versions:", " ".join(versions))
-    def _resolve_pkg(self, pkgspec):
-        try:
-            return self._spec2pkg[pkgspec]
-        except KeyError:
-            self._spec2pkg[pkgspec] = x = self._resolvepkg(pkgspec)
-            return x
-    def _resolvepkg(self, pkgspec):
-        if not os.path.isabs(str(pkgspec)):
-            return pkgspec
-        p = py.path.local(pkgspec)
-        if p.check():
-            return p
-        if not p.dirpath().check(dir=1):
-            raise tox.exception.MissingDirectory(p.dirpath())
-        self.report.info("determining %s" % p)
-        candidates = p.dirpath().listdir(p.basename)
-        if len(candidates) == 0:
-            raise tox.exception.MissingDependency(pkgspec)
-        if len(candidates) > 1:
-            items = []
-            for x in candidates:
-                ver = getversion(x.basename)
-                if ver is not None:
-                    items.append((ver, x))
-                else:
-                    self.report.warning("could not determine version of: %s" %
-                                        str(x))
-            items.sort()
-            if not items:
-                raise tox.exception.MissingDependency(pkgspec)
-            return items[-1][1]
-        else:
-            return candidates[0]
-_rex_getversion = py.std.re.compile("[\w_\-\+\.]+-(.*)(\.zip|\.tar.gz)")
-def getversion(basename):
-    m = _rex_getversion.match(basename)
-    if m is None:
-        return None
-    version = m.group(1)
-    try:
-        return NormalizedVersion(version)
-    except IrrationalVersionError:
-        return None

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tox/_config.py
--- a/tox/_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1072 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import os
-import random
-from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
-import sys
-import re
-import shlex
-import string
-import pkg_resources
-import itertools
-import pluggy
-import tox.interpreters
-from tox import hookspecs
-import py
-import tox
-iswin32 = sys.platform == "win32"
-default_factors = {'jython': 'jython', 'pypy': 'pypy', 'pypy3': 'pypy3',
-                   'py': sys.executable}
-for version in '26,27,32,33,34,35,36'.split(','):
-    default_factors['py' + version] = 'python%s.%s' % tuple(version)
-hookimpl = pluggy.HookimplMarker("tox")
-def get_plugin_manager():
-    # initialize plugin manager
-    pm = pluggy.PluginManager("tox")
-    pm.add_hookspecs(hookspecs)
-    pm.register(tox._config)
-    pm.register(tox.interpreters)
-    pm.load_setuptools_entrypoints("tox")
-    pm.check_pending()
-    return pm
-class MyParser:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-            description="tox options", add_help=False)
-        self._testenv_attr = []
-    def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
-    def add_testenv_attribute(self, name, type, help, default=None, postprocess=None):
-        self._testenv_attr.append(VenvAttribute(name, type, default, help, postprocess))
-    def add_testenv_attribute_obj(self, obj):
-        assert hasattr(obj, "name")
-        assert hasattr(obj, "type")
-        assert hasattr(obj, "help")
-        assert hasattr(obj, "postprocess")
-        self._testenv_attr.append(obj)
-    def parse_args(self, args):
-        return self.argparser.parse_args(args)
-    def format_help(self):
-        return self.argparser.format_help()
-class VenvAttribute:
-    def __init__(self, name, type, default, help, postprocess):
-        self.name = name
-        self.type = type
-        self.default = default
-        self.help = help
-        self.postprocess = postprocess
-class DepOption:
-    name = "deps"
-    type = "line-list"
-    help = "each line specifies a dependency in pip/setuptools format."
-    default = ()
-    def postprocess(self, config, reader, section_val):
-        deps = []
-        for depline in section_val:
-            m = re.match(r":(\w+):\s*(\S+)", depline)
-            if m:
-                iname, name = m.groups()
-                ixserver = config.indexserver[iname]
-            else:
-                name = depline.strip()
-                ixserver = None
-            name = self._replace_forced_dep(name, config)
-            deps.append(DepConfig(name, ixserver))
-        return deps
-    def _replace_forced_dep(self, name, config):
-        """
-        Override the given dependency config name taking --force-dep-version
-        option into account.
-        :param name: dep config, for example ["pkg==1.0", "other==2.0"].
-        :param config: Config instance
-        :return: the new dependency that should be used for virtual environments
-        """
-        if not config.option.force_dep:
-            return name
-        for forced_dep in config.option.force_dep:
-            if self._is_same_dep(forced_dep, name):
-                return forced_dep
-        return name
-    @classmethod
-    def _is_same_dep(cls, dep1, dep2):
-        """
-        Returns True if both dependency definitions refer to the
-        same package, even if versions differ.
-        """
-        dep1_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dep1).project_name
-        dep2_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dep2).project_name
-        return dep1_name == dep2_name
-class PosargsOption:
-    name = "args_are_paths"
-    type = "bool"
-    default = True
-    help = "treat positional args in commands as paths"
-    def postprocess(self, config, reader, section_val):
-        args = config.option.args
-        if args:
-            if section_val:
-                args = []
-                for arg in config.option.args:
-                    if arg:
-                        origpath = config.invocationcwd.join(arg, abs=True)
-                        if origpath.check():
-                            arg = reader.getpath("changedir", ".").bestrelpath(origpath)
-                    args.append(arg)
-            reader.addsubstitutions(args)
-        return section_val
-class InstallcmdOption:
-    name = "install_command"
-    type = "argv"
-    default = "pip install {opts} {packages}"
-    help = "install command for dependencies and package under test."
-    def postprocess(self, config, reader, section_val):
-        if '{packages}' not in section_val:
-            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-                "'install_command' must contain '{packages}' substitution")
-        return section_val
-def parseconfig(args=None):
-    """
-    :param list[str] args: Optional list of arguments.
-    :type pkg: str
-    :rtype: :class:`Config`
-    :raise SystemExit: toxinit file is not found
-    """
-    pm = get_plugin_manager()
-    if args is None:
-        args = sys.argv[1:]
-    # prepare command line options
-    parser = MyParser()
-    pm.hook.tox_addoption(parser=parser)
-    # parse command line options
-    option = parser.parse_args(args)
-    interpreters = tox.interpreters.Interpreters(hook=pm.hook)
-    config = Config(pluginmanager=pm, option=option, interpreters=interpreters)
-    config._parser = parser
-    config._testenv_attr = parser._testenv_attr
-    # parse ini file
-    basename = config.option.configfile
-    if os.path.isabs(basename):
-        inipath = py.path.local(basename)
-    else:
-        for path in py.path.local().parts(reverse=True):
-            inipath = path.join(basename)
-            if inipath.check():
-                break
-        else:
-            feedback("toxini file %r not found" % (basename), sysexit=True)
-    try:
-        parseini(config, inipath)
-    except tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound:
-        exn = sys.exc_info()[1]
-        # Use stdout to match test expectations
-        py.builtin.print_("ERROR: " + str(exn))
-    # post process config object
-    pm.hook.tox_configure(config=config)
-    return config
-def feedback(msg, sysexit=False):
-    py.builtin.print_("ERROR: " + msg, file=sys.stderr)
-    if sysexit:
-        raise SystemExit(1)
-class VersionAction(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, argparser, *args, **kwargs):
-        version = tox.__version__
-        py.builtin.print_("%s imported from %s" % (version, tox.__file__))
-        raise SystemExit(0)
-class CountAction(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
-        if hasattr(namespace, self.dest):
-            setattr(namespace, self.dest, int(getattr(namespace, self.dest)) + 1)
-        else:
-            setattr(namespace, self.dest, 0)
- at hookimpl
-def tox_addoption(parser):
-    # formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
-    parser.add_argument("--version", nargs=0, action=VersionAction,
-                        dest="version",
-                        help="report version information to stdout.")
-    parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help",
-                        help="show help about options")
-    parser.add_argument("--help-ini", "--hi", action="store_true", dest="helpini",
-                        help="show help about ini-names")
-    parser.add_argument("-v", nargs=0, action=CountAction, default=0,
-                        dest="verbosity",
-                        help="increase verbosity of reporting output.")
-    parser.add_argument("--showconfig", action="store_true",
-                        help="show configuration information for all environments. ")
-    parser.add_argument("-l", "--listenvs", action="store_true",
-                        dest="listenvs", help="show list of test environments")
-    parser.add_argument("-c", action="store", default="tox.ini",
-                        dest="configfile",
-                        help="use the specified config file name.")
-    parser.add_argument("-e", action="append", dest="env",
-                        metavar="envlist",
-                        help="work against specified environments (ALL selects all).")
-    parser.add_argument("--notest", action="store_true", dest="notest",
-                        help="skip invoking test commands.")
-    parser.add_argument("--sdistonly", action="store_true", dest="sdistonly",
-                        help="only perform the sdist packaging activity.")
-    parser.add_argument("--installpkg", action="store", default=None,
-                        metavar="PATH",
-                        help="use specified package for installation into venv, instead of "
-                             "creating an sdist.")
-    parser.add_argument("--develop", action="store_true", dest="develop",
-                        help="install package in the venv using 'setup.py develop' via "
-                             "'pip -e .'")
-    parser.add_argument("--set-home", action="store_true", dest="sethome",
-                        help="(experimental) force creating a new $HOME for each test "
-                             "environment and create .pydistutils.cfg|pip.conf files "
-                             "if index servers are specified with tox. ")
-    parser.add_argument('-i', action="append",
-                        dest="indexurl", metavar="URL",
-                        help="set indexserver url (if URL is of form name=url set the "
-                             "url for the 'name' indexserver, specifically)")
-    parser.add_argument("--pre", action="store_true", dest="pre",
-                        help="install pre-releases and development versions of dependencies. "
-                             "This will pass the --pre option to install_command "
-                             "(pip by default).")
-    parser.add_argument("-r", "--recreate", action="store_true",
-                        dest="recreate",
-                        help="force recreation of virtual environments")
-    parser.add_argument("--result-json", action="store",
-                        dest="resultjson", metavar="PATH",
-                        help="write a json file with detailed information about "
-                             "all commands and results involved.  This will turn off "
-                             "pass-through output from running test commands which is "
-                             "instead captured into the json result file.")
-    # We choose 1 to 4294967295 because it is the range of PYTHONHASHSEED.
-    parser.add_argument("--hashseed", action="store",
-                        metavar="SEED", default=None,
-                        help="set PYTHONHASHSEED to SEED before running commands.  "
-                             "Defaults to a random integer in the range [1, 4294967295] "
-                             "([1, 1024] on Windows). "
-                             "Passing 'noset' suppresses this behavior.")
-    parser.add_argument("--force-dep", action="append",
-                        metavar="REQ", default=None,
-                        help="Forces a certain version of one of the dependencies "
-                             "when configuring the virtual environment. REQ Examples "
-                             "'pytest<2.7' or 'django>=1.6'.")
-    parser.add_argument("--sitepackages", action="store_true",
-                        help="override sitepackages setting to True in all envs")
-    parser.add_argument("--skip-missing-interpreters", action="store_true",
-                        help="don't fail tests for missing interpreters")
-    parser.add_argument("args", nargs="*",
-                        help="additional arguments available to command positional substitution")
-    # add various core venv interpreter attributes
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="envdir", type="path", default="{toxworkdir}/{envname}",
-        help="venv directory")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="envtmpdir", type="path", default="{envdir}/tmp",
-        help="venv temporary directory")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="envlogdir", type="path", default="{envdir}/log",
-        help="venv log directory")
-    def downloadcache(config, reader, section_val):
-        if section_val:
-            # env var, if present, takes precedence
-            downloadcache = os.environ.get("PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE", section_val)
-            return py.path.local(downloadcache)
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="downloadcache", type="string", default=None, postprocess=downloadcache,
-        help="(deprecated) set PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE.")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="changedir", type="path", default="{toxinidir}",
-        help="directory to change to when running commands")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(PosargsOption())
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="skip_install", type="bool", default=False,
-        help="Do not install the current package. This can be used when "
-             "you need the virtualenv management but do not want to install "
-             "the current package")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="ignore_errors", type="bool", default=False,
-        help="if set to True all commands will be executed irrespective of their "
-             "result error status.")
-    def recreate(config, reader, section_val):
-        if config.option.recreate:
-            return True
-        return section_val
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="recreate", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=recreate,
-        help="always recreate this test environment.")
-    def setenv(config, reader, section_val):
-        setenv = section_val
-        if "PYTHONHASHSEED" not in setenv and config.hashseed is not None:
-            setenv['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = config.hashseed
-        return setenv
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="setenv", type="dict", postprocess=setenv,
-        help="list of X=Y lines with environment variable settings")
-    def passenv(config, reader, section_val):
-        passenv = set(["PATH"])
-        # we ensure that tmp directory settings are passed on
-        # we could also set it to the per-venv "envtmpdir"
-        # but this leads to very long paths when run with jenkins
-        # so we just pass it on by default for now.
-        if sys.platform == "win32":
-            passenv.add("SYSTEMROOT")  # needed for python's crypto module
-            passenv.add("PATHEXT")     # needed for discovering executables
-            passenv.add("TEMPDIR")
-            passenv.add("TMP")
-        else:
-            passenv.add("TMPDIR")
-        for spec in section_val:
-            for name in os.environ:
-                if fnmatchcase(name.upper(), spec.upper()):
-                    passenv.add(name)
-        return passenv
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="passenv", type="space-separated-list", postprocess=passenv,
-        help="environment variables names which shall be passed "
-             "from tox invocation to test environment when executing commands.")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="whitelist_externals", type="line-list",
-        help="each lines specifies a path or basename for which tox will not warn "
-             "about it coming from outside the test environment.")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="platform", type="string", default=".*",
-        help="regular expression which must match against ``sys.platform``. "
-             "otherwise testenv will be skipped.")
-    def sitepackages(config, reader, section_val):
-        return config.option.sitepackages or section_val
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="sitepackages", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=sitepackages,
-        help="Set to ``True`` if you want to create virtual environments that also "
-             "have access to globally installed packages.")
-    def pip_pre(config, reader, section_val):
-        return config.option.pre or section_val
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="pip_pre", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=pip_pre,
-        help="If ``True``, adds ``--pre`` to the ``opts`` passed to "
-             "the install command. ")
-    def develop(config, reader, section_val):
-        return not config.option.installpkg and (section_val or config.option.develop)
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="usedevelop", type="bool", postprocess=develop, default=False,
-        help="install package in develop/editable mode")
-    def basepython_default(config, reader, section_val):
-        if section_val is None:
-            for f in reader.factors:
-                if f in default_factors:
-                    return default_factors[f]
-            return sys.executable
-        return str(section_val)
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="basepython", type="string", default=None, postprocess=basepython_default,
-        help="executable name or path of interpreter used to create a "
-             "virtual test environment.")
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(InstallcmdOption())
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(DepOption())
-    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
-        name="commands", type="argvlist", default="",
-        help="each line specifies a test command and can use substitution.")
-class Config(object):
-    def __init__(self, pluginmanager, option, interpreters):
-        self.envconfigs = {}
-        self.invocationcwd = py.path.local()
-        self.interpreters = interpreters
-        self.pluginmanager = pluginmanager
-        self.option = option
-    @property
-    def homedir(self):
-        homedir = get_homedir()
-        if homedir is None:
-            homedir = self.toxinidir  # XXX good idea?
-        return homedir
-class VenvConfig:
-    def __init__(self, envname, config):
-        self.envname = envname
-        self.config = config
-    @property
-    def envbindir(self):
-        if (sys.platform == "win32"
-                and "jython" not in self.basepython
-                and "pypy" not in self.basepython):
-            return self.envdir.join("Scripts")
-        else:
-            return self.envdir.join("bin")
-    @property
-    def envpython(self):
-        if "jython" in str(self.basepython):
-            name = "jython"
-        else:
-            name = "python"
-        return self.envbindir.join(name)
-    # no @property to avoid early calling (see callable(subst[key]) checks)
-    def envsitepackagesdir(self):
-        self.getsupportedinterpreter()  # for throwing exceptions
-        x = self.config.interpreters.get_sitepackagesdir(
-            info=self.python_info,
-            envdir=self.envdir)
-        return x
-    @property
-    def python_info(self):
-        return self.config.interpreters.get_info(envconfig=self)
-    def getsupportedinterpreter(self):
-        if sys.platform == "win32" and self.basepython and \
-                "jython" in self.basepython:
-            raise tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter(
-                "Jython/Windows does not support installing scripts")
-        info = self.config.interpreters.get_info(envconfig=self)
-        if not info.executable:
-            raise tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound(self.basepython)
-        if not info.version_info:
-            raise tox.exception.InvocationError(
-                'Failed to get version_info for %s: %s' % (info.name, info.err))
-        if info.version_info < (2, 6):
-            raise tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter(
-                "python2.5 is not supported anymore, sorry")
-        return info.executable
-testenvprefix = "testenv:"
-def get_homedir():
-    try:
-        return py.path.local._gethomedir()
-    except Exception:
-        return None
-def make_hashseed():
-    max_seed = 4294967295
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
-        max_seed = 1024
-    return str(random.randint(1, max_seed))
-class parseini:
-    def __init__(self, config, inipath):
-        config.toxinipath = inipath
-        config.toxinidir = config.toxinipath.dirpath()
-        self._cfg = py.iniconfig.IniConfig(config.toxinipath)
-        config._cfg = self._cfg
-        self.config = config
-        ctxname = getcontextname()
-        if ctxname == "jenkins":
-            reader = SectionReader("tox:jenkins", self._cfg, fallbacksections=['tox'])
-            distshare_default = "{toxworkdir}/distshare"
-        elif not ctxname:
-            reader = SectionReader("tox", self._cfg)
-            distshare_default = "{homedir}/.tox/distshare"
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("invalid context")
-        if config.option.hashseed is None:
-            hashseed = make_hashseed()
-        elif config.option.hashseed == 'noset':
-            hashseed = None
-        else:
-            hashseed = config.option.hashseed
-        config.hashseed = hashseed
-        reader.addsubstitutions(toxinidir=config.toxinidir,
-                                homedir=config.homedir)
-        config.toxworkdir = reader.getpath("toxworkdir", "{toxinidir}/.tox")
-        config.minversion = reader.getstring("minversion", None)
-        if not config.option.skip_missing_interpreters:
-            config.option.skip_missing_interpreters = \
-                reader.getbool("skip_missing_interpreters", False)
-        # determine indexserver dictionary
-        config.indexserver = {'default': IndexServerConfig('default')}
-        prefix = "indexserver"
-        for line in reader.getlist(prefix):
-            name, url = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split("=", 1))
-            config.indexserver[name] = IndexServerConfig(name, url)
-        override = False
-        if config.option.indexurl:
-            for urldef in config.option.indexurl:
-                m = re.match(r"\W*(\w+)=(\S+)", urldef)
-                if m is None:
-                    url = urldef
-                    name = "default"
-                else:
-                    name, url = m.groups()
-                    if not url:
-                        url = None
-                if name != "ALL":
-                    config.indexserver[name].url = url
-                else:
-                    override = url
-        # let ALL override all existing entries
-        if override:
-            for name in config.indexserver:
-                config.indexserver[name] = IndexServerConfig(name, override)
-        reader.addsubstitutions(toxworkdir=config.toxworkdir)
-        config.distdir = reader.getpath("distdir", "{toxworkdir}/dist")
-        reader.addsubstitutions(distdir=config.distdir)
-        config.distshare = reader.getpath("distshare", distshare_default)
-        reader.addsubstitutions(distshare=config.distshare)
-        config.sdistsrc = reader.getpath("sdistsrc", None)
-        config.setupdir = reader.getpath("setupdir", "{toxinidir}")
-        config.logdir = config.toxworkdir.join("log")
-        config.envlist, all_envs = self._getenvdata(reader)
-        # factors used in config or predefined
-        known_factors = self._list_section_factors("testenv")
-        known_factors.update(default_factors)
-        known_factors.add("python")
-        # factors stated in config envlist
-        stated_envlist = reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False)
-        if stated_envlist:
-            for env in _split_env(stated_envlist):
-                known_factors.update(env.split('-'))
-        # configure testenvs
-        for name in all_envs:
-            section = testenvprefix + name
-            factors = set(name.split('-'))
-            if section in self._cfg or factors <= known_factors:
-                config.envconfigs[name] = \
-                    self.make_envconfig(name, section, reader._subs, config)
-        all_develop = all(name in config.envconfigs
-                          and config.envconfigs[name].usedevelop
-                          for name in config.envlist)
-        config.skipsdist = reader.getbool("skipsdist", all_develop)
-    def _list_section_factors(self, section):
-        factors = set()
-        if section in self._cfg:
-            for _, value in self._cfg[section].items():
-                exprs = re.findall(r'^([\w{}\.,-]+)\:\s+', value, re.M)
-                factors.update(*mapcat(_split_factor_expr, exprs))
-        return factors
-    def make_envconfig(self, name, section, subs, config):
-        vc = VenvConfig(config=config, envname=name)
-        factors = set(name.split('-'))
-        reader = SectionReader(section, self._cfg, fallbacksections=["testenv"],
-                               factors=factors)
-        reader.addsubstitutions(**subs)
-        reader.addsubstitutions(envname=name)
-        reader.vc = vc
-        for env_attr in config._testenv_attr:
-            atype = env_attr.type
-            if atype in ("bool", "path", "string", "dict", "argv", "argvlist"):
-                meth = getattr(reader, "get" + atype)
-                res = meth(env_attr.name, env_attr.default)
-            elif atype == "space-separated-list":
-                res = reader.getlist(env_attr.name, sep=" ")
-            elif atype == "line-list":
-                res = reader.getlist(env_attr.name, sep="\n")
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("unknown type %r" % (atype,))
-            if env_attr.postprocess:
-                res = env_attr.postprocess(config, reader, res)
-            setattr(vc, env_attr.name, res)
-            if atype == "path":
-                reader.addsubstitutions(**{env_attr.name: res})
-            if env_attr.name == "install_command":
-                reader.addsubstitutions(envbindir=vc.envbindir, envpython=vc.envpython,
-                                        envsitepackagesdir=vc.envsitepackagesdir)
-        return vc
-    def _getenvdata(self, reader):
-        envstr = self.config.option.env                                \
-            or os.environ.get("TOXENV")                                \
-            or reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False) \
-            or []
-        envlist = _split_env(envstr)
-        # collect section envs
-        all_envs = set(envlist) - set(["ALL"])
-        for section in self._cfg:
-            if section.name.startswith(testenvprefix):
-                all_envs.add(section.name[len(testenvprefix):])
-        if not all_envs:
-            all_envs.add("python")
-        if not envlist or "ALL" in envlist:
-            envlist = sorted(all_envs)
-        return envlist, all_envs
-def _split_env(env):
-    """if handed a list, action="append" was used for -e """
-    if not isinstance(env, list):
-        env = [env]
-    return mapcat(_expand_envstr, env)
-def _split_factor_expr(expr):
-    partial_envs = _expand_envstr(expr)
-    return [set(e.split('-')) for e in partial_envs]
-def _expand_envstr(envstr):
-    # split by commas not in groups
-    tokens = re.split(r'((?:\{[^}]+\})+)|,', envstr)
-    envlist = [''.join(g).strip()
-               for k, g in itertools.groupby(tokens, key=bool) if k]
-    def expand(env):
-        tokens = re.split(r'\{([^}]+)\}', env)
-        parts = [token.split(',') for token in tokens]
-        return [''.join(variant) for variant in itertools.product(*parts)]
-    return mapcat(expand, envlist)
-def mapcat(f, seq):
-    return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(f, seq)))
-class DepConfig:
-    def __init__(self, name, indexserver=None):
-        self.name = name
-        self.indexserver = indexserver
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.indexserver:
-            if self.indexserver.name == "default":
-                return self.name
-            return ":%s:%s" % (self.indexserver.name, self.name)
-        return str(self.name)
-    __repr__ = __str__
-class IndexServerConfig:
-    def __init__(self, name, url=None):
-        self.name = name
-        self.url = url
-#: Check value matches substitution form
-#: of referencing value from other section. E.g. {[base]commands}
-is_section_substitution = re.compile("{\[[^{}\s]+\]\S+?}").match
-RE_ITEM_REF = re.compile(
-    r'''
-    (?<!\\)[{]
-    (?:(?P<sub_type>[^[:{}]+):)?    # optional sub_type for special rules
-    (?P<substitution_value>[^{}]*)  # substitution key
-    [}]
-    ''',
-    re.VERBOSE)
-class SectionReader:
-    def __init__(self, section_name, cfgparser, fallbacksections=None, factors=()):
-        self.section_name = section_name
-        self._cfg = cfgparser
-        self.fallbacksections = fallbacksections or []
-        self.factors = factors
-        self._subs = {}
-        self._subststack = []
-    def addsubstitutions(self, _posargs=None, **kw):
-        self._subs.update(kw)
-        if _posargs:
-            self.posargs = _posargs
-    def getpath(self, name, defaultpath):
-        toxinidir = self._subs['toxinidir']
-        path = self.getstring(name, defaultpath)
-        if path is None:
-            return path
-        return toxinidir.join(path, abs=True)
-    def getlist(self, name, sep="\n"):
-        s = self.getstring(name, None)
-        if s is None:
-            return []
-        return [x.strip() for x in s.split(sep) if x.strip()]
-    def getdict(self, name, default=None, sep="\n"):
-        s = self.getstring(name, None)
-        if s is None:
-            return default or {}
-        value = {}
-        for line in s.split(sep):
-            if line.strip():
-                name, rest = line.split('=', 1)
-                value[name.strip()] = rest.strip()
-        return value
-    def getbool(self, name, default=None):
-        s = self.getstring(name, default)
-        if not s:
-            s = default
-        if s is None:
-            raise KeyError("no config value [%s] %s found" % (
-                           self.section_name, name))
-        if not isinstance(s, bool):
-            if s.lower() == "true":
-                s = True
-            elif s.lower() == "false":
-                s = False
-            else:
-                raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-                    "boolean value %r needs to be 'True' or 'False'")
-        return s
-    def getargvlist(self, name, default=""):
-        s = self.getstring(name, default, replace=False)
-        return _ArgvlistReader.getargvlist(self, s)
-    def getargv(self, name, default=""):
-        return self.getargvlist(name, default)[0]
-    def getstring(self, name, default=None, replace=True):
-        x = None
-        for s in [self.section_name] + self.fallbacksections:
-            try:
-                x = self._cfg[s][name]
-                break
-            except KeyError:
-                continue
-        if x is None:
-            x = default
-        else:
-            x = self._apply_factors(x)
-        if replace and x and hasattr(x, 'replace'):
-            self._subststack.append((self.section_name, name))
-            try:
-                x = self._replace(x)
-            finally:
-                assert self._subststack.pop() == (self.section_name, name)
-        # print "getstring", self.section_name, name, "returned", repr(x)
-        return x
-    def _apply_factors(self, s):
-        def factor_line(line):
-            m = re.search(r'^([\w{}\.,-]+)\:\s+(.+)', line)
-            if not m:
-                return line
-            expr, line = m.groups()
-            if any(fs <= self.factors for fs in _split_factor_expr(expr)):
-                return line
-        lines = s.strip().splitlines()
-        return '\n'.join(filter(None, map(factor_line, lines)))
-    def _replace_env(self, match):
-        match_value = match.group('substitution_value')
-        if not match_value:
-            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-                'env: requires an environment variable name')
-        default = None
-        envkey_split = match_value.split(':', 1)
-        if len(envkey_split) is 2:
-            envkey, default = envkey_split
-        else:
-            envkey = match_value
-        if envkey not in os.environ and default is None:
-            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-                "substitution env:%r: unkown environment variable %r" %
-                (envkey, envkey))
-        return os.environ.get(envkey, default)
-    def _substitute_from_other_section(self, key):
-        if key.startswith("[") and "]" in key:
-            i = key.find("]")
-            section, item = key[1:i], key[i + 1:]
-            if section in self._cfg and item in self._cfg[section]:
-                if (section, item) in self._subststack:
-                    raise ValueError('%s already in %s' % (
-                        (section, item), self._subststack))
-                x = str(self._cfg[section][item])
-                self._subststack.append((section, item))
-                try:
-                    return self._replace(x)
-                finally:
-                    self._subststack.pop()
-        raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-            "substitution key %r not found" % key)
-    def _replace_substitution(self, match):
-        sub_key = match.group('substitution_value')
-        val = self._subs.get(sub_key, None)
-        if val is None:
-            val = self._substitute_from_other_section(sub_key)
-        if py.builtin.callable(val):
-            val = val()
-        return str(val)
-    def _replace_match(self, match):
-        g = match.groupdict()
-        # special case: opts and packages. Leave {opts} and
-        # {packages} intact, they are replaced manually in
-        # _venv.VirtualEnv.run_install_command.
-        sub_value = g['substitution_value']
-        if sub_value in ('opts', 'packages'):
-            return '{%s}' % sub_value
-        handlers = {
-            'env': self._replace_env,
-            None: self._replace_substitution,
-        }
-        try:
-            sub_type = g['sub_type']
-        except KeyError:
-            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-                "Malformed substitution; no substitution type provided")
-        try:
-            handler = handlers[sub_type]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise tox.exception.ConfigError("No support for the %s substitution type" % sub_type)
-        return handler(match)
-    def _replace(self, x):
-        if '{' in x:
-            return RE_ITEM_REF.sub(self._replace_match, x)
-        return x
-class _ArgvlistReader:
-    @classmethod
-    def getargvlist(cls, reader, section_val):
-        """Parse ``commands`` argvlist multiline string.
-        :param str name: Key name in a section.
-        :param str section_val: Content stored by key.
-        :rtype: list[list[str]]
-        :raise :class:`tox.exception.ConfigError`:
-            line-continuation ends nowhere while resolving for specified section
-        """
-        commands = []
-        current_command = ""
-        for line in section_val.splitlines():
-            line = line.rstrip()
-            i = line.find("#")
-            if i != -1:
-                line = line[:i].rstrip()
-            if not line:
-                continue
-            if line.endswith("\\"):
-                current_command += " " + line[:-1]
-                continue
-            current_command += line
-            if is_section_substitution(current_command):
-                replaced = reader._replace(current_command)
-                commands.extend(cls.getargvlist(reader, replaced))
-            else:
-                commands.append(cls.processcommand(reader, current_command))
-            current_command = ""
-        else:
-            if current_command:
-                raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
-                    "line-continuation ends nowhere while resolving for [%s] %s" %
-                    (reader.section_name, "commands"))
-        return commands
-    @classmethod
-    def processcommand(cls, reader, command):
-        posargs = getattr(reader, "posargs", None)
-        # Iterate through each word of the command substituting as
-        # appropriate to construct the new command string. This
-        # string is then broken up into exec argv components using
-        # shlex.
-        newcommand = ""
-        for word in CommandParser(command).words():
-            if word == "{posargs}" or word == "[]":
-                if posargs:
-                    newcommand += " ".join(posargs)
-                continue
-            elif word.startswith("{posargs:") and word.endswith("}"):
-                if posargs:
-                    newcommand += " ".join(posargs)
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    word = word[9:-1]
-            new_arg = ""
-            new_word = reader._replace(word)
-            new_word = reader._replace(new_word)
-            new_arg += new_word
-            newcommand += new_arg
-        # Construct shlex object that will not escape any values,
-        # use all values as is in argv.
-        shlexer = shlex.shlex(newcommand, posix=True)
-        shlexer.whitespace_split = True
-        shlexer.escape = ''
-        shlexer.commenters = ''
-        argv = list(shlexer)
-        return argv
-class CommandParser(object):
-    class State(object):
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.word = ''
-            self.depth = 0
-            self.yield_words = []
-    def __init__(self, command):
-        self.command = command
-    def words(self):
-        ps = CommandParser.State()
-        def word_has_ended():
-            return ((cur_char in string.whitespace and ps.word and
-                     ps.word[-1] not in string.whitespace) or
-                    (cur_char == '{' and ps.depth == 0 and not ps.word.endswith('\\')) or
-                    (ps.depth == 0 and ps.word and ps.word[-1] == '}') or
-                    (cur_char not in string.whitespace and ps.word and
-                     ps.word.strip() == ''))
-        def yield_this_word():
-            yieldword = ps.word
-            ps.word = ''
-            if yieldword:
-                ps.yield_words.append(yieldword)
-        def yield_if_word_ended():
-            if word_has_ended():
-                yield_this_word()
-        def accumulate():
-            ps.word += cur_char
-        def push_substitution():
-            ps.depth += 1
-        def pop_substitution():
-            ps.depth -= 1
-        for cur_char in self.command:
-            if cur_char in string.whitespace:
-                if ps.depth == 0:
-                    yield_if_word_ended()
-                accumulate()
-            elif cur_char == '{':
-                yield_if_word_ended()
-                accumulate()
-                push_substitution()
-            elif cur_char == '}':
-                accumulate()
-                pop_substitution()
-            else:
-                yield_if_word_ended()
-                accumulate()
-        if ps.word.strip():
-            yield_this_word()
-        return ps.yield_words
-def getcontextname():
-    if any(env in os.environ for env in ['JENKINS_URL', 'HUDSON_URL']):
-        return 'jenkins'
-    return None

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tox/_exception.py
--- a/tox/_exception.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-class Error(Exception):
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.args[0])
-class UnsupportedInterpreter(Error):
-    "signals an unsupported Interpreter"
-class InterpreterNotFound(Error):
-    "signals that an interpreter could not be found"
-class InvocationError(Error):
-    """ an error while invoking a script. """
-class MissingFile(Error):
-    """ an error while invoking a script. """
-class MissingDirectory(Error):
-    """ a directory did not exist. """
-class MissingDependency(Error):
-    """ a dependency could not be found or determined. """

diff -r 55437391511703f2fd40f3ee3cf18f89ef8f446a -r 5fbd833e8b0e88cf71920a1479f47260317c98b0 tox/_pytestplugin.py
--- a/tox/_pytestplugin.py
+++ b/tox/_pytestplugin.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 from py.builtin import _isbytes, _istext, print_
 from fnmatch import fnmatch
 import time
-from tox._config import parseconfig
-from tox._venv import VirtualEnv
-from tox._cmdline import Action
-from tox.result import ResultLog
+from .config import parseconfig
+from .venv import VirtualEnv
+from .session import Action
+from .result import ResultLog
 def pytest_configure():
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 def mocksession(request):
-    from tox._cmdline import Session
+    from tox.session import Session
     class MockSession(Session):
         def __init__(self):

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

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