[Pytest-commit] Issue #297: Allow `setup.cfg` as an alternative configuration file (hpk42/tox)

Peter Bittner issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Wed Dec 16 11:01:01 EST 2015

New issue 297: Allow `setup.cfg` as an alternative configuration file

Peter Bittner:

(This issue comes from a comment in issue #185.) I'd love to see the tox configuration living in `setup.cfg` too in general, as an alternative.

It would allow a more elegant Python package configuration for developers: You could put configuration of all your tools into a single file. The ini-style allows for separate sections. I've described some considerations in a [comment on issue 13](https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/tox/issues/13/tox-should-reuse-tests_require#comment-22015917).

A few projects already look into `setup.cfg`. [flake8](http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html), [behave](https://github.com/behave/behave/blob/master/docs/behave.rst#configuration-files), [py.test](http://pytest.org/latest/customize.html?highlight=setup.cfg#initialization-determining-rootdir-and-inifile), among others. Pylint is a prominent exception (its maintainer considers this idea harmful; [declined PR](https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/pull-requests/276/allow-setupcfg-to-be-project-config-file/diff); [discussion](https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/617)).

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