[Pytest-commit] Issue #191: Generative environments are only created if the fragment is used (hpk42/tox)

Hynek Schlawack issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Sep 25 15:31:40 CEST 2014

New issue 191: Generative environments are only created if the fragment is used

Hynek Schlawack:


envlist = py27-{a,b}

deps =
   b: pytest
commands = true

Makes `tox -l` complain: `ERROR: unknown environment 'py27-a'`

My current workaround is to conditionally set some bogus env variable (which let me run int o #190 :)).

Having unused fragments is useful, I do it for example in https://github.com/hynek/structlog/blob/master/tox.ini to be more explicit and save myself listing ‘bare’ environments.

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