[Pytest-commit] Issue #148: __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ causing issues on OS X with Python 3.3 (hpk42/tox)

Richard Jones issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Tue Jan 21 06:52:29 CET 2014

New issue 148: __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ causing issues on OS X with Python 3.3

Richard Jones:

If the environment variable __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ is set when tox is launched then the pip subprocesses that tox fires off to install dependencies get confused and install everything into the virtualenv that tox comes from, rather than the test envs.

The "fix" is to add __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ to the list of environment variables deleted from the environment in the _pcall method (along with VIRTUALENV_PYTHON and PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE).

Sorry I can't provide a better report than this but I'm not sure what __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ does - only that it causes trouble sometimes and is the specific cause of the problem in this case.

I've attached the output/logs of trying to run tox with flake8, with what I hope is a reasonable explanation of what's going on. It's kinda verbose, sorry, but it does show the failure and then success after I make the edit above.

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