[Pytest-commit] [hpk42/tox] provide a standalone mode for tox similar to the one used by py.test (issue #95)

Sorin Sbarnea issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Wed Apr 17 16:49:08 CEST 2013

New issue 95: provide a standalone mode for tox similar to the one used by py.test

Sorin Sbarnea:

`py.test` can generate a [standalone script](http://pytest.org/latest/goodpractises.html#create-a-py-test-standalone-script) you can run the tests without having to install py.test.

This is important for enabling the usage on continuous integration systems where you do not have root access to the running machine (which is usually a clean machine, sometimes even spawned on demand),

In order to overcome this, I tried to setup a virtual environment and install tox in it but this doesn't seem to work well, as tox will try to create other virtual environments itself.

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