[py-svn] [hpk42/pytest] Add an easy way for plugins to format objects for idmaker (issue #238)

Gustavo Picon issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Dec 13 03:03:31 CET 2012

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New issue 238: Add an easy way for plugins to format objects for idmaker

Gustavo Picon:

One of the things I missed when I ported a hacky dynamic unittest suite to pytest fixtures, was the information I got from the test names. I parametrize 6 different django models in every test, but in the report I saw something like:


Which wasn't helpful at all. I solved this problem by [monkeypatching _pytest.python.idmaker](https://bitbucket.org/tabo/django-treebeard/src/fd57de9692913126a31c87c909a45f84a919fffe/treebeard/tests/conftest.py?at=default#cl-20). Now I have [nicer results](https://tabo.pe/jenkins/job/django-treebeard/34/TOX_DB=sqlite,TOX_DJANGO=dj15,TOX_PYTHON=py32,os=windows/testReport/treebeard.tests.test_treebeard/TestAddSibling/), like:


It would be better if pytest provided an interface for plugins to handle different object types, so for instance pytest_django could register itself as being in charge of formatting all django orm objects and views.

Responsible: hpk42

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