[py-svn] [hpk42/pytest] Unexpected behavior when modifying parameterized value (issue #237)

James Laska issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Tue Dec 11 17:37:13 CET 2012

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New issue 237: Unexpected behavior when modifying parameterized value

James Laska:


With py.test-2.3.4, when adjusting the value of a parameterized test function argument, it appears the changes are made to subsequent calls to the same function.

With the following conftest.py ...

import pytest

releasevers = "6Server".split()
basearchs = "i386 x86_64".split()
clouds = "rhevm ec2".split()
image_list = list()
for releasever in releasevers:
    for basearch in basearchs:
            name="rhel-{basearch}-{releasever}".format(releasever=releasever, basearch=basearch),

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):

    if 'cloud' in metafunc.funcargnames:
        metafunc.parametrize("cloud", clouds)

    if 'image' in metafunc.funcargnames:
        metafunc.parametrize("image", image_list, ids=[i.get('name') for i in image_list])


Any the following test_images.py ...


def test_build(cloud, image):

    print "\n  BEFORE: profile=%s" % (image.get('profile'))

    # If rhevm, alter the profile
    if cloud == 'rhevm' and image.get('basearch','') == 'i386':
        image['profile'] = 'small-x86_64'
        print "  MODIFIED PROFILE"

    if cloud == 'rhevm':
        assert image.get('profile') == 'small-x86_64'
        assert image.get('profile') == 'small-%s' % image.get('basearch')

This may be something fundamental to python (call-by-reference) that I'm missing.  However, it appears that py.test is adjusting the value of image['profile'] for subsequent calls to the test function.  For example ..

py.test -s .
============================================================================================= test session starts =============================================================================================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.3 -- pytest-2.3.4
collected 4 items 

  BEFORE: profile=small-i386
  BEFORE: profile=small-x86_64
  BEFORE: profile=small-x86_64
  BEFORE: profile=small-x86_64

================================================================================================== FAILURES ===================================================================================================
______________________________________________________________________________________ test_build[ec2-rhel-i386-6Server] ______________________________________________________________________________________

cloud = 'ec2', image = {'basearch': 'i386', 'name': 'rhel-i386-6Server', 'profile': 'small-x86_64', 'releasever': '6Server'}

    def test_build(cloud, image):
        print "\n  BEFORE: profile=%s" % (image.get('profile'))
        # If rhevm, alter the profile
        if cloud == 'rhevm' and image.get('basearch','') == 'i386':
            image['profile'] = 'small-x86_64'
            print "  MODIFIED PROFILE"
        if cloud == 'rhevm':
            assert image.get('profile') == 'small-x86_64'
>           assert image.get('profile') == 'small-%s' % image.get('basearch')
E           assert 'small-x86_64' == 'small-i386'
E             - small-x86_64
E             + small-i386

test_images.py:13: AssertionError
===================================================================================== 1 failed, 3 passed in 0.02 seconds ======================================================================================


If I first copy the test argument named 'image' using the 'copy.copy()' method, I am able to modify the object as needed without disruption to other generated calls to the same method.  

Please advise, is this a problem with pytest, or in how I'm generating the test arguments?


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