[py-svn] commit/pytest: gutworth: customize pyc tag based on implementation

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Jul 8 20:48:57 CEST 2011

1 new changeset in pytest:

changeset:   9b1d84e207cc
user:        gutworth
date:        2011-07-08 20:53:23
summary:     customize pyc tag based on implementation
affected #:  1 file (153 bytes)

--- a/_pytest/assertion/rewrite.py	Fri Jul 08 13:17:42 2011 -0500
+++ b/_pytest/assertion/rewrite.py	Fri Jul 08 13:53:23 2011 -0500
@@ -18,9 +18,15 @@
 if hasattr(imp, "get_tag"):
     PYTEST_TAG = imp.get_tag() + "-PYTEST"
+    if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
+        impl = "pypy"
+    elif sys.platform == "java":
+        impl = "jython"
+    else:
+        impl = "cpython"
     ver = sys.version_info
-    PYTEST_TAG = "cpython-" + str(ver[0]) + str(ver[1]) + "-PYTEST"
-    del ver
+    PYTEST_TAG = "%s-%s%s-PYTEST" % (impl, ver[0], ver[1])
+    del ver, impl
 class AssertionRewritingHook(object):
     """Import hook which rewrites asserts."""

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