[py-svn] r63200 - py/trunk/py/doc

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Mar 22 01:38:46 CET 2009

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
New Revision: 63200

new docs about testing 
refactoring of documentation
new entry page

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/contact.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/contact.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/contact.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 py lib contact and communication 
+- You may also subscribe to `tetamap`_, where Holger Krekel
+  often posts about testing and py.test related news. 
 - **#pylib on irc.freenode.net**: you are welcome
   to lurk or ask questions in this IRC channel, it also tracks py lib commits. 
@@ -20,6 +22,8 @@
 .. _`get an account`:  
+.. _tetamap: http://tetamap.wordpress.com
 get an account on codespeak  

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/impl-test.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/impl-test.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/impl-test.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -131,28 +131,6 @@
     py.test --traceconfig
-adding custom options
-To register a project-specific command line option 
-you may have the following code within a ``conftest.py`` file::
-    import py
-    Option = py.test.config.Option
-    option = py.test.config.addoptions("pypy options",
-        Option('-V', '--view', action="store_true", dest="view", default=False,
-               help="view translation tests' flow graphs with Pygame"),
-    )
-and you can then access ``option.view`` like this:: 
-    if option.view:
-        print "view this!"
-The option will be available if you type ``py.test -h``
-Note that you may only register upper case short
-options.  ``py.test`` reserves all lower 
-case short options for its own cross-project usage. 
 customizing the collecting and running process 
@@ -245,7 +223,7 @@
 parameter sets but counting each of the calls as a separate
-.. _`generative tests`: test.html#generative-tests
+.. _`generative tests`: test-features.html#generative-tests
 The other extension possibility is about 
 specifying a custom test ``Item`` class which 

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/test-config.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/test-config.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test-config.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -1,28 +1,23 @@
 Test configuration
-using / specifying plugins
-you can instruct py.test to use additional plugins by:
-* setting the PYTEST_PLUGINS environment variable
-  to a comma-separated list of plugins
-* XXX supplying "--plugins=NAME1,NAME2,..." at the command line 
-* setting "pytest_plugins='name1', 'name2'" in 
-  ``conftest.py`` files or in python test modules. 
+test options and values 
-py.test will load all plugins along with their dependencies
-(plugins may specify "pytest_plugins" as well). 
+You can see all available command line options by running::
-test option values 
+    py.test -h 
-py.test will lookup the value of an option "NAME" in this order: 
+py.test will lookup values of options in this order:
 * option value supplied at command line 
 * content of environment variable ``PYTEST_OPTION_NAME=...``
 * ``name = ...`` setting in the nearest ``conftest.py`` file.
-This means that you can specify default options per-run, 
-per shell session or per project directory. 
+The name of an option usually is the one you find 
+in the longform of the option, i.e. the name 
+behind the ``--`` double-dash. 
+IOW, you can set default values for options per project, per
+home-directoray, per shell session or per test-run. 

Added: py/trunk/py/doc/test-dist.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test-dist.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+.. _`distribute tests across machines`:
+``py.test`` can ad-hoc distribute test runs to multiple CPUs or remote
+machines.  This allows to speed up development or to use special resources
+of remote machines.  Before running tests remotely, ``py.test`` efficiently 
+synchronizes your program source code to the remote place.  All test results 
+are reported back and displayed to your local test session.  You may 
+specify different Python versions and interpreters.
+Speed up test runs by sending tests to multiple CPUs
+To send tests to multiple CPUs, type::
+    py.test -n NUM
+Especially for longer running tests or tests requiring 
+a lot of IO this can lead to considerable speed ups. 
+Test on a different python interpreter 
+To send tests to a python2.4 process, you may type::
+    py.test --tx popen//python=python2.4
+This will start a subprocess which is run with the "python2.4"
+Python interpreter, found in your system binary lookup path. 
+.. For convenience you may prepend ``3*`` to create three sub processes.  
+Sending tests to remote SSH accounts
+Suppose you have a package ``mypkg`` which contains some 
+tests that you can successfully run locally. And you
+have a ssh-reachable machine ``myhost``.  Then    
+you can ad-hoc distribute your tests by typing::
+    py.test -d --tx ssh=myhostpopen --rsyncdir mypkg mypkg
+This will synchronize your ``mypkg`` package directory 
+to an remote ssh account and then locally collect tests 
+and send them to remote places for execution.  
+You can specify multiple ``--rsyncdir`` directories 
+to be sent to the remote side. 
+Sending tests to remote Socket Servers
+Download the single-module `socketserver.py`_ Python program 
+and run it on the specified hosts like this::
+    python socketserver.py
+It will tell you that it starts listening.  You can now
+on your home machine specify this new socket host
+with something like this::
+    py.test -d --tx socket= --rsyncdir mypkg mypkg
+no remote installation requirements 
+Synchronisation and running of tests only requires
+a bare Python installation on the remote side.   No
+special software is installed - this is realized through the
+*zero installation* principle that the underlying 
+`py.execnet`_ mechanisms implements. 
+.. _`socketserver.py`: ../execnet/script/socketserver.py
+.. _`py.execnet`: execnet.html
+Differences from local tests
+* Test order is rather random (instead of in file order). 
+* the test process may hang due to network problems 
+* you may not reference files outside of rsynced directory structures
+Specifying test exec environments in a conftest.py
+Instead of specifying command line options, you can 
+put options values in a ``conftest.py`` file like this::
+    pytest_option_tx = ['ssh=myhost//python=python2.5', 'popen//python=python2.5']
+    pytest_option_dist = True
+Any commandline ``--tx`` specifictions  will add to the list of available execution
+Specifying "rsync" dirs in a conftest.py
+In your ``mypkg/conftest.py`` you may specify directories to synchronise
+or to exclude::
+    rsyncdirs = ['.', '../plugins']
+    rsyncignore = ['_cache']
+These directory specifications are relative to the directory
+where the ``conftest.py`` is found.

Added: py/trunk/py/doc/test-examples.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test-examples.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Working Examples
+managing state at module, class and method level 
+Here is a working example for what goes on when you setup modules, 
+classes and methods:: 
+    # [[from py/documentation/example/pytest/test_setup_flow_example.py]]
+    def setup_module(module):
+        module.TestStateFullThing.classcount = 0
+    class TestStateFullThing:
+        def setup_class(cls):
+            cls.classcount += 1
+        def teardown_class(cls):
+            cls.classcount -= 1
+        def setup_method(self, method):
+            self.id = eval(method.func_name[5:])
+        def test_42(self):
+            assert self.classcount == 1
+            assert self.id == 42
+        def test_23(self):
+            assert self.classcount == 1
+            assert self.id == 23
+    def teardown_module(module):
+        assert module.TestStateFullThing.classcount == 0
+For this example the control flow happens as follows::
+    import test_setup_flow_example
+    setup_module(test_setup_flow_example)
+       setup_class(TestStateFullThing) 
+           instance = TestStateFullThing()
+           setup_method(instance, instance.test_42) 
+              instance.test_42()
+           setup_method(instance, instance.test_23) 
+              instance.test_23()
+       teardown_class(TestStateFullThing) 
+    teardown_module(test_setup_flow_example)
+Note that ``setup_class(TestStateFullThing)`` is called and not 
+``TestStateFullThing.setup_class()`` which would require you
+to insert ``setup_class = classmethod(setup_class)`` to make
+your setup function callable. Did we mention that lazyness
+is a virtue? 

Added: py/trunk/py/doc/test-ext.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test-ext.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Learning by examples
+adding custom options
+py.test supports adding of standard optparse_ Options. 
+A plugin may implement the ``addoption`` hook for registering 
+custom options:: 
+    class ConftestPlugin:
+        def pytest_addoption(self, parser):
+            parser.addoption("-M", "--myopt", action="store", 
+                help="specify string to set myopt")
+        def pytest_configure(self, config):
+            if config.option.myopt:
+                # do action based on option value
+.. _optparse: http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html
+Setting default values for test options
+You can see all available command line options by running::
+    py.test -h 
+py.test will lookup values of options in this order:
+* option value supplied at command line 
+* content of environment variable ``PYTEST_OPTION_NAME=...``
+* ``name = ...`` setting in the nearest ``conftest.py`` file.
+The name of an option usually is the one you find 
+in the longform of the option, i.e. the name 
+behind the ``--`` double-dash. 
+IOW, you can set default values for options per project, per
+home-directoray, per shell session or per test-run. 
+Plugin methods 
+A Plugin class may implement the following attributes and methods: 
+_`pytest event`: 
+Pytest Events 

Added: py/trunk/py/doc/test-features.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test-features.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
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+Basic Features of ``py.test`` 
+automatic collection of tests on all levels
+The automated test collection process walks the current
+directory (or the directory given as a command line argument)
+and all its subdirectories and collects python modules with a
+leading ``test_`` or trailing ``_test`` filename.  From each 
+test module every function with a leading ``test_`` or class with 
+a leading ``Test`` name is collected.  The collecting process can 
+be customized at directory, module or class level.  (see 
+`collection process`_ for some implementation details). 
+.. _`generative tests`: 
+.. _`collection process`: impl-test.html#collection-process
+assert with the ``assert`` statement
+``py.test`` allows to use the standard python
+``assert statement`` for verifying expectations 
+and values in Python tests.  For example, you can 
+write the following in your tests:: 
+     assert hasattr(x, 'attribute') 
+to state that your object has a certain ``attribute``. In case this
+assertion fails you will see the value of ``x``.  Intermediate
+values are computed by executing the assert expression a second time. 
+If you execute code with side effects, e.g. read from a file like this::
+        assert f.read() != '...'
+then you may get a warning from pytest if that assertions
+first failed and then succeeded. 
+asserting expected exceptions 
+In order to write assertions about exceptions, you use
+one of two forms::
+    py.test.raises(Exception, func, *args, **kwargs) 
+    py.test.raises(Exception, "func(*args, **kwargs)")
+both of which execute the given function with args and kwargs and
+asserts that the given ``Exception`` is raised.  The reporter will
+provide you with helpful output in case of failures such as *no
+exception* or *wrong exception*.
+dynamically skipping tests 
+If you want to skip tests you can use ``py.test.skip`` within
+test or setup functions.  Example::
+    py.test.skip("message")
+You can also use a helper to skip on a failing import::
+    docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils")
+or to skip if a library does not have the right version::
+    docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils", minversion="0.3")
+The version will be read from the module's ``__version__`` attribute. 
+generative tests: yielding more tests
+*Generative tests* are test methods that are *generator functions* which
+``yield`` callables and their arguments.  This is most useful for running a
+test function multiple times against different parameters.  Example::
+    def test_generative(): 
+        for x in (42,17,49): 
+            yield check, x 
+    def check(arg): 
+        assert arg % 7 == 0   # second generated tests fails!
+Note that ``test_generative()`` will cause three tests 
+to get run, notably ``check(42)``, ``check(17)`` and ``check(49)``
+of which the middle one will obviously fail. 
+To make it easier to distinguish the generated tests it is possible to specify an explicit name for them, like for example::
+    def test_generative(): 
+        for x in (42,17,49): 
+            yield "case %d" % x, check, x 
+.. _`selection by keyword`: 
+selecting/unselecting tests by keyword 
+Pytest's keyword mechanism provides a powerful way to 
+group and selectively run tests in your test code base. 
+You can selectively run tests by specifiying a keyword 
+on the command line.  Examples:
+    py.test -k test_simple   
+    py.test -k "-test_simple"
+will run all tests matching (or not matching) the
+"test_simple" keyword.  Note that you need to quote 
+the keyword if "-" is recognized as an indicator 
+for a commandline option.  Lastly, you may use 
+    py.test. -k "test_simple:"
+which will run all tests after the expression has *matched once*, i.e. 
+all tests that are seen after a test that matches the "test_simple" 
+By default, all filename parts and
+class/function names of a test function are put into the set
+of keywords for a given test.  You may specify additional 
+kewords like this::
+    @py.test.mark(webtest=True)
+    def test_send_http():
+        ... 
+testing with multiple python versions / executables 
+With ``--tx EXECUTABLE`` you can specify a python
+executable (e.g. ``python2.2``) with which the tests 
+will be executed. 
+testing starts immediately 
+Testing starts as soon as the first ``test item`` 
+is collected.  The collection process is iterative 
+and does not need to complete before your first 
+test items are executed. 
+support for modules containing tests
+As ``py.test`` operates as a separate cmdline 
+tool you can easily have a command line utility and
+some tests in the same file.  
+debug with the ``print`` statement
+By default, ``py.test`` catches text written to stdout/stderr during
+the execution of each individual test. This output will only be
+displayed however if the test fails; you will not see it
+otherwise. This allows you to put debugging print statements in your
+code without being overwhelmed by all the output that might be
+generated by tests that do not fail.
+Each failing test that produced output during the running of the test
+will have its output displayed in the ``recorded stdout`` section.
+The catching of stdout/stderr output can be disabled using the 
+``--nocapture`` option to the ``py.test`` tool.  Any output will 
+in this case be displayed as soon as it is generated.
+test execution order
+Tests usually run in the order in which they appear in the files. 
+However, tests should not rely on running one after another, as
+this prevents more advanced usages: running tests
+distributedly or selectively, or in "looponfailing" mode,
+will cause them to run in random order. 
+useful tracebacks, recursion detection 
+A lot of care is taken to present nice tracebacks in case of test
+failure. Try::
+    py.test py/doc/example/pytest/failure_demo.py
+to see a variety of 17 tracebacks, each tailored to a different
+failure situation.
+``py.test`` uses the same order for presenting tracebacks as Python
+itself: the oldest function call is shown first, and the most recent call is
+shown last. A ``py.test`` reported traceback starts with your
+failing test function.  If the maximum recursion depth has been
+exceeded during the running of a test, for instance because of
+infinite recursion, ``py.test`` will indicate where in the
+code the recursion was taking place.  You can  inhibit
+traceback "cutting" magic by supplying ``--fulltrace``. 
+There is also the possibility of using ``--tb=short`` to get regular CPython
+tracebacks. Or you can use ``--tb=no`` to not show any tracebacks at all.
+no inheritance requirement 
+Test classes are recognized by their leading ``Test`` name.  Unlike
+``unitest.py``, you don't need to inherit from some base class to make
+them be found by the test runner. Besides being easier, it also allows
+you to write test classes that subclass from application level
+disabling a test class
+If you want to disable a complete test class you
+can set the class-level attribute ``disabled``. 
+For example, in order to avoid running some tests on Win32:: 
+    class TestPosixOnly: 
+        disabled = sys.platform == 'win32'
+        def test_xxx(self):
+            ... 
+testing for deprecated APIs
+In your tests you can use ``py.test.deprecated_call(func, *args, **kwargs)``
+to test that a particular function call triggers a DeprecationWarning. 
+This is useful for testing phasing out of old APIs in your projects. 
+doctest support 
+If you want to integrate doctests, ``py.test`` now by default
+picks up files matching the ``test_*.txt`` or ``*_test.txt`` 
+patterns and processes them as text files containing doctests. 
+This is an experimental feature and likely to change
+its implementation. 
+.. _`reStructured Text`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net
+.. _`Python debugger`: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-pdb.html
+.. _nose: http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/test-plugins.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/test-plugins.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test-plugins.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -1,67 +1,56 @@
-pytest plugins
+Many of py.test's features are implemented as a plugin. 
-specifying plugins for directories or test modules 
-py.test loads and configures plugins at tool startup and whenever 
-it encounters new confest or test modules which 
-contain a ``pytest_plugins`` definition.  At tool 
-startup the ``PYTEST_PLUGINS`` environment variable 
-is considered as well. 
-If you create a ``conftest.py`` file with the following content:: 
+Available plugins
-    pytest_plugins = "pytest_plugin1", MyLocalPluginClass
+py.test has a number of default plugins.  You can see which 
+ones by specifying ``--trace=config``. 
-then test execution within that directory can make use 
-of the according instantiated plugins:
+* adding reporting facilities, examples:
+  pytest_terminal: default reporter for writing info to terminals 
+  pytest_resultlog: log test results in machine-readable form to a file 
+  pytest_eventlog: log all internal pytest events to a file 
-* the module ``pytest_plugin1`` will be imported and 
-  and its contained `Plugin1`` class instantiated. 
-  A plugin module can put its dependencies into 
-  a "pytest_plugins" attribute at module level as well. 
+* marking and reporting test specially 
+  pytest_xfail: "expected to fail" test marker 
-* the ``MyLocalPluginClass`` will be instantiated 
-  and added to the pluginmanager. 
+* funcargs for advanced 
+  pytest_tmpdir: provide temporary directories to test functions 
+  pytest_plugintester: generic apichecks, support for functional plugin tests 
+  pytest_pytester: support for testing py.test runs
+* extending test execution, e.g. 
+  pytest_apigen: tracing values of function/method calls when running tests
-Plugin methods 
-A Plugin class may implement the following attributes and methods: 
+Loading plugins and specifying dependencies 
-* pytest_cmdlineoptions: a list of optparse-style py.test.config.Option objects 
-* pytest_configure(self, config): called after command line options have been parsed 
-* pytest_unconfigure(self, config): called before the test process quits 
-* pytest_event(self, event): called for each `pytest event`_ 
+py.test loads and configures plugins at tool startup:
-XXX reference APIcheck'ed full documentation
+* by reading the ``PYTEST_PLUGINS`` environment variable 
+  and importing the comma-separated list of plugin names. 
-_`pytest event`: 
+* by loading all plugins specified via one or more ``-p name`` 
+  command line options. 
-Pytest Events 
+* by loading all plugins specified via a ``pytest_plugins``
+  variable in ``conftest.py`` files or test modules. 
-XXX Various reporting events. 
+example: ensure a plugin is loaded 
-Example plugins
+If you create a ``conftest.py`` file with the following content:: 
-XXX here are a few existing plugins: 
+    pytest_plugins = "pytest_myextension",
-* adding reporting facilities, e.g. 
-  pytest_terminal: default reporter for writing info to terminals 
-  pytest_resultlog: log test results in machine-readable form to a file 
-  pytest_eventlog: log all internal pytest events to a file 
-  pytest_xfail: "expected to fail" test marker 
-  pytest_tmpdir: provide temporary directories to test functions 
-  pytest_plugintester: generic apichecks, support for functional plugin tests 
-  pytest_pytester: support for testing py.test runs
+then all tests in that directory and below it will run with
+an instantiated "pytest_myextension".  Here is how instantiation
+takes place:
+* the module ``pytest_extension`` will be imported and 
+  and its contained `ExtensionPlugin`` class will 
+  be instantiated.  A plugin module may specify its 
+  dependencies via another ``pytest_plugins`` definition. 
-* extending test execution, e.g. 
-  pytest_apigen: tracing values of function/method calls when running tests

Added: py/trunk/py/doc/test-quickstart.txt
--- (empty file)
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+.. _`setuptools installation`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
+Installing py.test
+This document assumes basic python knowledge.  If you have a
+`setuptools installation`_, install ``py.test`` by typing::
+    easy_install -U py 
+For alternative installation methods please see the download_ page.  
+You should now have a ``py.test`` command line tool and can
+look at its documented cmdline options via this command::
+    py.test -h  
+Writing and running a test
+``py.test`` is the command line tool to run tests.  
+Let's write a first test module by putting the following
+test function into a ``test_sample.py`` file::
+    # content of test_sample.py 
+    def test_answer():
+        assert 42 == 43 
+Now you can run the test by passing it as an argument::
+  py.test test_sample.py
+What does happen here?  ``py.test`` looks for functions and
+methods in the module that start with ``test_``.  It then
+executes those tests.  Assertions about test outcomes are
+done via the standard ``assert`` statement.
+You can also use ``py.test`` to run all tests in a directory structure by
+invoking it without any arguments::
+  py.test
+This will automatically collect and run any Python module whose filenames 
+start with ``test_`` or ends with ``_test`` from the directory and any
+subdirectories, starting with the current directory, and run them. Each 
+Python test module is inspected for test methods starting with ``test_``. 
+.. Organising your tests 
+.. ---------------------------
+Please refer to `features`_ for a walk through the basic features. 
+.. _download: download.html
+.. _features: test-features.html

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt	Sun Mar 22 01:38:43 2009
@@ -1,651 +1,22 @@
-The ``py.test`` tool and library 
+*py.test* is a tool for:
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
+* rapidly writing unit- and functional tests in Python
+* writing tests for non-python code and data
+* receiving useful reports on test failures 
+* distributing tests to multiple CPUs and remote environments
+quickstart_: for getting started immediately.
-This document is about the *usage* of the ``py.test`` testing tool. There is
-also document describing the `implementation and the extending of py.test`_.
+features_: a walk through basic features and usage. 
-.. _`implementation and the extending of py.test`: impl-test.html
+plugins_: using available plugins. 
-starting point: ``py.test`` command line tool 
+extend_: writing plugins and advanced configuration. 
-We presume you have done an installation as per the
-download_ page after which you should be able to execute the
-'py.test' tool from a command line shell. 
+`distributed testing`_ how to distribute test runs to other machines and platforms. 
-``py.test`` is the command line tool to run tests. You can supply it
-with a Python test file (or directory) by passing it as an argument::
-  py.test test_sample.py
-``py.test`` looks for any functions and methods in the module that
-start with with ``test_`` and will then run those methods.  Assertions
-about test outcomes are done via the standard ``assert`` statement.
-This means you can write tests without any boilerplate::
-    # content of test_sample.py 
-    def test_answer():
-        assert 42 == 43 
-You may have test functions and test methods, there is no
-need to subclass or to put tests into a class. 
-You can also use ``py.test`` to run all tests in a directory structure by
-invoking it without any arguments::
-  py.test
-This will automatically collect and run any Python module whose filenames 
-start with ``test_`` or ends with ``_test`` from the directory and any
-subdirectories, starting with the current directory, and run them. Each 
-Python test module is inspected for test methods starting with ``test_``. 
-.. _download: download.html
-.. _features: 
-Basic Features of ``py.test`` 
-assert with the ``assert`` statement
-Writing assertions is very simple and this is one of py.test's
-most noticeable features, as you can use the ``assert``
-statement with arbitrary expressions.  For example you can 
-write the following in your tests:: 
-     assert hasattr(x, 'attribute') 
-to state that your object has a certain ``attribute``. In case this
-assertion fails the test ``reporter`` will provide you with a very
-helpful analysis and a clean traceback.
-how to write assertions about exceptions 
-In order to write assertions about exceptions, you use
-one of two forms::
-    py.test.raises(Exception, func, *args, **kwargs) 
-    py.test.raises(Exception, "func(*args, **kwargs)")
-both of which execute the given function with args and kwargs and
-asserts that the given ``Exception`` is raised.  The reporter will
-provide you with helpful output in case of failures such as *no
-exception* or *wrong exception*.
-Skipping tests 
-If you want to skip tests you can use ``py.test.skip`` within
-test or setup functions.  Example::
-    py.test.skip("message")
-You can also use a helper to skip on a failing import::
-    docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils")
-or to skip if the library does not have the right version::
-    docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils", minversion="0.3")
-automatic collection of tests on all levels
-The automated test collection process walks the current
-directory (or the directory given as a command line argument)
-and all its subdirectories and collects python modules with a
-leading ``test_`` or trailing ``_test`` filename.  From each 
-test module every function with a leading ``test_`` or class with 
-a leading ``Test`` name is collected.  The collecting process can 
-be customized at directory, module or class level.  (see 
-`collection process`_ for some implementation details). 
-.. _`generative tests`: 
-.. _`collection process`: impl-test.html#collection-process
-generative tests: yielding more tests
-*Generative tests* are test methods that are *generator functions* which
-``yield`` callables and their arguments.  This is most useful for running a
-test function multiple times against different parameters.
-    def test_generative(): 
-        for x in (42,17,49): 
-            yield check, x 
-    def check(arg): 
-        assert arg % 7 == 0   # second generated tests fails!
-Note that ``test_generative()`` will cause three tests 
-to get run, notably ``check(42)``, ``check(17)`` and ``check(49)``
-of which the middle one will obviously fail. 
-To make it easier to distinguish the generated tests it is possible to specify an explicit name for them, like for example::
-    def test_generative(): 
-        for x in (42,17,49): 
-            yield "case %d" % x, check, x 
-.. _`selection by keyword`: 
-selecting/unselecting tests by keyword 
-Pytest's keyword mechanism provides a powerful way to 
-group and selectively run tests in your test code base. 
-You can selectively run tests by specifiying a keyword 
-on the command line.  Examples:
-    py.test -k test_simple   
-    py.test -k "-test_simple"
-will run all tests matching (or not matching) the
-"test_simple" keyword.  Note that you need to quote 
-the keyword if "-" is recognized as an indicator 
-for a commandline option.  Lastly, you may use 
-    py.test. -k "test_simple:"
-which will run all tests after the expression has *matched once*, i.e. 
-all tests that are seen after a test that matches the "test_simple" 
-By default, all filename parts and
-class/function names of a test function are put into the set
-of keywords for a given test.  You may specify additional 
-kewords like this::
-    @py.test.mark(webtest=True)
-    def test_send_http():
-        ... 
-testing with multiple python versions / executables 
-With ``--exec=EXECUTABLE`` you can specify a python
-executable (e.g. ``python2.2``) with which the tests 
-will be executed. 
-testing starts immediately 
-Testing starts as soon as the first ``test item`` 
-is collected.  The collection process is iterative 
-and does not need to complete before your first 
-test items are executed. 
-no interference with cmdline utilities 
-As ``py.test`` mainly operates as a separate cmdline 
-tool you can easily have a command line utility and
-some tests in the same file.  
-debug with the ``print`` statement
-By default, ``py.test`` catches text written to stdout/stderr during
-the execution of each individual test. This output will only be
-displayed however if the test fails; you will not see it
-otherwise. This allows you to put debugging print statements in your
-code without being overwhelmed by all the output that might be
-generated by tests that do not fail.
-Each failing test that produced output during the running of the test
-will have its output displayed in the ``recorded stdout`` section.
-The catching of stdout/stderr output can be disabled using the 
-``--nocapture`` option to the ``py.test`` tool.  Any output will 
-in this case be displayed as soon as it is generated.
-test execution order
-Tests usually run in the order in which they appear in the files. 
-However, tests should not rely on running one after another, as
-this prevents more advanced usages: running tests
-distributedly or selectively, or in "looponfailing" mode,
-will cause them to run in random order. 
-useful tracebacks, recursion detection 
-A lot of care is taken to present nice tracebacks in case of test
-failure. Try::
-    py.test py/documentation/example/pytest/failure_demo.py
-to see a variety of 17 tracebacks, each tailored to a different
-failure situation.
-``py.test`` uses the same order for presenting tracebacks as Python
-itself: the oldest function call is shown first, and the most recent call is
-shown last. A ``py.test`` reported traceback starts with your
-failing test function.  If the maximum recursion depth has been
-exceeded during the running of a test, for instance because of
-infinite recursion, ``py.test`` will indicate where in the
-code the recursion was taking place.  You can  inhibit
-traceback "cutting" magic by supplying ``--fulltrace``. 
-There is also the possibility of using ``--tb=short`` to get regular CPython
-tracebacks. Or you can use ``--tb=no`` to not show any tracebacks at all.
-no inheritance requirement 
-Test classes are recognized by their leading ``Test`` name.  Unlike
-``unitest.py``, you don't need to inherit from some base class to make
-them be found by the test runner. Besides being easier, it also allows
-you to write test classes that subclass from application level
-disabling a test class
-If you want to disable a complete test class you
-can set the class-level attribute ``disabled``. 
-For example, in order to avoid running some tests on Win32:: 
-    class TestEgSomePosixStuff: 
-        disabled = sys.platform == 'win32'
-        def test_xxx(self):
-            ... 
-testing for deprecated APIs
-In your tests you can use ``py.test.deprecated_call(func, *args, **kwargs)``
-to test that a particular function call triggers a DeprecationWarning. 
-This is useful for testing phasing out of old APIs in your projects. 
-Managing test state across test modules, classes and methods 
-Often you want to create some files, database connections or other
-state in order to run tests in a certain environment.  With
-``py.test`` there are three scopes for which you can provide hooks to
-manage such state.  Again, ``py.test`` will detect these hooks in
-modules on a name basis. The following module-level hooks will
-automatically be called by the session::
-    def setup_module(module):
-        """ setup up any state specific to the execution
-            of the given module. 
-        """
-    def teardown_module(module):
-        """ teardown any state that was previously setup 
-            with a setup_module method. 
-        """
-The following hooks are available for test classes::
-    def setup_class(cls): 
-        """ setup up any state specific to the execution
-            of the given class (which usually contains tests). 
-        """
-    def teardown_class(cls): 
-        """ teardown any state that was previously setup 
-            with a call to setup_class.
-        """
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        """ setup up any state tied to the execution of the given 
-            method in a class.  setup_method is invoked for every 
-            test method of a class. 
-        """
-    def teardown_method(self, method): 
-        """ teardown any state that was previously setup 
-            with a setup_method call. 
-        """
-The last two hooks, ``setup_method`` and ``teardown_method``, are
-equivalent to ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` in the Python standard
-library's ``unitest`` module.
-All setup/teardown methods are optional.  You could have a
-``setup_module`` but no ``teardown_module`` and the other way round.
-Note that while the test session guarantees that for every ``setup`` a
-corresponding ``teardown`` will be invoked (if it exists) it does
-*not* guarantee that any ``setup`` is called only happens once. For
-example, the session might decide to call the ``setup_module`` /
-``teardown_module`` pair more than once during the execution of a test
-Experimental doctest support 
-If you want to integrate doctests, ``py.test`` now by default
-picks up files matching the ``test_*.txt`` or ``*_test.txt`` 
-patterns and processes them as text files containing doctests. 
-This is an experimental feature and likely to change
-its implementation. 
-Working Examples
-Example for managing state at module, class and method level 
-Here is a working example for what goes on when you setup modules, 
-classes and methods:: 
-    # [[from py/documentation/example/pytest/test_setup_flow_example.py]]
-    def setup_module(module):
-        module.TestStateFullThing.classcount = 0
-    class TestStateFullThing:
-        def setup_class(cls):
-            cls.classcount += 1
-        def teardown_class(cls):
-            cls.classcount -= 1
-        def setup_method(self, method):
-            self.id = eval(method.func_name[5:])
-        def test_42(self):
-            assert self.classcount == 1
-            assert self.id == 42
-        def test_23(self):
-            assert self.classcount == 1
-            assert self.id == 23
-    def teardown_module(module):
-        assert module.TestStateFullThing.classcount == 0
-For this example the control flow happens as follows::
-    import test_setup_flow_example
-    setup_module(test_setup_flow_example)
-       setup_class(TestStateFullThing) 
-           instance = TestStateFullThing()
-           setup_method(instance, instance.test_42) 
-              instance.test_42()
-           setup_method(instance, instance.test_23) 
-              instance.test_23()
-       teardown_class(TestStateFullThing) 
-    teardown_module(test_setup_flow_example)
-Note that ``setup_class(TestStateFullThing)`` is called and not 
-``TestStateFullThing.setup_class()`` which would require you
-to insert ``setup_class = classmethod(setup_class)`` to make
-your setup function callable. Did we mention that lazyness
-is a virtue? 
-Some ``py.test`` command-line options
-Regular options
-``-v, --verbose``
-    Increase verbosity. This shows a test per line while running and also
-    shows the traceback after interrupting the test run with Ctrl-C.
-``-x, --exitfirst``
-    exit instantly on the first error or the first failed test.
-``-s, --nocapture``
-    disable catching of sys.stdout/stderr output.
-``-k KEYWORD``
-    only run test items matching the given keyword expression. You can also add
-    use ``-k -KEYWORD`` to exlude tests from being run. The keyword is matched
-    against filename, test class name, method name.
-``-l, --showlocals``
-    show locals in tracebacks: for every frame in the traceback, show the values
-    of the local variables.
-    drop into pdb (the `Python debugger`_) on exceptions. If the debugger is
-    quitted, the next test is run. This implies ``-s``.
-    traceback verboseness: ``long`` is the default, ``short`` are the normal
-    Python tracebacks, ``no`` omits tracebacks completely.
-    Don't cut any tracebacks. The default is to leave out frames if an infinite
-    recursion is detected.
-    Refrain from using magic as much as possible. This can be useful if you are
-    suspicious that ``py.test`` somehow interferes with your program in
-    unintended ways (if this is the case, please contact us!).
-    Only collect tests, don't execute them.
-    trace considerations of conftest.py files. Useful when you have various
-    conftest.py files around and are unsure about their interaction.
-``-f, --looponfailing``
-    Loop on failing test set. This is a feature you can use when you are trying
-    to fix a number of failing tests: First all the tests are being run. If a
-    number of tests are failing, these are run repeatedly afterwards. Every
-    repetition is started once a file below the directory that you started
-    testing for is changed. If one of the previously failing tests now passes,
-    it is removed from the test set.
-    Python executable to run the tests with. Useful for testing on different
-    versions of Python.
-experimental options
-**Note**: these options could change in the future.
-``-d, --dist``
-    ad-hoc `distribute tests across machines`_ (requires conftest settings)
-``-w, --startserver``
-    starts local web server for displaying test progress.
-``-r, --runbrowser``
-    Run browser (implies --startserver).
-    Use boxed tests: run each test in an external process. Very useful for testing
-    things that occasionally segfault (since normally the segfault then would
-    stop the whole test process).
-    `reStructured Text`_ output reporting.
-.. _`reStructured Text`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net
-.. _`Python debugger`: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-pdb.html
-.. _`distribute tests across machines`:
-Automated Distributed Testing
-If you have a project with a large number of tests, and you have 
-machines accessible through SSH, ``py.test`` can distribute
-tests across the machines.  It does not require any particular
-installation on the remote machine sides as it uses `py.execnet`_ 
-mechanisms to distribute execution.  Using distributed testing 
-can speed up your development process considerably and it
-may also be useful where you need to use a remote server
-that has more resources (e.g. RAM/diskspace) than your
-local machine. 
-*WARNING*: support for distributed testing is experimental, 
-its mechanics and configuration options may change without 
-prior notice.  Particularly, not all reporting features 
-of the in-process py.test have been integrated into
-the distributed testing approach. 
-Local requirements: 
-* ssh client
-* python
-requirements for remote machines:
-* ssh daemon running
-* ssh keys setup to allow login without a password
-* python 
-* unix like machine (reliance on ``os.fork``)
-How to use it
-When you issue ``py.test -d`` then your computer becomes
-the distributor of tests ("master") and will start collecting
-and distributing tests to several machines.  The machines
-need to be specified in a ``conftest.py`` file.  
-At start up, the master connects to each node using `py.execnet.SshGateway`_ 
-and *rsyncs* all specified python packages to all nodes. 
-Then the master collects all of the tests and immediately sends test item
-descriptions to its connected nodes. Each node has a local queue of tests 
-to run and begins to execute the tests, following the setup and teardown 
-semantics.   The test are distributed at function and method level. 
-When a test run on a node is completed it reports back the result
-to the master. 
-The master can run one of three reporters to process the events 
-from the testing nodes: command line, rest output and ajaxy web based. 
-.. _`py.execnet`: execnet.html
-.. _`py.execnet.SshGateway`: execnet.html
-Differences from local tests
-* Test order is rather random (instead of in file order). 
-* the test process may hang due to network problems 
-* you may not reference files outside of rsynced directory structures
-You must create a conftest.py in any parent directory above your tests.
-The options that you need to specify in that conftest.py file are:
-* `dist_hosts`: a required list of host specifications
-* `dist_rsync_roots` - a list of relative locations to copy to the remote machines.
-* `dist_rsync_ignore` - a list of relative locations to ignore for rsyncing 
-* `dist_remotepython` - the remote python executable to run.
-* `dist_nicelevel` - process priority of remote nodes. 
-* `dist_boxed` - will run each single test in a separate process 
-  (allowing to survive segfaults for example) 
-* `dist_taskspernode` - Maximum number of tasks being queued to remote nodes 
-Sample configuration::
-    dist_hosts = ['localhost', 'user at someserver:/tmp/somedir']
-    dist_rsync_roots = ['../pypy', '../py']
-    dist_remotepython = 'python2.4'
-    dist_nicelevel = 10 
-    dist_boxed = False
-    dist_maxwait = 100 
-    dist_taskspernode = 10
-To use the browser-based reporter (with a nice AJAX interface) you have to tell
-``py.test`` to run a small server locally using the ``-w`` or ``--startserver``
-command line options. Afterwards you can point your browser to localhost:8000
-to see the progress of the testing.
-Development Notes
-Changing the behavior of the web based reporter requires `pypy`_ since the
-javascript is actually generated fom rpython source.
-.. _`pypy`: http://codespeak.net/pypy
-Future/Planned Features of py.test 
-integrating various test methods 
-There are various conftest.py's out there
-that do html-reports, ad-hoc distribute tests
-to windows machines or other fun stuff. 
-These approaches should be offerred natively
-by py.test at some point (requires refactorings). 
-In addition, performing special checks such 
-as w3c-conformance tests or ReST checks
-should be offered from mainline py.test. 
-more distributed testing 
-We'd like to generalize and extend our ad-hoc 
-distributed testing approach to allow for running
-on multiple platforms simultanously and selectively. 
-The web reporter should learn to deal with driving
-complex multi-platform test runs and providing 
-useful introspection and interactive debugging hooks. 
-move to report event based architecture
-To facilitate writing of custom reporters
-py.test is to learn to generate reporting events
-at all levels which a reporter can choose to 
-interpret and present.  The distributed testing
-approach already uses such an approach and 
-we'd like to unify this with the default 
-in-process py.test mode. 
-see what other tools do currently (nose, etc.)
-There are various tools out there, among them 
-the nose_ clone. It's about time to look again
-at these and other tools, integrate interesting
-features and maybe collaborate on some issues. 
-.. _nose: http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/
+.. _quickstart: test-quickstart.html
+.. _features: test-features.html
+.. _plugins: test-plugins.html
+.. _extend: test-ext.html
+.. _`distributed testing`: test-dist.html

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