[py-svn] r66475 - py/extradoc/talk/gtac2009

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Tue Jul 21 12:30:33 CEST 2009

Author: hpk
Date: Tue Jul 21 12:30:32 2009
New Revision: 66475

some XXX to be filled

Modified: py/extradoc/talk/gtac2009/proposal.txt
--- py/extradoc/talk/gtac2009/proposal.txt	(original)
+++ py/extradoc/talk/gtac2009/proposal.txt	Tue Jul 21 12:30:32 2009
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
 authors and affiliation: 
 Holger Krekel, merlinux GmbH, Germany
 Samuele Pedroni, Open End AB, Sweden
-title: full-stack web app testing at a fingertip
+Title: full-stack web app testing at a fingertip
-extended abstract: 
+Extended abstract: 
 We present experiences and new tools for testing Javascript code in
 real-life browsers, considerably easing the writing of cross-browser
@@ -25,12 +26,17 @@
 developer.  Using Firefox yields better tracebacks but running
 agaist Internet Explorer, and Safari is of course supported as well.
+XXX something more about py.test 
 We found that this full-stack approach to web testing substantially increases 
 a developers ability to gain confidence in writing reliable cross-browser
 applications.  It allows developers to more easily test server-side and
 client-side changes in combination with each other, thus contributing to
 an integrative understanding of the code base.  
+XXX something more about how Open End used the approach for
+its own product (also naming it). 
 Speaking in testing terminology, our approach presents a cross-over of
 integration, functional and unit-testing.  Javascript (unit) tests can
 focus on a single implementation unit, feature or browser aspect and

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