[py-svn] r60994 - in py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin: . testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Jan 15 14:30:42 CET 2009

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Jan 15 14:30:41 2009
New Revision: 60994

   py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin/pytest_eventlog.py   (contents, props changed)
   py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin/testing/test_eventlog.py   (contents, props changed)
forgot to checkin the eventlog plugin with 60993

Added: py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin/pytest_eventlog.py
--- (empty file)
+++ py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin/pytest_eventlog.py	Thu Jan 15 14:30:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+pytest "eventlog" plugin for logging pytest events to a file.
+plugin_name = "pytest_eventlog"
+plugin_version = "0.1" 
+plugin_author = "holger krekel"
+import py
+def pytest_initplugin(config):
+    config.register_plugin(EventLogPlugin())
+class EventLogPlugin:
+    __doc__ = __doc__
+    def pytest_addoptions(self, config):
+        config.addoptions("eventlog options", 
+            Option('', '--eventlog',
+                action="store", dest="eventlog", default=None,
+                help="write all pytest events to specific file."),
+        )
+    def pytest_configure(self, config):
+        eventlog = self.config.option.eventlog
+        if eventlog:
+            self.eventlogfile = py.path.local(eventlog).open("w")
+    def pytest_unconfigure(self):
+        if hasattr(self, 'eventlogfile'):
+            self.eventlogfile.close()
+            del self.eventlogfile
+    def pytest_event(self, event):
+        if hasattr(self, 'eventlogfile'):
+            f = self.eventlogfile
+            print >>f, event
+            f.flush()

Added: py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin/testing/test_eventlog.py
--- (empty file)
+++ py/branch/pytestplugin/py/test/plugin/testing/test_eventlog.py	Thu Jan 15 14:30:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import py
+from py.__.test.testing import suptest
+import pytest_eventlog
+def test_basic():
+    py.test.skip("implement plugin regirstation and support for generic testing of plugins")
+    py.test.support.plugin_test_generic(pytest_eventlog)
+class TestEventlogPlugin(suptest.FileCreation): 
+    def test_session_eventlog(self):
+        py.test.skip("requires plugin registration")
+        eventlog = self.tmpdir.join("test_session_eventlog")
+        config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, 
+                                          '--eventlog=%s' % eventlog])
+        session = config.initsession()
+        session.bus.notify(event.TestrunStart())
+        s = eventlog.read()
+        assert s.find("TestrunStart") != -1

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