[py-svn] r56623 - py/branch/event/py/test2/testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Jul 17 20:35:00 CEST 2008

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Jul 17 20:34:59 2008
New Revision: 56623

merge test files, clean up

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_remote.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_remote.py	Thu Jul 17 20:34:59 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import py
-def setup_module(mod):
-    mod.tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp(mod.__name__) 
-class Test_Remote_Functional: 
-    # XXX for testing features that implicitely start new
-    # we want to get access to the remote event log 
-    # and be able to access and assert about it it from the
-    # tests below 
-    def test_exec(self): 
-        o = tmpdir.ensure('remote', dir=1) 
-        tfile = o.join('test_exec.py')
-        tfile.write(py.code.Source("""
-            def test_1():
-                assert 1 == 0 
-        """))
-        print py.std.sys.executable
-        config = py.test2.config._reparse(
-                        ['--exec=' + py.std.sys.executable, 
-                         o])
-        session = config.initsession()
-        failures = session.main()
-        assert failures 
-        py.test.skip("extend this test to test that --exec really honores its argument")
-    def test_looponfailing(self):
-        py.test.skip("xxx check events")
-        o = tmpdir.ensure('looponfailing', dir=1) 
-        tfile = o.join('test_looponfailing.py')
-        tfile.write(py.code.Source("""
-            def test_1():
-                assert 1 == 0 
-        """))
-        print py.std.sys.executable
-        config = py.test2.config._reparse(['--looponfailing', str(o)])
-        session = config.initsession()
-        failures = session.main()
-        cls = config._getsessionclass() 
-        out = py.std.Queue.Queue() 
-        session = cls(config, out.put) 
-        pool = py._thread.WorkerPool() 
-        reply = pool.dispatch(session.main)
-        while 1: 
-            s = out.get(timeout=5.0)
-            if s.find('1 failed') != -1: 
-                break 
-            print s
-        else: 
-            py.test2.fail("did not see test_1 failure") 
-        # XXX we would like to have a cleaner way to finish 
-        try: 
-            reply.get(timeout=5.0) 
-        except IOError, e: 
-            assert str(e).lower().find('timeout') != -1 

Modified: py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_session.py
--- py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_session.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_session.py	Thu Jul 17 20:34:59 2008
@@ -275,3 +275,53 @@
         assert rep.repr_failure == "custom_repr test_one"
         rep = sorter.getreport("test_method_one")
         assert rep.repr_failure == "custom_repr test_method_one"
+from py.__.test2.terminal.remote import RemoteTerminalSession
+class Test_TerminalRemoteSession:
+    def test_exec_leads_to_RemoteTerminalSession(self): 
+        executable = py.std.sys.executable
+        config = py.test2.config._reparse(['--exec=' + executable])
+        print config
+        session = config.initsession()
+        assert isinstance(session, RemoteTerminalSession)
+        assert session.executable == executable
+    def test_looponfailing_leads_to_RemoteTerminalSession(self):
+        config = py.test2.config._reparse(['--looponfailing'])
+        session = config.initsession()
+        assert isinstance(session, RemoteTerminalSession)
+    def test_looponfailing_loops(self):
+        py.test.skip("thought needed to nicely test --looponfailing")
+        py.test.skip("xxx check events")
+        o = tmpdir.ensure('looponfailing', dir=1) 
+        tfile = o.join('test_looponfailing.py')
+        tfile.write(py.code.Source("""
+            def test_1():
+                assert 1 == 0 
+        """))
+        print py.std.sys.executable
+        config = py.test2.config._reparse(['--looponfailing', str(o)])
+        session = config.initsession()
+        failures = session.main()
+        cls = config._getsessionclass() 
+        out = py.std.Queue.Queue() 
+        session = cls(config, out.put) 
+        pool = py._thread.WorkerPool() 
+        reply = pool.dispatch(session.main)
+        while 1: 
+            s = out.get(timeout=5.0)
+            if s.find('1 failed') != -1: 
+                break 
+            print s
+        else: 
+            py.test2.fail("did not see test_1 failure") 
+        # XXX we would like to have a cleaner way to finish 
+        try: 
+            reply.get(timeout=5.0) 
+        except IOError, e: 
+            assert str(e).lower().find('timeout') != -1 

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