[py-svn] r51034 - in py/trunk/py: . apigen doc doc/example green misc test test/rsession test/terminal test/testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Fri Jan 25 16:54:04 CET 2008

Author: hpk
Date: Fri Jan 25 16:54:04 2008
New Revision: 51034

      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/__init__.py
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/apigen/
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/doc/example/
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/doc/test_conftest.py
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/green/
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/misc/
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/box.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/collect.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/collectonly.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/config.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/defaultconftest.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/executor.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/outcome.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/repevent.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/reporter.py
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/representation.py
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/
      - copied unchanged from r51033, py/trunk/py/test/session.py.merge.tmp
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/terminal/
      - copied from r51033, py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/
merging in fijal's reporter-merge branch into the trunk, 
still needs refactoring as far as i am concernced. 

Deleted: /py/trunk/py/test/session.py.merge.tmp
--- /py/trunk/py/test/session.py.merge.tmp	Fri Jan 25 16:54:04 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import sys
-from py.__.test.outcome import Outcome, Failed, Passed, Skipped
-from py.__.test.reporter import choose_reporter, TestReporter
-from py.__.test import repevent
-from py.__.test.outcome import SerializableOutcome, ReprOutcome
-from py.__.test.reporter import LocalReporter
-from py.__.test.executor import RunExecutor, BoxExecutor
-""" The session implementation - reporter version:
-* itemgen is responsible for iterating and telling reporter
-  about skipped and failed iterations (this is for collectors only),
-  this should be probably moved to session (for uniformity)
-* session gets items which needs to be executed one after another
-  and tells reporter about that
-    GeneratorExit
-except NameError:
-    GeneratorExit = StopIteration # I think
-def itemgen(session, colitems, reporter, keyword=None):
-    stopitems = py.test.collect.Item # XXX should be generator here as well
-    while 1:
-        if not colitems:
-            break
-        next = colitems.pop(0)
-        if reporter: 
-            reporter(repevent.ItemStart(next))
-        if isinstance(next, stopitems):
-            try:
-                next._skipbykeyword(keyword)
-                yield next
-            except Skipped:
-                if session.config.option.keyword_oneshot:
-                    keyword = None
-                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-                reporter(repevent.SkippedTryiter(excinfo, next))
-        else:
-            try:
-                cols = [next.join(x) for x in next.run()]
-                for x in itemgen(session, cols, reporter, keyword):
-                    yield x
-            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, GeneratorExit):
-                raise
-            except:
-                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-                if excinfo.type is Skipped:
-                    reporter(repevent.SkippedTryiter(excinfo, next))
-                else:
-                    reporter(repevent.FailedTryiter(excinfo, next))
-        if reporter: 
-            reporter(repevent.ItemFinish(next))
-class AbstractSession(object): 
-    """ An abstract session executes collectors/items through a runner. 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.config = config
-        self._keyword = config.option.keyword
-    def fixoptions(self):
-        """ check, fix and determine conflicting options. """
-        option = self.config.option 
-        if option.runbrowser and not option.startserver:
-            #print "--runbrowser implies --startserver"
-            option.startserver = True
-        if self.config.getvalue("dist_boxed") and option.dist:
-            option.boxed = True
-        # conflicting options
-        if option.looponfailing and option.usepdb:
-            raise ValueError, "--looponfailing together with --pdb not supported."
-        if option.looponfailing and option.dist:
-            raise ValueError, "--looponfailing together with --dist not supported."
-        if option.executable and option.usepdb:
-            raise ValueError, "--exec together with --pdb not supported."
-        if option.keyword_oneshot and not option.keyword:
-            raise ValueError, "--keyword-oneshot makes sense only when --keyword is supplied"
-    def init_reporter(self, reporter, config, hosts):
-        if reporter is None:
-            reporter = choose_reporter(self.reporterclass, config)\
-                       (config, hosts)
-        else:
-            reporter = TestReporter(reporter)
-        checkfun = lambda : self.config.option.exitfirst and \
-                            reporter.was_failure()
-        return reporter, checkfun
-class Session(AbstractSession):
-    """
-        A Session gets test Items from Collectors, executes the
-        Items and sends the Outcome to the Reporter.
-    """
-    reporterclass = LocalReporter
-    def shouldclose(self): 
-        return False
-    def header(self, colitems):
-        """ setup any neccessary resources ahead of the test run. """
-        self.reporter(repevent.TestStarted(None, self.config,
-                                            None))
-        if not self.config.option.nomagic:
-            py.magic.invoke(assertion=1)
-    def footer(self, colitems):
-        """ teardown any resources after a test run. """ 
-        py.test.collect.Function._state.teardown_all()
-        if not self.config.option.nomagic:
-            py.magic.revoke(assertion=1)
-        self.reporter(repevent.TestFinished())
-    def main(self, reporter=None):
-        """ main loop for running tests. """
-        config = self.config
-        self.reporter, shouldstop = self.init_reporter(reporter, config, None)
-        colitems = self.config.getcolitems()
-        self.header(colitems)
-        keyword = self.config.option.keyword
-        reporter = self.reporter
-        itemgenerator = itemgen(self, colitems, reporter, keyword)
-        failures = []
-        try:
-            while 1:
-                try:
-                    item = itemgenerator.next()
-                    if shouldstop():
-                        return
-                    outcome = self.run(item)
-                    if outcome is not None: 
-                        if not outcome.passed and not outcome.skipped: 
-                            failures.append((item, outcome))
-                    reporter(repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome(None, item, outcome))
-                except StopIteration:
-                    break
-        finally:
-            self.footer(colitems)
-        return failures 
-        return self.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-    def run(self, item):
-        if not self.config.option.boxed:
-            executor = RunExecutor(item, self.config.option.usepdb,
-                                   self.reporter, self.config)
-            return ReprOutcome(executor.execute().make_repr())
-        else:
-            executor = BoxExecutor(item, self.config.option.usepdb,
-                                   self.reporter, self.config)
-            return ReprOutcome(executor.execute())
-class Exit(Exception):
-    """ for immediate program exits without tracebacks and reporter/summary. """
-    def __init__(self, msg="unknown reason", item=None):
-        self.msg = msg 
-        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
-def exit(msg, item=None): 
-    raise Exit(msg=msg, item=item)

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