[py-svn] r57577 - py/release/0.9.x/py/doc

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Fri Aug 22 11:59:29 CEST 2008

Author: hpk
Date: Fri Aug 22 11:59:25 2008
New Revision: 57577

update and make contact page a bit nicer.

Modified: py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/contact.txt
--- py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/contact.txt	(original)
+++ py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/contact.txt	Fri Aug 22 11:59:25 2008
@@ -1,55 +1,20 @@
 py lib contact and communication 
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-IRC Channel #pylib on irc.freenode.net 
+- **#pylib on irc.freenode.net**: you are welcome
+  to lurk or ask questions in this IRC channel, it also tracks py lib commits. 
-The #pylib channel on freenode displays all commits to the py lib
-and you are welcome to lurk or to ask questions there! 
+- `py-dev developers list`_ development mailing list.  Good for reporting bugs, feature questions, discussing issues.  Usually sees between 1 and 10 posts per week. 
-`py-dev`_ developers mailing list
+- `py-svn general commit mailing list`_ to follow all development commits. 
-If you see bugs and/or can provide patches, please
-subscribe to the `py-dev developers list`_. 
-As of Febrary 2007 it has medium to low traffic. 
+- `development bug/feature tracker`_ this roundup instance serves to file bugs and track issues.  
+- `merlinux.eu`_ offers tutorials and commercial support for
+  py.test and the py lib in general. 
-`py-svn`_ commit mailing list
-If you'd like to see ongoing development commits,
-please subscribe to: 
-    `py-svn general commit mailing list`_ 
-This list (as of February 2007) has medium to high traffic. 
-`development bug/feature tracker`_ 
-This (somewhat old) roundup instance still serves 
-to file bugs and track issues.  However, we also 
-keep a list of "TODOs" in various directories. 
-Coding and communication 
-We are practicing what could be called documentation, 
-vision, discussion and automated-test driven development. 
-In the `future`_ book we try to layout visions and ideas for
-the near coding feature to give a means for preliminary
-feedback before code hits the ground. 
-With our `coding style`_ we are mostly following 
-cpython guidance with some additional restrictions
-some of which projects like twisted_ or zope3_ have 
-adopted in similar ways. 
+.. _`merlinux.eu`: http://merlinux.eu
 .. _`zope3`: http://zope3.zwiki.org/
 .. _twisted: http://www.twistedmatrix.org 
@@ -61,13 +26,13 @@
 get an account on codespeak  
-codespeak_ is employing a liberal committing scheme.  If you know 
+codespeak_ is where the subversion repository is hosted.  If you know 
 someone who is active on codespeak already or you are otherwise known in 
-the community then you will most probably just get access.  But even if 
-you are new to the python developer community you may still get one if 
-you want to improve things and can be expected to honour the 
-style of coding and communication. 
+the community (see also: FOAF_) you will get access.  But even if 
+you are new to the python developer community please come to the IRC 
+or the mailing list and ask questions, get involved. 
+.. _FOAF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOAF
 .. _`coding style`: coding-style.html 
 .. _us: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/py-dev
 .. _codespeak: http://codespeak.net/

More information about the pytest-commit mailing list