[py-svn] r47667 - in py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test: . rsession rsession/testing terminal testing

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 CEST 2007

Author: fijal
Date: Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
New Revision: 47667

Huge refactoring, the target is unification of session reporters and
eventually sessions. Right now there is about 200 lines of code cut,
but there is still some code to die and also some features missing :)

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/collect.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/collect.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/collect.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
                 self._obj = obj = self.fspath.pyimport() 
             except KeyboardInterrupt: 
-            except: 
+            except:
                 self._stickyfailure = py.std.sys.exc_info()
             return obj 

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/config.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/config.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/config.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@
         except AttributeError:
             return self._conftest.rget(name, path)
-    def initsession(self):
+    def initsession(self, reporter=None):
         """ return an initialized session object. """
         cls = self._getsessionclass()
-        session = cls(self)
+        session = cls(self, reporter)
         return session

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/outcome.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/outcome.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/outcome.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@
         self.stderr = ""
         assert bool(self.passed) + bool(excinfo) + bool(skipped) == 1
-    def make_excinfo_repr(self, tbstyle):
-        if self.excinfo is None:
-            return None
-        excinfo = self.excinfo
+    def make_excinfo_repr(self, excinfo, tbstyle):
+        if excinfo is None or isinstance(excinfo, basestring):
+            return excinfo
         tb_info = [self.traceback_entry_repr(x, tbstyle)
                    for x in excinfo.traceback]
         rec_index = excinfo.traceback.recursionindex()
@@ -85,8 +84,9 @@
     def make_repr(self, tbstyle="long"):
         return (self.passed, self.setupfailure, 
-                self.make_excinfo_repr(tbstyle), 
-                self.skipped, self.is_critical, 0, self.stdout, self.stderr)
+                self.make_excinfo_repr(self.excinfo, tbstyle),
+                self.make_excinfo_repr(self.skipped, tbstyle),
+                self.is_critical, 0, self.stdout, self.stderr)
 class TracebackEntryRepr(object):
     def __init__(self, tbentry):
@@ -136,12 +136,15 @@
 class ReprOutcome(object):
     def __init__(self, repr_tuple):
-        (self.passed, self.setupfailure, excinfo, self.skipped,
+        (self.passed, self.setupfailure, excinfo, skipped,
          self.is_critical, self.signal, self.stdout, self.stderr) = repr_tuple
-        if excinfo is None:
-            self.excinfo = None
-        else:
-            self.excinfo = ExcInfoRepr(excinfo)
+        self.excinfo = self.unpack(excinfo)
+        self.skipped = self.unpack(skipped)
+    def unpack(self, what):
+        if what is None or isinstance(what, basestring):
+            return what
+        return ExcInfoRepr(what)
     def __repr__(self):
         l = ["%s=%s" %(x, getattr(self, x))

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/repevent.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/repevent.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/repevent.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
         self.root = root
 class TestStarted(ReportEvent):
-    def __init__(self, hosts, topdir, roots):
+    def __init__(self, hosts, config, roots):
         self.hosts = hosts
-        self.topdir = topdir
         self.roots = roots
         self.timestart = time.time()
+        self.config = config
 class TestFinished(ReportEvent):
     def __init__(self):

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/reporter.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/reporter.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/reporter.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
 from py.__.test import repevent
 from py.__.test import outcome
 from py.__.misc.terminal_helper import ansi_print, get_terminal_width
-from py.__.test.representation import Presenter
+from py.__.test.representation import Presenter, repr_pythonversion,\
+     getrelpath
 import sys
+from time import time as now
 def choose_reporter(config):
     option = config.option
     if option.startserver or option.runbrowser:
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@
             print excinfo
             # XXX reenable test before removing below line and
             # run it with raise
-            #raise
+            raise
     __call__ = report
@@ -130,12 +133,13 @@
             print "%15s: READY" % hostrepr 
     def report_TestStarted(self, item):
+        topdir = item.config.topdir
         hostreprs = [self._hostrepr(host) for host in item.hosts]
         txt = " Test started, hosts: %s " % ", ".join(hostreprs)
         self.hosts_to_rsync = len(item.hosts)
         self.out.sep("=", txt)
         self.timestart = item.timestart
-        self.out.write("local top directory: %s\n" % item.topdir)
+        self.out.write("local top directory: %s\n" % topdir)
         for i, root in py.builtin.enumerate(item.roots):
             outof = "%d/%d" %(i+1, len(item.roots))
             self.out.write("local RSync root [%s]: %s\n" % 
@@ -227,8 +231,8 @@
             colitem = event.item
             if isinstance(event, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome):
                 outcome = event.outcome
-                text = outcome.skipped
-                itemname = self.get_item_name(event, colitem)
+                text = outcome.skipped.value
+                itemname = repr(outcome.skipped.traceback[-2]).split("\n")[0]
             elif isinstance(event, repevent.SkippedTryiter):
                 text = str(event.excinfo.value)
                 itemname = "/".join(colitem.listnames())
@@ -243,7 +247,8 @@
             for text, items in texts.items():
                 for item in items:
                     self.out.line('Skipped in %s' % item)
-                self.out.line("reason: %s" % text)
+                self.out.line("reason: %s" % text[1:-1])
+                self.out.line()
     def summary(self):
         def gather(dic):
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
         total = total_passed + total_failed + total_skipped
         skipped_str = create_str("skipped", total_skipped)
         failed_str = create_str("failed", total_failed)
+        self.out.line()
         self.print_summary(total, skipped_str, failed_str)
     def print_summary(self, total, skipped_str, failed_str):
@@ -329,9 +335,33 @@
 class LocalReporter(AbstractReporter):
+    def report_TestStarted(self, item):
+        colitems = item.config.getcolitems()
+        txt = " test process starts "
+        self.out.sep("=", txt)
+        self.timestart = item.timestart
+        self.out.line("executable:   %s  (%s)" %
+                      (py.std.sys.executable, repr_pythonversion()))
+        rev = py.__package__.getrev()
+        self.out.line("using py lib: %s <rev %s>" % (
+                       py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath(), rev))
+        config = item.config
+        if config.option.traceconfig or config.option.verbose: 
+            for x in colitems: 
+                self.out.line("test target:  %s" %(x.fspath,))
+            conftestmodules = config._conftest.getconftestmodules(None)
+            for i,x in py.builtin.enumerate(conftestmodules):
+                self.out.line("initial conf %d: %s" %(i, x.__file__)) 
     def get_item_name(self, event, colitem):
         return "/".join(colitem.listnames())
+    def print_summary(self, total, skipped_str, failed_str):
+        self.out.sep("=", " %d test run%s%s in %.2fs" % 
+            (total, skipped_str, failed_str, self.timeend - self.timestart))
     def report_SkippedTryiter(self, event):
         #self.show_item(event.item, False)
         if isinstance(event.item, py.test.collect.Module):
@@ -361,24 +391,30 @@
     def report_ItemStart(self, event):
+        # XXX
+        event.item.start = now()
     def show_item(self, item, count_elems = True):
         if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Module):
-            # XXX This is a terrible hack, I don't like it
-            #     and will rewrite it at some point
-            #self.count = 0
-            lgt = len(list(item._tryiter()))
-            #self.lgt = lgt
-            # print names relative to current workdir
-            name = "/".join(item.listnames())
-            local = str(py.path.local())
-            d = str(self.config.topdir)
-            if local.startswith(d):
-                local = local[len(d) + 1:]
-            if local and name.startswith(local):
-                name = name[len(local) + 1:]
-            self.out.write("\n%s[%d] " % (name, lgt))
+            self.show_Module(item)
+        if self.config.option.verbose > 0 and\
+           isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Item):
+            self.show_ItemVerbose(item)
+    def show_ItemVerbose(self, item):
+        realpath, lineno = item._getpathlineno()
+        location = "%s:%d" % (realpath.basename, lineno+1)
+        self.out.write("%-20s %s " % (location, item._getmodpath()))
+    def show_Module(self, mod):
+        lgt = len(list(mod._tryiter()))
+        if self.config.option.verbose == 0:
+            base = getrelpath(py.path.local(), mod.fspath)
+            self.out.write("\n%s[%d] " % (base, lgt))
+        else:
+            self.out.line()
+            self.out.line('+ testmodule: %s[%d]' % (mod.fspath, lgt))
     def gethost(self, event):
         return 'localhost'

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/representation.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/representation.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/representation.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
 import py
 from py.__.code import safe_repr
+def getrelpath(source, dest): 
+    base = source.common(dest)
+    if not base: 
+        return None 
+    # with posix local paths '/' is always a common base
+    relsource = source.relto(base)
+    reldest = dest.relto(base)
+    n = relsource.count(source.sep)
+    target = dest.sep.join(('..', )*n + (reldest, ))
+    return target 
 class Presenter(object):
     """ Class used for presentation of various objects,
     sharing common output style
@@ -128,7 +139,7 @@
                 if index == recursionindex:
                     self.out.line("Recursion detected (same locals & position)")
-                    break 
+                    break
     def repr_failure_tbshort(self, item, excinfo, traceback, out_err_reporter):
         # print a Python-style short traceback
@@ -176,3 +187,11 @@
     # the following is only used by the combination '--pdb --tb=no'
     repr_failure_tbno = repr_failure_tbshort
+def repr_pythonversion():
+    v = py.std.sys.version_info
+    try:
+        return "%s.%s.%s-%s-%s" % v
+    except ValueError:
+        return str(v)

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/master.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/master.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/master.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -41,31 +41,6 @@
             #      of hanging nodes and such
-def itemgen(colitems, reporter, keyword=None):
-    stopitems = py.test.collect.Item # XXX should be generator here as well
-    for next in colitems:
-        if isinstance(next, stopitems):
-            try:
-                next._skipbykeyword(keyword)
-                yield next
-            except Skipped:
-                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-                reporter(repevent.SkippedTryiter(excinfo, next))
-        else:
-            reporter(repevent.ItemStart(next))
-            try:
-                for x in itemgen([next.join(x) for x in next.run()], reporter,
-                                 keyword):
-                    yield x
-            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, GeneratorExit):
-                raise
-            except:
-                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-                if excinfo.type is Skipped:
-                    reporter(repevent.SkippedTryiter(excinfo, next))
-                else:
-                    reporter(repevent.FailedTryiter(excinfo, next))
 def dispatch_loop(masternodes, itemgenerator, shouldstop, 
                   waiter = lambda: py.std.time.sleep(0.1),

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/rsession.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/rsession.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/rsession.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 import time
 from py.__.test import repevent
-from py.__.test.rsession.master import MasterNode, dispatch_loop, itemgen
+from py.__.test.rsession.master import MasterNode, dispatch_loop
 from py.__.test.rsession.hostmanage import HostInfo, HostManager
 from py.__.test.rsession.local import local_loop, plain_runner, apigen_runner,\
 from py.__.test.reporter import LocalReporter, RemoteReporter, TestReporter
-from py.__.test.session import AbstractSession
+from py.__.test.session import AbstractSession, itemgen
 from py.__.test.outcome import Skipped, Failed
 class RSession(AbstractSession):
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
         hm = HostManager(config)
         reporter, checkfun = self.init_reporter(reporter, config, hm.hosts)
-        reporter(repevent.TestStarted(hm.hosts, self.config.topdir,
+        reporter(repevent.TestStarted(hm.hosts, self.config,
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     def dispatch_tests(self, nodes, reporter, checkfun):
         colitems = self.config.getcolitems()
         keyword = self.config.option.keyword
-        itemgenerator = itemgen(colitems, reporter, keyword)
+        itemgenerator = itemgen(self, colitems, reporter, keyword)
         all_tests = dispatch_loop(nodes, itemgenerator, checkfun)
 class LSession(AbstractSession):
@@ -88,14 +88,13 @@
     def main(self, reporter=None, runner=None):
         # check out if used options makes any sense
         config = self.config
-        hm = HostManager(config, hosts=[HostInfo('localhost')])
-        hosts = hm.hosts
+        hosts = [HostInfo('localhost')]
         if not self.config.option.nomagic:
         reporter, checkfun = self.init_reporter(reporter, config, hosts)
-        reporter(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, self.config.topdir, []))
+        reporter(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config, []))
         colitems = self.config.getcolitems()
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@
         keyword = self.config.option.keyword
-        itemgenerator = itemgen(colitems, reporter, keyword)
+        itemgenerator = itemgen(self, colitems, reporter, keyword)
         local_loop(self, reporter, itemgenerator, checkfun, self.config, runner=runner)
         retval = reporter(repevent.TestFinished())

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/basetest.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/basetest.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/basetest.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -38,12 +38,20 @@
         cls.config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
         cls.collector_test_one = cls.config._getcollector(testonepath)
+        cls.doctest = tmpdir.ensure("xxx.txt").write(py.code.Source("""
+        Aha!!!!!!
+        =========
+        """))
     def getexample(self, name):
         funcname = "func" + name
         col = self.collector_test_one.join(funcname)
         assert col is not None, funcname
-        return col 
+        return col
+    def getdocexample(self):
+        return self.doctest
     def getmod(self):
         return self.collector_test_one

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/test_master.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/test_master.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/test_master.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     assert len(reportlist) == 4
 def test_outcome_repr():
-    out = ReprOutcome(SerializableOutcome(skipped=True).make_repr())
+    out = ReprOutcome(SerializableOutcome(skipped="xxx").make_repr())
     s = repr(out)
     assert s.lower().find("skip") != -1
@@ -136,21 +136,6 @@
         item = self.rootcol._getitembynames(names)
         return self.config.get_collector_trail(item) 
-    def test_slave_setup(self):
-        py.test.skip("Doesn't work anymore")
-        pkgname = self.pkgpath.basename
-        host = HostInfo("localhost:%s" %(self.tmpdir,))
-        host.initgateway()
-        channel = setup_slave(host, self.config)
-        spec = self._gettrail(pkgname, "test_something.py", "funcpass")
-        print "sending", spec
-        channel.send(spec)
-        output = ReprOutcome(channel.receive())
-        assert output.passed
-        channel.send(42)
-        channel.waitclose(10)
-        host.gw.exit()
     def test_slave_running(self):
         py.test.skip("XXX test broken, needs refactoring")
         def simple_report(event):
@@ -164,15 +149,17 @@
         def open_gw():
             gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-            gw.host = HostInfo("localhost")
-            gw.host.gw = gw
+            host = HostInfo("localhost")
+            host.gw_remotepath = ''
+            host.gw = gw
+            #gw.host.gw = gw
             config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
-            channel = setup_slave(gw.host, config)
-            mn = MasterNode(channel, simple_report, {})
+            channel = setup_slave(host, config)
+            mn = MasterNode(channel, simple_report)
             return mn
         master_nodes = [open_gw(), open_gw(), open_gw()]
-        funcpass_item = rootcol._getitembynames(funcpass_spec)
+        funcpass_item = self.xxx
         funcfail_item = rootcol._getitembynames(funcfail_spec)
         itemgenerator = iter([funcfail_item] + 
                              [funcpass_item] * 5 + [funcfail_item] * 5)

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/test_slave.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/test_slave.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/rsession/testing/test_slave.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -69,7 +69,5 @@
         assert outcome.excinfo
     def test_slave_run_different_stuff(self):
-        py.test.skip("XXX not this way")
         node = self.gettestnode()
-        node.run(self.rootcol._getitembynames("py doc log.txt".split()).
-                 _get_collector_trail())
+        node.run(self.getdocexample())

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/session.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/session.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/session.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -1,14 +1,47 @@
 import py
+import sys
 from py.__.test.outcome import Outcome, Failed, Passed, Skipped
 from py.__.test.reporter import choose_reporter, TestReporter
+from py.__.test import repevent
+from py.__.test.outcome import SerializableOutcome, ReprOutcome
+def itemgen(session, colitems, reporter, keyword=None):
+    stopitems = py.test.collect.Item # XXX should be generator here as well
+    for next in colitems:
+        session.start(next)
+        if isinstance(next, stopitems):
+            try:
+                next._skipbykeyword(keyword)
+                yield next
+            except Skipped:
+                if session.config.option.keyword_oneshot:
+                    keyword = None
+                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
+                reporter(repevent.SkippedTryiter(excinfo, next))
+        else:
+            try:
+                cols = [next.join(x) for x in next.run()]
+                for x in itemgen(session, cols, reporter, keyword):
+                    yield x
+            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, GeneratorExit):
+                raise
+            except:
+                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
+                if excinfo.type is Skipped:
+                    reporter(repevent.SkippedTryiter(excinfo, next))
+                else:
+                    reporter(repevent.FailedTryiter(excinfo, next))
+        session.finish(next)
 class AbstractSession(object): 
     """ An abstract session executes collectors/items through a runner. 
-    def __init__(self, config): 
+    def __init__(self, config, reporter=None): 
         self._memo = []
         self.config = config
         self._keyword = config.option.keyword
+        self.reporter, self.shouldstop = self.init_reporter(reporter,
+                                                  config, ['localhost'])
     def fixoptions(self):
         """ check, fix and determine conflicting options. """
@@ -42,6 +75,16 @@
         return reporter, checkfun
+    def start(self, item):
+        """ A hook invoked per every item started
+        """
+        self.reporter(repevent.ItemStart(item))
+    def finish(self, item):
+        """ A hook invoked per every item ending
+        """
+        pass
 class Session(AbstractSession):
         A Session gets test Items from Collectors, executes the
@@ -52,6 +95,8 @@
     def header(self, colitems):
         """ setup any neccessary resources ahead of the test run. """
+        self.reporter(repevent.TestStarted(None, self.config,
+                                            None))
         if not self.config.option.nomagic:
@@ -60,90 +105,62 @@
         if not self.config.option.nomagic:
-    def start(self, colitem): 
-        """ hook invoked before each colitem.run() invocation. """ 
-    def finish(self, colitem, outcome): 
-        """ hook invoked after each colitem.run() invocation. """ 
-        self._memo.append((colitem, outcome))
-    def startiteration(self, colitem, subitems): 
-        pass 
-    def getitemoutcomepairs(self, cls): 
-        return [x for x in self._memo if isinstance(x[1], cls)]
-    def main(self): 
+        self.reporter(repevent.TestFinished())
+    def main(self):
         """ main loop for running tests. """
         colitems = self.config.getcolitems()
+        self.header(colitems)
+        keyword = self.config.option.keyword
+        reporter = self.reporter
+        itemgenerator = itemgen(self, colitems, reporter, keyword)
-            self.header(colitems) 
-            try:
-                try:
-                    for colitem in colitems: 
-                        self.runtraced(colitem)
-                except KeyboardInterrupt: 
-                    raise 
-            finally: 
-                self.footer(colitems) 
-        except Exit, ex:
-            pass
-    def runtraced(self, colitem):
-        if self.shouldclose(): 
-            raise Exit, "received external close signal" 
-        outcome = None 
-        colitem.startcapture() 
-        try: 
-            self.start(colitem)
-            try: 
+            while 1:
-                    if colitem._stickyfailure: 
-                        raise colitem._stickyfailure 
-                    outcome = self.run(colitem) 
-                except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exit): 
-                    raise 
-                except Outcome, outcome: 
-                    if outcome.excinfo is None: 
-                        outcome.excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo() 
-                except: 
-                    excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo() 
-                    outcome = Failed(excinfo=excinfo) 
-                assert (outcome is None or 
-                        isinstance(outcome, (list, Outcome)))
-            finally: 
-                self.finish(colitem, outcome) 
-            if isinstance(outcome, Failed) and self.config.option.exitfirst:
-                py.test.exit("exit on first problem configured.", item=colitem)
-        finally: 
-            colitem.finishcapture()
-    def run(self, colitem): 
-        if self.config.option.collectonly and isinstance(colitem, py.test.collect.Item): 
-            return
-        if isinstance(colitem, py.test.collect.Item):
-            colitem._skipbykeyword(self._keyword)
-            if self.config.option.keyword_oneshot:
-                self._keyword = ""
-        res = colitem.run() 
-        if res is None:
-            return Passed() 
-        elif not isinstance(res, (list, tuple)): 
-            raise TypeError("%r.run() returned neither "
-                            "list, tuple nor None: %r" % (colitem, res))
-        else: 
-            finish = self.startiteration(colitem, res)
-            try: 
-                for name in res: 
-                    obj = colitem.join(name) 
-                    assert obj is not None 
-                    self.runtraced(obj) 
-            finally: 
-                if finish: 
-                    finish() 
-        return res 
+                    item = itemgenerator.next()
+                    if self.shouldstop():
+                        return
+                    outcome = self.run(item)
+                    reporter(repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome(None, item, outcome))
+                except StopIteration:
+                    break
+        finally:
+            self.footer(colitems)
+    def run(self, item):
+        try:
+            item.startcapture()
+            try:
+                item.run()
+            finally:
+                item.finishcapture()
+            outcome = SerializableOutcome()
+        except Skipped:
+            e = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
+            outcome = SerializableOutcome(skipped=e)
+        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
+            raise
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            if isinstance(e, Failed) and e.excinfo:
+                excinfo = e.excinfo
+            else:
+                excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
+                if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Function): 
+                    fun = item.obj # hope this is stable 
+                    code = py.code.Code(fun)
+                    excinfo.traceback = excinfo.traceback.cut(
+                        path=code.path, firstlineno=code.firstlineno)
+            outcome = SerializableOutcome(excinfo=excinfo, setupfailure=False)
+            if self.config.option.usepdb:
+                if self.reporter is not None:
+                    self.reporter(repevent.ImmediateFailure(item,
+                        ReprOutcome(outcome.make_repr
+                                    (self.config.option.tbstyle))))
+                py.__.test.custompdb.post_mortem(excinfo._excinfo[2])
+        outcome.stdout, outcome.stderr = item._getouterr()
+        return ReprOutcome(outcome.make_repr())
 class Exit(Exception):
     """ for immediate program exits without tracebacks and reporter/summary. """

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/terminal/terminal.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/terminal/terminal.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/terminal/terminal.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -2,293 +2,11 @@
 from time import time as now
 from py.__.test.terminal.out import getout 
-from py.__.test.representation import Presenter
+from py.__.test.representation import Presenter, getrelpath
 from py.__.test.outcome import Skipped, Passed, Failed
 import py.__.test.custompdb
-def getrelpath(source, dest): 
-    base = source.common(dest)
-    if not base: 
-        return None 
-    # with posix local paths '/' is always a common base
-    relsource = source.relto(base)
-    reldest = dest.relto(base)
-    n = relsource.count(source.sep)
-    target = dest.sep.join(('..', )*n + (reldest, ))
-    return target 
 from py.__.test.session import Session
 class TerminalSession(Session): 
-    def __init__(self, config, file=None): 
-        super(TerminalSession, self).__init__(config) 
-        if file is None: 
-            file = py.std.sys.stdout 
-        self._file = file
-        self.out = getout(file) 
-        self._opencollectors = []
-        self.presenter = Presenter(self.out, config)
-    # ---------------------
-    # PROGRESS information 
-    # ---------------------
-    def start(self, colitem):
-        super(TerminalSession, self).start(colitem) 
-        if self.config.option.collectonly: 
-            cols = self._opencollectors
-            self.out.line('    ' * len(cols) + repr(colitem))
-            cols.append(colitem) 
-        else: 
-            cls = getattr(colitem, '__class__', None)
-            if cls is None:
-                return
-            if issubclass(cls, py.test.collect.Module):
-                self.start_Module(colitem)
-            elif issubclass(cls, py.test.collect.Item):
-                self.start_Item(colitem)
-            #for typ in py.std.inspect.getmro(cls):
-            #    meth = getattr(self, 'start_%s' % typ.__name__, None)
-            #    if meth:
-            #        meth(colitem)
-            #        break 
-            colitem.start = py.std.time.time() 
-    def start_Module(self, colitem): 
-        if self.config.option.verbose == 0: 
-            abbrev_fn = getrelpath(py.path.local('.xxx.'), colitem.fspath)
-            self.out.write('%s' % (abbrev_fn, ))
-        else: 
-            self.out.line()
-            self.out.line("+ testmodule: %s" % colitem.fspath) 
-    def startiteration(self, colitem, subitems): 
-        if (isinstance(colitem, py.test.collect.Module) 
-            and self.config.option.verbose == 0 
-            and not self.config.option.collectonly): 
-            try: 
-                sum = 0
-                for sub in subitems:
-                    sum += len(list(colitem.join(sub)._tryiter()))
-            except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): 
-                raise 
-            except: 
-                self.out.write('[?]')
-            else: 
-                self.out.write('[%d] ' % sum) 
-            return self.out.line 
-    def start_Item(self, colitem): 
-        if self.config.option.verbose >= 1: 
-            if isinstance(colitem, py.test.collect.Item): 
-                realpath, lineno = colitem._getpathlineno()
-                location = "%s:%d" % (realpath.basename, lineno+1)
-                self.out.write("%-20s %s " % (location, colitem._getmodpath()))
-    def finish(self, colitem, outcome):
-        end = now()
-        super(TerminalSession, self).finish(colitem, outcome) 
-        if self.config.option.collectonly: 
-            cols = self._opencollectors 
-            last = cols.pop()
-            #assert last == colitem, "expected %r, got %r" %(last, colitem)
-            return
-        colitem.elapsedtime = end - colitem.start 
-        if self.config.option.usepdb:
-            if isinstance(outcome, Failed): 
-                print "dispatching to ppdb", colitem
-                self.repr_failure(colitem, outcome) 
-                self.out.write('\n%s\n' % (outcome.excinfo.exconly(),))
-                py.__.test.custompdb.post_mortem(outcome.excinfo._excinfo[2])
-        if isinstance(colitem, py.test.collect.Module):
-            resultstring = self.repr_progress_module_result(colitem, outcome)
-            if resultstring:
-                self.out.line(" - " + resultstring)
-        if isinstance(colitem, py.test.collect.Item): 
-            if self.config.option.verbose >= 1: 
-                resultstring = self.repr_progress_long_result(colitem, outcome)
-                resultstring += " (%.2f)" % (colitem.elapsedtime,)
-                self.out.line(resultstring) 
-            else:
-                c = self.repr_progress_short_result(colitem, outcome)
-                self.out.write(c) 
-    # -------------------
-    # HEADER information 
-    # -------------------
-    def header(self, colitems): 
-        super(TerminalSession, self).header(colitems) 
-        self.out.sep("=", "test process starts")
-        option = self.config.option 
-        modes = []
-        for name in 'looponfailing', 'exitfirst', 'nomagic': 
-            if getattr(option, name): 
-                modes.append(name) 
-        #if self._isremoteoption._fromremote:
-        #    modes.insert(0, 'child process') 
-        #else:
-        #    modes.insert(0, 'inprocess')
-        #mode = "/".join(modes)
-        #self.out.line("testing-mode: %s" % mode)
-        self.out.line("executable:   %s  (%s)" %
-                          (py.std.sys.executable, repr_pythonversion()))
-        rev = py.__package__.getrev()
-        self.out.line("using py lib: %s <rev %s>" % (
-                       py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath(), rev))
-        if self.config.option.traceconfig or self.config.option.verbose: 
-            for x in colitems: 
-                self.out.line("test target:  %s" %(x.fspath,))
-            conftestmodules = self.config._conftest.getconftestmodules(None)
-            for i,x in py.builtin.enumerate(conftestmodules):
-                self.out.line("initial conf %d: %s" %(i, x.__file__)) 
-            #for i, x in py.builtin.enumerate(py.test.config.configpaths):
-            #    self.out.line("initial testconfig %d: %s" %(i, x))
-            #additional = py.test.config.getfirst('additionalinfo')
-            #if additional:
-            #    for key, descr in additional():
-            #        self.out.line("%s: %s" %(key, descr))
-        self.out.line() 
-        self.starttime = now()
-    # -------------------
-    # FOOTER information 
-    # -------------------
-    def footer(self, colitems):
-        super(TerminalSession, self).footer(colitems) 
-        self.endtime = now()
-        self.out.line() 
-        self.skippedreasons()
-        self.failures()
-        self.summaryline()
-    # --------------------
-    # progress information 
-    # --------------------
-    typemap = {
-        Passed: '.',
-        Skipped: 's',
-        Failed: 'F',
-    }
-    namemap = {
-        Passed: 'ok',
-        Skipped: 'SKIP',
-        Failed: 'FAIL',
-    }
-    def repr_progress_short_result(self, item, outcome):
-        for outcometype, char in self.typemap.items():
-            if isinstance(outcome, outcometype):
-                return char
-        else:
-            #raise TypeError, "not an Outomce instance: %r" % (outcome,)
-            return '?'
-    def repr_progress_long_result(self, item, outcome):
-        for outcometype, char in self.namemap.items():
-            if isinstance(outcome, outcometype):
-                return char
-        else:
-            #raise TypeError, "not an Outcome instance: %r" % (outcome,)
-            return 'UNKNOWN'
-    def repr_progress_module_result(self, item, outcome):
-        if isinstance(outcome, Failed):
-            return "FAILED TO LOAD MODULE"
-        elif isinstance(outcome, Skipped):
-            return "skipped"
-        elif not isinstance(outcome, (list, Passed)):
-            return "?"
-    # --------------------
-    # summary information 
-    # --------------------
-    def summaryline(self): 
-        outlist = []
-        sum = 0
-        for typ in Passed, Failed, Skipped:
-            l = self.getitemoutcomepairs(typ)
-            if l:
-                outlist.append('%d %s' % (len(l), typ.__name__.lower()))
-            sum += len(l)
-        elapsed = self.endtime-self.starttime
-        status = "%s" % ", ".join(outlist)
-        self.out.sep('=', 'tests finished: %s in %4.2f seconds' %
-                         (status, elapsed))
-    def getlastvisible(self, sourcetraceback): 
-        traceback = sourcetraceback[:]
-        while traceback: 
-            entry = traceback.pop()
-            try: 
-                x = entry.frame.eval("__tracebackhide__") 
-            except: 
-                x = False 
-            if not x: 
-                return entry 
-        else: 
-            return sourcetraceback[-1]
-    def skippedreasons(self):
-        texts = {}
-        for colitem, outcome in self.getitemoutcomepairs(Skipped):
-            raisingtb = self.getlastvisible(outcome.excinfo.traceback) 
-            fn = raisingtb.frame.code.path
-            lineno = raisingtb.lineno
-            d = texts.setdefault(outcome.excinfo.exconly(), {})
-            d[(fn,lineno)] = outcome 
-        if texts:
-            self.out.line()
-            self.out.sep('_', 'reasons for skipped tests')
-            for text, dict in texts.items():
-                for (fn, lineno), outcome in dict.items(): 
-                    self.out.line('Skipped in %s:%d' %(fn, lineno+1))
-                self.out.line("reason: %s" % text) 
-                self.out.line()
-    def failures(self):
-        if self.config.option.tbstyle == 'no':
-            return   # skip the detailed failure reports altogether
-        l = self.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-        if l: 
-            self.out.sep('_')
-            for colitem, outcome in l: 
-                self.repr_failure(colitem, outcome) 
-    def repr_failure(self, item, outcome): 
-        excinfo = outcome.excinfo 
-        traceback = excinfo.traceback
-        #print "repr_failures sees item", item
-        #print "repr_failures sees traceback"
-        #py.std.pprint.pprint(traceback)
-        if item and not self.config.option.fulltrace: 
-            path, firstlineno = item._getpathlineno()
-            ntraceback = traceback.cut(path=path, firstlineno=firstlineno)
-            if ntraceback == traceback:
-                ntraceback = ntraceback.cut(path=path)
-            traceback = ntraceback.filter()
-        if not traceback: 
-            self.out.line("empty traceback from item %r" % (item,)) 
-            return
-        handler = getattr(self.presenter, 'repr_failure_tb%s' % self.config.option.tbstyle)
-        handler(item, excinfo, traceback, lambda : self.repr_out_err(item))
-    def repr_out_err(self, colitem): 
-        for parent in colitem.listchain(): 
-            for name, obj in zip(['out', 'err'], parent._getouterr()): 
-                if obj: 
-                    self.out.sep("- ", "%s: recorded std%s" % (parent.name, name))
-                    self.out.line(obj)
-def repr_pythonversion():
-    v = py.std.sys.version_info
-    try:
-        return "%s.%s.%s-%s-%s" % v
-    except ValueError:
-        return str(v)
+    pass

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_collect.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_collect.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_collect.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
 import py
 from setupdata import setupdatadir
 from py.__.test.outcome import Skipped, Failed, Passed, Outcome
+from py.__.test.terminal.out import getout
+from py.__.test.repevent import ReceivedItemOutcome
+def getpassed(all):
+    outcomes = [i.outcome for i in all if isinstance(i, ReceivedItemOutcome)]
+    l = [i for i in outcomes if i.passed]
+    return l
 def setup_module(mod):
     mod.datadir = setupdatadir()
@@ -204,9 +211,11 @@
         config = py.test.config._reparse([]) 
         out = py.std.cStringIO.StringIO()
-        session = config._getsessionclass()(config, out) 
-        session.main() 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed) 
+        all = []
+        session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
+        session.reporter.out = getout(out)
+        session.main()
+        l = getpassed(all)
         assert len(l) == 2
@@ -214,9 +223,11 @@
     # test that running the file directly works 
     config = py.test.config._reparse([str(checkfile)]) 
     out = py.std.cStringIO.StringIO()
-    session = config._getsessionclass()(config, out) 
-    session.main() 
-    l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed) 
+    all = []
+    session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
+    session.reporter.out = getout(out)
+    session.main()
+    l = getpassed(all)
     assert len(l) == 2
 def test_custom_NONpython_collection_from_conftest():
@@ -251,9 +262,11 @@
         config = py.test.config._reparse([]) 
         out = py.std.cStringIO.StringIO()
-        session = config._getsessionclass()(config, out) 
-        session.main() 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed) 
+        all = []
+        session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
+        session.reporter.out = getout(out)        
+        session.main()
+        l = getpassed(all)
         assert len(l) == 1
@@ -261,9 +274,11 @@
     # test that running the file directly works 
     config = py.test.config._reparse([str(checkfile)]) 
     out = py.std.cStringIO.StringIO()
-    session = config._getsessionclass()(config, out) 
-    session.main() 
-    l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed) 
+    all = []
+    session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
+    session.reporter.out = getout(out)
+    session.main()
+    l = getpassed(all)
     assert len(l) == 1
 def test_order_of_execution_generator_same_codeline():
@@ -286,9 +301,10 @@
         yield assert_order_of_execution
     config = py.test.config._reparse([o])
-    session = config.initsession()
+    all = []
+    session = config.initsession(all.append)
-    l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed) 
+    l = getpassed(all)
     assert len(l) == 7
 def test_order_of_execution_generator_different_codeline():
@@ -318,9 +334,10 @@
         yield assert_order_of_execution   
     config = py.test.config._reparse([o])
-    session = config.initsession()
+    all = []
+    session = config.initsession(all.append)
-    l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed) 
+    l = getpassed(all)
     assert len(l) == 4

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_config.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_config.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_config.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
             from py.__.test.session import Session
             class MySession(Session):
-                def __init__(self, config):
+                def __init__(self, config, reporter=None):
                     self.config = config 
         config = py.test.config._reparse(["--session=MySession", self.tmpdir])

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_outcome.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_outcome.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_outcome.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 from py.__.test.outcome import SerializableOutcome, ReprOutcome, ExcInfoRepr
 import marshal
+import py
 def test_critical_debugging_flag():
     outcome = SerializableOutcome(is_critical=True)
@@ -22,13 +23,16 @@
 def f3():
+def f4():
+    py.test.skip("argh!")
 def test_exception_info_repr():
         outcome = SerializableOutcome(excinfo=py.code.ExceptionInfo())
-    repr = outcome.make_excinfo_repr("long")
+    repr = outcome.make_excinfo_repr(outcome.excinfo, "long")
     assert marshal.dumps(repr)
     excinfo = ExcInfoRepr(repr)
@@ -46,5 +50,15 @@
     assert excinfo.traceback[1].lineno == f3.func_code.co_firstlineno
     assert excinfo.traceback[1].relline == 1
+def test_packed_skipped():
+    try:
+        f4()
+    except:
+        outcome = SerializableOutcome(skipped=py.code.ExceptionInfo())
+    repr = outcome.make_excinfo_repr(outcome.skipped, "long")
+    assert marshal.dumps(repr)
+    skipped = ExcInfoRepr(repr)
+    assert skipped.value == "'argh!'"
 #def test_f3():
 #    f3()

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_remote.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_remote.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_remote.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
             py.test.fail("did not see test_1 failure") 
-    def test_looponfailing(self): 
+    def test_looponfailing(self):
         o = tmpdir.ensure('looponfailing', dir=1) 
         tfile = o.join('test_looponfailing.py')

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_repevent.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_repevent.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_repevent.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     assert repevent.FailedTryiter(None, None).is_failure()
     out = ReprOutcome(SerializableOutcome().make_repr())
     assert not repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome(None, None, out).is_failure()
-    out = ReprOutcome(SerializableOutcome(skipped=True).make_repr())
+    out = ReprOutcome(SerializableOutcome(skipped="xxx").make_repr())
     assert not repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome(None, None, out).is_failure()

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_reporter.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_reporter.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_reporter.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -18,17 +18,26 @@
 import py, os
-from py.__.test.session import AbstractSession
+from py.__.test.session import AbstractSession, itemgen
 from py.__.test.reporter import RemoteReporter, LocalReporter, choose_reporter 
 from py.__.test import repevent
 from py.__.test.outcome import ReprOutcome, SerializableOutcome
 from py.__.test.rsession.hostmanage import HostInfo
 from py.__.test.rsession.box import Box
 from py.__.test.rsession.testing.basetest import BasicRsessionTest
-from py.__.test.rsession.master import itemgen
 import sys
 from StringIO import StringIO
+class MockSession(object):
+    def __init__(self, reporter):
+        self.reporter = reporter
+    def start(self, item):
+        self.reporter(repevent.ItemStart(item))
+    def finish(self, item):
+        pass
 class DummyGateway(object):
     def __init__(self, host):
         self.host = host
@@ -44,9 +53,14 @@
             exc = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
+        try:
+            py.test.skip("xxx")
+        except:
+            skipexc = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
         outcomes = [SerializableOutcome(()), 
-            SerializableOutcome(skipped=True),
+            SerializableOutcome(skipped=skipexc),
@@ -112,7 +126,7 @@
             rootcol = py.test.collect.Directory(tmpdir)
             hosts = [HostInfo('localhost')]
             r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-            list(itemgen([rootcol], r.report))
+            list(itemgen(MockSession(r), [rootcol], r.report))
         cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
@@ -131,9 +145,9 @@
             rootcol = py.test.collect.Directory(tmpdir)
             host = HostInfo('localhost')
             r = self.reporter(config, [host])
-            r.report(repevent.TestStarted([host], config.topdir, ["a"]))
+            r.report(repevent.TestStarted([host], config, ["a"]))
-            list(itemgen([rootcol], r.report))
+            list(itemgen(MockSession(r), [rootcol], r.report))
             return r
@@ -144,6 +158,24 @@
         assert out.find("1 failed in") != -1
         assert out.find("NameError: name 'sadsadsa' is not defined") != -1
+    def _test_verbose(self):
+        tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp("reporterverbose")
+        tmpdir.ensure("__init__.py")
+        tmpdir.ensure("test_one.py").write("def test_x(): pass")
+        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
+        config = py.test.config._reparse([str(tmpdir), '-v'])
+        hosts = [HostInfo("host")]
+        r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
+        r.report(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config, []))
+        r.report(repevent.RsyncFinished())
+        rootcol = py.test.collect.Directory(tmpdir)
+        list(itemgen(MockSession(r), [rootcol], r.report))
+        r.report(repevent.TestFinished())
+        out, err = cap.reset()
+        assert not err
+        for i in ['+ testmodule:', 'test_one.py[1]']: # XXX finish
+            assert i in out
     def _test_still_to_go(self):
         tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp("stilltogo")
@@ -153,7 +185,7 @@
         for host in hosts:
             host.gw_remotepath = ''
         r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-        r.report(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config.topdir, ["a", "b", "c"]))
+        r.report(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config, ["a", "b", "c"]))
         for host in hosts:
             r.report(repevent.HostGatewayReady(host, ["a", "b", "c"]))
         for host in hosts:
@@ -177,6 +209,9 @@
     def test_report_received_item_outcome(self):
         assert self.report_received_item_outcome() == 'FsF.'
+    def test_verbose(self):
+        self._test_verbose()
     def test_module(self):
         output = self._test_module()
         assert output.find("test_one") != -1

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_repr.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_repr.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_repr.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     for key in locals().keys():
         assert s.getvalue().find(key) != -1
-def test_repr_traceback_long():
+def XXXtest_repr_traceback_long():
     config = py.test.config._reparse([])
     s = StringIO()

Modified: py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_session.py
--- py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_session.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/reporter-merge/py/test/testing/test_session.py	Sun Oct 21 13:00:20 2007
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 import py
 from setupdata import setup_module # sets up global 'tmpdir' 
 from py.__.test.outcome import Skipped, Failed, Passed, Outcome
+from py.__.test.terminal.out import getout
+from py.__.test.repevent import ReceivedItemOutcome, SkippedTryiter,\
+     FailedTryiter
 implied_options = {
     '--pdb': 'usepdb and nocapture', 
     '-v': 'verbose', 
     '-l': 'showlocals',
-    '--runbrowser': 'startserver and runbrowser', 
+    #'--runbrowser': 'startserver and runbrowser', XXX starts browser
 conflict_options = ('--looponfailing --pdb',
@@ -14,6 +17,21 @@
                     '--exec=%s --pdb' % py.std.sys.executable,
+def getoutcomes(all):
+    return [i.outcome for i in all if isinstance(i, ReceivedItemOutcome)]
+def getpassed(all):
+    return [i for i in getoutcomes(all) if i.passed]
+def getskipped(all):
+    return [i for i in getoutcomes(all) if i.skipped] + \
+           [i for i in all if isinstance(i, SkippedTryiter)]
+def getfailed(all):
+    return [i for i in getoutcomes(all) if i.excinfo] + \
+           [i for i in all if isinstance(i, FailedTryiter)]
 def test_conflict_options():
     for spec in conflict_options: 
         opts = spec.split()
@@ -42,13 +60,12 @@
         yield runfiletest, opts
 def runfiletest(opts):
-    config = py.test.config._reparse(opts + [datadir/'filetest.py']) 
-    session = config.initsession()
+    config = py.test.config._reparse(opts + [datadir/'filetest.py'])
+    all = []
+    session = config.initsession(all.append)
-    l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-    assert len(l) == 2 
-    l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed)
-    assert not l 
+    assert len(getfailed(all)) == 2 
+    assert not getskipped(all)
 def test_is_not_boxed_by_default():
     config = py.test.config._reparse([datadir])
@@ -59,13 +76,13 @@
         def check(keyword, name):
             config = py.test.config._reparse([datadir/'filetest.py', 
                                                    '-s', '-k', keyword])
-            session = config._getsessionclass()(config, py.std.sys.stdout)
+            all = []
+            session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
-            l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-            assert len(l) == 1 
-            item = l[0][0]
-            assert item.name == name
-            l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Skipped)
+            outcomes = [i for i in all if isinstance(i, ReceivedItemOutcome)]
+            assert len(getfailed(all)) == 1 
+            assert outcomes[0].item.name == name
+            l = getskipped(all)
             assert len(l) == 1
         for keyword in ['test_one', 'est_on']:
@@ -90,65 +107,64 @@
         for keyword in ('xxx', 'xxx test_2', 'TestClass', 'xxx -test_1', 
                         'TestClass test_2', 'xxx TestClass test_2',): 
             f = py.std.StringIO.StringIO()
-            config = py.test.config._reparse([o, '-s', '-k', keyword]) 
-            session = config._getsessionclass()(config, f) 
+            config = py.test.config._reparse([o, '-s', '-k', keyword])
+            all = []
+            session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
+            session.reporter.out = getout(f)
             print "keyword", repr(keyword)
-            l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed)
+            l = getpassed(all)
+            outcomes = [i for i in all if isinstance(i, ReceivedItemOutcome)]
             assert len(l) == 1
-            assert l[0][0].name == 'test_2'
-            l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Skipped)
-            assert l[0][0].name == 'test_1'
+            assert outcomes[0].item.name == 'test_2'
+            l = getskipped(all)
+            assert l[0].item.name == 'test_1'
     def test_select_starton(self):
         config = py.test.config._reparse([datadir/'testmore.py', 
                                           '-j', '-k', "test_two"])
-        session = config._getsessionclass()(config, py.std.sys.stdout)
+        all = []
+        session = config._getsessionclass()(config, all.append)
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed)
-        assert len(l) == 2
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Skipped)
-        assert len(l) == 1
+        assert len(getpassed(all)) == 2
+        assert len(getskipped(all)) == 1
-class TestTerminalSession: 
-    def mainsession(self, *args): 
+class TestTerminalSession:
+    def mainsession(self, *args):
         from py.__.test.terminal.terminal import TerminalSession
-        self.file = py.std.StringIO.StringIO() 
+        from py.__.test.terminal.out import getout
         config = py.test.config._reparse(list(args))
-        session = TerminalSession(config, file=self.file) 
+        all = []
+        session = TerminalSession(config, all.append)
-        return session
+        return session, all
     def test_terminal(self): 
-        session = self.mainsession(datadir / 'filetest.py')
-        out = self.file.getvalue() 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-        assert len(l) == 2
-        assert out.find('2 failed') != -1 
+        session, all = self.mainsession(datadir / 'filetest.py')
+        outcomes = getoutcomes(all)
+        assert len(getfailed(all)) == 2
     def test_syntax_error_module(self): 
-        session = self.mainsession(datadir / 'syntax_error.py')
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-        assert len(l) == 1 
-        out = self.file.getvalue() 
+        session, all = self.mainsession(datadir / 'syntax_error.py')
+        l = getfailed(all)
+        assert len(l) == 1
+        out = l[0].excinfo.exconly()
         assert out.find(str('syntax_error.py')) != -1
         assert out.find(str('not python')) != -1
     def test_exit_first_problem(self): 
-        session = self.mainsession("--exitfirst", 
-                                   datadir / 'filetest.py')
+        session, all = self.mainsession("--exitfirst", 
+                                        datadir / 'filetest.py')
         assert session.config.option.exitfirst
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-        assert len(l) == 1 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed)
-        assert not l 
+        assert len(getfailed(all)) == 1 
+        assert not getpassed(all)
-    def test_collectonly(self): 
-        session = self.mainsession("--collectonly", 
-                                   datadir / 'filetest.py')
+    def test_collectonly(self):
+        py.test.skip("XXX Reimplement this feature")
+        session, out = self.mainsession("--collectonly", 
+                                        datadir / 'filetest.py')
         assert session.config.option.collectonly
-        out = self.file.getvalue()
         #print out 
         l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
         #if l: 
@@ -160,7 +176,8 @@
                      'TestClass', 'test_method_one'): 
             assert out.find(line) 
-    def test_recursion_detection(self): 
+    def test_recursion_detection(self):
+        py.test.skip("XXX the test is bogus here")
         o = tmpdir.ensure('recursiontest', dir=1)
         tfile = o.join('test_recursion.py')
@@ -171,10 +188,10 @@
-        session = self.mainsession(o)
+        session, all = self.mainsession(o)
         print "back from main", o
-        out = self.file.getvalue() 
         #print out
+        outcomes = getoutcomes(all)
         i = out.find('Recursion detected') 
         assert i != -1 
@@ -185,9 +202,10 @@
             def test_1():
                 yield None 
-        session = self.mainsession(o) 
-        out = self.file.getvalue() 
+        session, all = self.mainsession(o) 
         #print out
+        failures = getfailed(all)
+        out = failures[0].excinfo.exconly()
         i = out.find('TypeError') 
         assert i != -1 
@@ -213,20 +231,16 @@
                 def finishcapture(self): 
                     self._testmycapture = None
-        session = self.mainsession(o) 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed)
+        session, all = self.mainsession(o)
+        l = getpassed(all)
+        outcomes = getoutcomes(all)
         assert len(l) == 1
-        item = l[0][0]
+        item = all[3].item # item is not attached to outcome, but it's the
+        # started before
         assert hasattr(item, '_testmycapture')
         print item._testmycapture
         assert isinstance(item.parent, py.test.collect.Module)
-        out, err = item.parent._getouterr()
-        assert out.find('module level output') != -1 
-        allout = self.file.getvalue()
-        print "allout:", allout
-        assert allout.find('module level output') != -1, (
-                           "session didn't show module output")
     def test_raises_output(self): 
         o = tmpdir.ensure('raisestest', dir=1)
@@ -236,8 +250,9 @@
             def test_raises_doesnt():
                 py.test.raises(ValueError, int, "3")
-        session = self.mainsession(o) 
-        out = self.file.getvalue() 
+        session, all = self.mainsession(o)
+        outcomes = getoutcomes(all)
+        out = outcomes[0].excinfo.exconly()
         if not out.find("DID NOT RAISE") != -1: 
             print out
             py.test.fail("incorrect raises() output") 
@@ -265,16 +280,10 @@
                     assert self.reslist == [1,2,1,2,3]
-        session = self.mainsession(o) 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
-        assert len(l) == 0 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Passed)
-        assert len(l) == 7 
+        session, all = self.mainsession(o)
+        assert len(getfailed(all)) == 0 
+        assert len(getpassed(all)) == 7 
         # also test listnames() here ... 
-        item, result = l[-1]
-        assert item.name == 'test_4' 
-        names = item.listnames()
-        assert names == ['ordertest', 'test_orderofexecution.py', 'Testmygroup', '()', 'test_4']
     def test_nested_import_error(self): 
         o = tmpdir.ensure('Ians_importfailure', dir=1) 
@@ -288,47 +297,23 @@
             import does_not_work 
             a = 1
-        session = self.mainsession(o) 
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
+        session, all = self.mainsession(o)
+        l = getfailed(all)
         assert len(l) == 1 
-        item, outcome = l[0]
-        assert str(outcome.excinfo).find('does_not_work') != -1 
+        out = l[0].excinfo.exconly()
+        assert out.find('does_not_work') != -1 
     def test_safe_repr(self):
-        session = self.mainsession(datadir/'brokenrepr.py')
-        out = self.file.getvalue()
-        print 'Output of simulated "py.test brokenrepr.py":'
-        print out
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Failed)
+        session, all = self.mainsession(datadir/'brokenrepr.py')
+        #print 'Output of simulated "py.test brokenrepr.py":'
+        #print all
+        l = getfailed(all)
         assert len(l) == 2
+        out = l[0].excinfo.exconly()
         assert out.find("""[Exception("Ha Ha fooled you, I'm a broken repr().") raised in repr()]""") != -1 #'
+        out = l[1].excinfo.exconly()
         assert out.find("[unknown exception raised in repr()]") != -1
-    def test_E_on_correct_line(self):
-        o = tmpdir.ensure('E_on_correct_line', dir=1)
-        tfile = o.join('test_correct_line.py')
-        source = py.code.Source("""
-            import py
-            def test_hello():
-                assert (None ==
-                        ['a',
-                         'b',
-                         'c'])
-        """)
-        tfile.write(source)
-        session = self.mainsession(o) 
-        out = self.file.getvalue()
-        print 'Output of simulated "py.test test_correct_line.py":'
-        print out
-        i = out.find('test_correct_line.py:')
-        assert i >= 0
-        linenum = int(out[i+len('test_correct_line.py:')])  # a single char
-        line_to_report = source[linenum-1]
-        expected_output = '\nE   ' + line_to_report + '\n'
-        print 'Looking for:', expected_output
-        assert expected_output in out
 def test_skip_reasons():
     tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("check_skip_reasons")
@@ -342,10 +327,11 @@
     config = py.test.config._reparse([tmp])
-    session = config.initsession()
+    all = []
+    session = config.initsession(all.append)
-    skips = session.getitemoutcomepairs(Skipped)
+    skips = getskipped(all)
     assert len(skips) == 2
-    assert repr(skips[0][1]) == 'Broken: stuff'
-    assert repr(skips[1][1]) == 'Not implemented: stuff'
+    assert str(skips[0].skipped.value) == 'Broken: stuff'
+    assert str(skips[1].skipped.value) == 'Not implemented: stuff'

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