[py-svn] r37285 - py/trunk/py/test

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Wed Jan 24 18:24:22 CET 2007

Author: hpk
Date: Wed Jan 24 18:24:21 2007
New Revision: 37285

this file describing option is obsolete now

Deleted: /py/trunk/py/test/session-options.txt
--- /py/trunk/py/test/session-options.txt	Wed Jan 24 18:24:21 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-RSession options:
-class SessionOptions:
-   nice_level - how to nice remote prcesses (RSession)
-   boxing_policy - run with boxes or not (LSession)
-   max_tasks_per_node (RSession)
-   waittime - how long to wait till considering node dead (not fully working,
-     RSession)
-   import_pypy - try to import pypy for regenerating web js (RSession, LSession)
-user provided options:
-startserver - run web server for displaying output (RSession, LSession),
-  implies LSession
-runbrowser - use webbrowser - implies startserver
-rest - implies LSession
-apigen - implies LSession
-other conftest options:
-dist_rsyncroots - RSession
-disthosts - RSession
-dist_remotepython - RSession
-various stuff:
-we_are_remote - flag to indicate whether we are in remote process, not 
-  available for user.
-options that does not work in L/RSession:

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