[py-svn] r37129 - in py/branch/config/py: . execnet execnet/testing test/rsession test/rsession/testing

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Mon Jan 22 14:04:05 CET 2007

Author: fijal
Date: Mon Jan 22 14:04:00 2007
New Revision: 37129

      - copied unchanged from r37125, py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/rsync.py
      - copied unchanged from r37125, py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/rsync_remote.py
      - copied unchanged from r37125, py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/testing/test_rsync.py
Move rsync to execnet and expose it as py.execnet.RSync

Modified: py/branch/config/py/__init__.py
--- py/branch/config/py/__init__.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/config/py/__init__.py	Mon Jan 22 14:04:00 2007
@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@
     'execnet.PopenGateway'   : ('./execnet/register.py', 'PopenGateway'),
     'execnet.SshGateway'     : ('./execnet/register.py', 'SshGateway'),
+    # execnet scripts
+    'execnet.RSync'          : ('./execnet/rsync.py', 'RSync'),
     # input-output helping 
     'io.dupfile'             : ('./io/dupfile.py', 'dupfile'), 
     'io.FDCapture'           : ('./io/capture.py', 'FDCapture'), 

Modified: py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/hostmanage.py
--- py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/hostmanage.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/hostmanage.py	Mon Jan 22 14:04:00 2007
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 from py.__.test.rsession.master import \
      setup_slave, MasterNode
 from py.__.test.rsession import report 
-from py.__.test.rsession.rsync import RSync
 class HostInfo(object):
     """ Class trying to store all necessary attributes
@@ -39,11 +38,11 @@
     def __ne__(self, other):
         return not self == other
-class HostRSync(RSync):
+class HostRSync(py.execnet.RSync):
     """ An rsync wrapper which filters out *~, .svn/ and *.pyc
     def __init__(self, rsync_roots):
-        RSync.__init__(self, delete=True)
+        py.execnet.RSync.__init__(self, delete=True)
         self.rsync_roots = rsync_roots
     def filter(self, path):

Deleted: /py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/rsync.py
--- /py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/rsync.py	Mon Jan 22 14:04:00 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-import py, os, stat, md5
-from Queue import Queue
-class RSync(object):
-    def __init__(self, callback=None, **options):
-        for name in options:
-            assert name in ('delete')
-        self.options = options
-        self.callback = callback
-        self.channels = {}
-        self.receivequeue = Queue()
-        self.links = []
-    def filter(self, path):
-        return True
-    def add_target(self, gateway, destdir, finishedcallback=None):
-        def itemcallback(req):
-            self.receivequeue.put((channel, req))
-        channel = gateway.remote_exec(REMOTE_SOURCE)
-        channel.setcallback(itemcallback, endmarker = None)
-        channel.send((str(destdir), self.options))
-        self.channels[channel] = finishedcallback
-    def send(self, sourcedir):
-        self.sourcedir = str(sourcedir)
-        # normalize a trailing '/' away
-        self.sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self.sourcedir, 'x'))
-        # send directory structure and file timestamps/sizes
-        self._send_directory_structure(self.sourcedir)
-        # paths and to_send are only used for doing
-        # progress-related callbacks
-        self.paths = {}
-        self.to_send = {}
-        # send modified file to clients
-        while self.channels:
-            channel, req = self.receivequeue.get()
-            if req is None:
-                # end-of-channel
-                if channel in self.channels:
-                    # too early!  we must have got an error
-                    channel.waitclose()
-                    # or else we raise one
-                    raise IOError('connection unexpectedly closed: %s ' % (
-                        channel.gateway,))
-            else:
-                command, data = req
-                if command == "links":
-                    for link in self.links:
-                        channel.send(link)
-                    # completion marker, this host is done
-                    channel.send(42)
-                elif command == "done":
-                    finishedcallback = self.channels.pop(channel)
-                    if finishedcallback:
-                        finishedcallback()
-                elif command == "ack":
-                    if self.callback:
-                        self.callback("ack", self.paths[data], channel)
-                elif command == "list_done":
-                    # sum up all to send
-                    if self.callback:
-                        s = sum([self.paths[i] for i in self.to_send[channel]])
-                        self.callback("list", s, channel)
-                elif command == "send":
-                    modified_rel_path, checksum = data
-                    modifiedpath = os.path.join(self.sourcedir, *modified_rel_path)
-                    f = open(modifiedpath, 'rb')
-                    data = f.read()
-                    # provide info to progress callback function
-                    modified_rel_path = "/".join(modified_rel_path)
-                    self.paths[modified_rel_path] = len(data)
-                    if channel not in self.to_send:
-                        self.to_send[channel] = []
-                    self.to_send[channel].append(modified_rel_path)
-                    f.close()
-                    if checksum is not None and checksum == md5.md5(data).digest():
-                        data = None     # not really modified
-                    else:
-                        # ! there is a reason for the interning:
-                        # sharing multiple copies of the file's data
-                        data = intern(data)
-                        print '%s <= %s' % (
-                            channel.gateway._getremoteaddress(),
-                            modified_rel_path)
-                    channel.send(data)
-                    del data
-                else:
-                    assert "Unknown command %s" % command
-    def _broadcast(self, msg):
-        for channel in self.channels:
-            channel.send(msg)
-    def _send_link(self, basename, linkpoint):
-        self.links.append(("link", basename, linkpoint))
-    def _send_directory_structure(self, path):
-        st = os.lstat(path)
-        if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
-            # regular file: send a timestamp/size pair
-            self._broadcast((st.st_mtime, st.st_size))
-        elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
-            # dir: send a list of entries
-            names = []
-            subpaths = []
-            for name in os.listdir(path):
-                p = os.path.join(path, name)
-                if self.filter(p):
-                    names.append(name)
-                    subpaths.append(p)
-            self._broadcast(names)
-            for p in subpaths:
-                self._send_directory_structure(p)
-        elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
-            linkpoint = os.readlink(path)
-            basename = path[len(self.sourcedir) + 1:]
-            if not linkpoint.startswith(os.sep):
-                # relative link, just send it
-                self._send_link(basename, linkpoint)
-            elif linkpoint.startswith(self.sourcedir):
-                self._send_link(basename, linkpoint[len(self.sourcedir) + 1:])
-            else:
-                self._send_link(basename, linkpoint)
-            self._broadcast(None)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "cannot sync %r" % (path,)
-REMOTE_SOURCE = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().\
-                join('rsync_remote.py').open().read() + "\nf()"

Deleted: /py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/rsync_remote.py
--- /py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/rsync_remote.py	Mon Jan 22 14:04:00 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-def f():
-    import os, stat, shutil, md5
-    destdir, options = channel.receive() 
-    modifiedfiles = []
-    def remove(path):
-        assert path.startswith(destdir)
-        try:
-            os.unlink(path)
-        except OSError:
-            # assume it's a dir
-            shutil.rmtree(path)
-    def receive_directory_structure(path, relcomponents):
-        try:
-            st = os.lstat(path)
-        except OSError:
-            st = None
-        msg = channel.receive()
-        if isinstance(msg, list):
-            if st and not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
-                os.unlink(path)
-                st = None
-            if not st:
-                os.makedirs(path)
-            entrynames = {}
-            for entryname in msg:
-                receive_directory_structure(os.path.join(path, entryname),
-                    relcomponents + [entryname])
-                entrynames[entryname] = True
-            if options.get('delete'): 
-                for othername in os.listdir(path):
-                    if othername not in entrynames:
-                        otherpath = os.path.join(path, othername)
-                        remove(otherpath)
-        elif msg is not None:
-            checksum = None
-            if st:
-                if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
-                    msg_mtime, msg_size = msg
-                    if msg_size != st.st_size:
-                        pass
-                    elif msg_mtime != st.st_mtime:
-                        f = open(path, 'rb')
-                        checksum = md5.md5(f.read()).digest()
-                        f.close()
-                    else:
-                        return    # already fine
-                else:
-                    remove(path)
-            channel.send(("send", (relcomponents, checksum)))
-            modifiedfiles.append((path, msg))
-    receive_directory_structure(destdir, [])
-    STRICT_CHECK = False    # seems most useful this way for py.test
-    channel.send(("list_done", None))
-    for path, (time, size) in modifiedfiles:
-        data = channel.receive()
-        channel.send(("ack", path[len(destdir) + 1:]))
-        if data is not None:
-            if STRICT_CHECK and len(data) != size:
-                raise IOError('file modified during rsync: %r' % (path,))
-            f = open(path, 'wb')
-            f.write(data)
-            f.close()
-        os.utime(path, (time, time))
-        del data
-    channel.send(("links", None))
-    msg = channel.receive()
-    while msg is not 42:
-        # we get symlink
-        _type, relpath, linkpoint = msg
-        assert _type == "link"
-        path = os.path.join(destdir, relpath)
-        try:
-            remove(path)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        os.symlink(os.path.join(destdir, linkpoint), path)
-        msg = channel.receive()
-    channel.send(("done", None))

Deleted: /py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/testing/test_rsync.py
--- /py/branch/config/py/test/rsession/testing/test_rsync.py	Mon Jan 22 14:04:00 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from py.__.test.rsession.rsync import RSync
-def setup_module(mod):
-    mod.gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    mod.gw2 = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-def teardown_module(mod):
-    mod.gw.exit()
-    mod.gw2.exit()
-def test_dirsync():
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp('dirsync')
-    dest = base.join('dest') 
-    dest2 = base.join('dest2') 
-    source = base.mkdir('source') 
-    for s in ('content1', 'content2-a-bit-longer'): 
-        source.ensure('subdir', 'file1').write(s) 
-        rsync = RSync()
-        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-        rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-        rsync.send(source)
-        assert dest.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
-        assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-        assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
-        assert dest2.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
-        assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-        assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
-    source.join('subdir').remove('file1')
-    rsync = RSync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-    assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-    rsync = RSync(delete=True)
-    rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert not dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
-    assert not dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
-def test_symlink_rsync():
-    if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
-        py.test.skip("symlinks are unsupported on Windows.")
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp('symlinkrsync')
-    dest = base.join('dest')
-    source = base.join('source')
-    source.ensure("existant")
-    source.join("rellink").mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"), absolute=0)
-    source.join('abslink').mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"))
-    rsync = RSync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert dest.join('rellink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
-    assert dest.join('abslink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
-def test_callback():
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp('callback')
-    dest = base.join("dest")
-    source = base.join("source")
-    source.ensure("existant").write("a" * 100)
-    source.ensure("existant2").write("a" * 10)
-    total = {}
-    def callback(cmd, lgt, channel):
-        total[(cmd, lgt)] = True
-    rsync = RSync(callback=callback)
-    #rsync = RSync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert total == {("list", 110):True, ("ack", 100):True, ("ack", 10):True}

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