[py-svn] r36908 - py/dist/py/apigen

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Jan 18 09:15:57 CET 2007

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Jan 18 09:15:55 2007
New Revision: 36908

some api todos i can currently think of 

Added: py/dist/py/apigen/todo-apigen.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ py/dist/py/apigen/todo-apigen.txt	Thu Jan 18 09:15:55 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+* format docstrings more nicely (with tests) 
+* have the API function view be as informative as possible
+  without having to go to the "single method" view
+  (do we even need a single method view?), for example: 
+  browsing the class views (and clicking on methods) 
+  should always make it obvious which class is being
+  viewed.  method views (when navigating there through
+  the class view) should also have the source there 
+* have class-level attributes be displayed 
+* use "inherited" doc strings, i.e. for
+    class A:
+        def meth(self):
+            "doc1"
+    class B(A):
+        def meth(self): 
+            pass
+    B.meth should display the A.meth docstring, probably 
+    with special formatting (italics or so). 
+* factor out some common code in the build_* functions
+* refactor the apigen/rsession interaction to become
+  cleaner (e.g. apigen's get_documentable_items should
+  be separately tested and the caller should not need
+  to guess what it will get, i think) 
+* XXX list more here 

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