[py-svn] r37991 - py/trunk/py/doc

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Tue Feb 6 00:53:48 CET 2007

Author: cfbolz
Date: Tue Feb  6 00:53:46 2007
New Revision: 37991

remove colons and change the subsecion title

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt	Tue Feb  6 00:53:46 2007
@@ -376,77 +376,77 @@
 Regular options
-``-v, --verbose``:
+``-v, --verbose``
     Increase verbosity. This shows a test per line while running and also
     shows the traceback after interrupting the test run with Ctrl-C.
-``-x, --exitfirst``:
+``-x, --exitfirst``
     exit instantly on the first error or the first failed test.
-``-s, --nocapture``:
+``-s, --nocapture``
     disable catching of sys.stdout/stderr output.
-``-k KEYWORD``:
+``-k KEYWORD``
     only run test items matching the given keyword expression. You can also add
     use ``-k -KEYWORD`` to exlude tests from being run. The keyword is matched
     against filename, test class name, method name.
-``-l, --showlocals``:
+``-l, --showlocals``
     show locals in tracebacks: for every frame in the traceback, show the values
     of the local variables.
     drop into pdb (the `Python debugger`_) on exceptions. If the debugger is
     quitted, the next test is run. This implies ``-s``.
     traceback verboseness: ``long`` is the default, ``short`` are the normal
     Python tracebacks, ``no`` omits tracebacks completely.
     Don't cut any tracebacks. The default is to leave out frames if an infinite
     recursion is detected.
     Refrain from using magic as much as possible. This can be useful if you are
     suspicious that ``py.test`` somehow interferes with your program in
     unintended ways (if this is the case, please contact us!).
     Only collect tests, don't execute them.
     trace considerations of conftest.py files. Useful when you have various
     conftest.py files around and are unsure about their interaction.
-More experimental options
+experimental options
 **Note**: these options could change in the future.
-``-f, --looponfailing``:
+``-f, --looponfailing``
     Loop on failing test set. This is a feature you can use when you are trying
     to fix a number of failing tests: First all the tests are being run. If a
@@ -455,34 +455,34 @@
     testing for is changed. If one of the previously failing tests now passes,
     it is removed from the test set.
     Python executable to run the tests with. Useful for testing on different
     versions of Python.
-``-d, --dist``:
+``-d, --dist``
     ad-hoc `distribute tests across machines`_ (requires conftest settings)
-``-w, --startserver``:
+``-w, --startserver``
     starts local web server for displaying test progress.
-``-r, --runbrowser``:
+``-r, --runbrowser``
     Run browser (implies --startserver).
     Use boxing: run each test in an external process. Very useful for testing
     things that occasionally segfault (since normally the segfault then would
     stop the whole test process).
     `reStructured Text`_ output reporting.

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