[py-svn] r37960 - in py/trunk/py/execnet: . testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Mon Feb 5 13:55:33 CET 2007

Author: hpk
Date: Mon Feb  5 13:55:31 2007
New Revision: 37960

refactored the tests and added tests and code
for disallowing to send() twice without
adding new targets.

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/rsync.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/rsync.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/rsync.py	Mon Feb  5 13:55:31 2007
@@ -28,18 +28,6 @@
     def filter(self, path):
         return True
-    def add_target(self, gateway, destdir, finishedcallback=None):
-        """ Adds a remote target specified via a 'gateway'
-            and a remote destination directory. 
-        """
-        assert finishedcallback is None or callable(finishedcallback)
-        def itemcallback(req):
-            self._receivequeue.put((channel, req))
-        channel = gateway.remote_exec(REMOTE_SOURCE)
-        channel.setcallback(itemcallback, endmarker = None)
-        channel.send((str(destdir), self._options))
-        self._channels[channel] = finishedcallback
     def _end_of_channel(self, channel):
         if channel in self._channels:
             # too early!  we must have got an error
@@ -104,6 +92,9 @@
     def send(self, sourcedir):
         """ Sends a sourcedir to all added targets. 
+        if not self._channels:
+            raise IOError("no targets available, maybing you "
+                          "are trying call send() twice?")
         self._sourcedir = str(sourcedir)
         # normalize a trailing '/' away
         self._sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self._sourcedir, 'x'))
@@ -137,6 +128,19 @@
                     assert "Unknown command %s" % command
+    def add_target(self, gateway, destdir, finishedcallback=None):
+        """ Adds a remote target specified via a 'gateway'
+            and a remote destination directory. 
+        """
+        assert finishedcallback is None or callable(finishedcallback)
+        def itemcallback(req):
+            self._receivequeue.put((channel, req))
+        channel = gateway.remote_exec(REMOTE_SOURCE)
+        channel.setcallback(itemcallback, endmarker = None)
+        channel.send((str(destdir), self._options))
+        self._channels[channel] = finishedcallback
     def _broadcast(self, msg):
         for channel in self._channels:

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_rsync.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_rsync.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_rsync.py	Mon Feb  5 13:55:31 2007
@@ -11,92 +11,114 @@
-def test_dirsync():
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp('dirsync')
-    dest = base.join('dest') 
-    dest2 = base.join('dest2') 
-    source = base.mkdir('source') 
+class DirSetup:
+    def setup_method(self, method):
+        name = "%s.%s" %(self.__class__.__name__, method.func_name)
+        self.tmpdir = t = py.test.ensuretemp(name)
+        self.source = t.join("source")
+        self.dest1 = t.join("dest1")
+        self.dest2 = t.join("dest2")
-    for s in ('content1', 'content2-a-bit-longer'): 
-        source.ensure('subdir', 'file1').write(s) 
+class TestRSync(DirSetup):
+    def test_notargets(self):
+        rsync = RSync()
+        py.test.raises(IOError, "rsync.send(self.source)")
+    def test_dirsync(self):
+        dest = self.dest1
+        dest2 = self.dest2
+        source = self.source
+        for s in ('content1', 'content2-a-bit-longer'): 
+            source.ensure('subdir', 'file1').write(s) 
+            rsync = RSync()
+            rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
+            rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
+            rsync.send(source)
+            assert dest.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
+            assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
+            assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
+            assert dest2.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
+            assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
+            assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
+        source.join('subdir').remove('file1')
         rsync = RSync()
-        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
         rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
+        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-        assert dest.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
         assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-        assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
-        assert dest2.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
         assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-        assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
-    source.join('subdir').remove('file1')
-    rsync = RSync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-    assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-    rsync = RSync(delete=True)
-    rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert not dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
-    assert not dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
-def test_symlink_rsync():
-    if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
-        py.test.skip("symlinks are unsupported on Windows.")
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp('symlinkrsync')
-    dest = base.join('dest')
-    source = base.join('source')
-    source.ensure("existant")
-    source.join("rellink").mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"), absolute=0)
-    source.join('abslink').mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"))
-    rsync = RSync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert dest.join('rellink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
-    assert dest.join('abslink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
-def test_callback():
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp('callback')
-    dest = base.join("dest")
-    source = base.join("source")
-    source.ensure("existant").write("a" * 100)
-    source.ensure("existant2").write("a" * 10)
-    total = {}
-    def callback(cmd, lgt, channel):
-        total[(cmd, lgt)] = True
-    rsync = RSync(callback=callback)
-    #rsync = RSync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert total == {("list", 110):True, ("ack", 100):True, ("ack", 10):True}
-def test_file_disappearing():
-    base = py.test.ensuretemp("file_disappearing")
-    dest = base.join("dest")
-    source = base.join("source")
-    source.ensure("ex").write("a" * 100)
-    source.ensure("ex2").write("a" * 100)
-    class DRsync(RSync):
-        def filter(self, x):
-            assert x != source
-            if x.endswith("ex2"):
-                self.x = 1
-                source.join("ex2").remove()
-            return True
-    rsync = DRsync()
-    rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
-    rsync.send(source)
-    assert rsync.x == 1
-    assert len(dest.listdir()) == 1
-    assert len(source.listdir()) == 1
+        rsync = RSync(delete=True)
+        rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
+        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
+        rsync.send(source)
+        assert not dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
+        assert not dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
+    def test_dirsync_twice(self):
+        source = self.source
+        source.ensure("hello")
+        rsync = RSync()
+        rsync.add_target(gw, self.dest1)
+        rsync.send(self.source)
+        assert self.dest1.join('hello').check()
+        py.test.raises(IOError, "rsync.send(self.source)")
+        rsync.add_target(gw, self.dest2)
+        rsync.send(self.source)
+        assert self.dest2.join('hello').check()
+        py.test.raises(IOError, "rsync.send(self.source)")
+    def test_symlink_rsync(self):
+        if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
+            py.test.skip("symlinks are unsupported on Windows.")
+        source = self.source
+        dest = self.dest1
+        self.source.ensure("existant")
+        source.join("rellink").mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"), absolute=0)
+        source.join('abslink').mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"))
+        rsync = RSync()
+        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
+        rsync.send(source)
+        assert dest.join('rellink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
+        assert dest.join('abslink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
+    def test_callback(self):
+        dest = self.dest1
+        source = self.source
+        source.ensure("existant").write("a" * 100)
+        source.ensure("existant2").write("a" * 10)
+        total = {}
+        def callback(cmd, lgt, channel):
+            total[(cmd, lgt)] = True
+        rsync = RSync(callback=callback)
+        #rsync = RSync()
+        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
+        rsync.send(source)
+        assert total == {("list", 110):True, ("ack", 100):True, ("ack", 10):True}
+    def test_file_disappearing(self):
+        dest = self.dest1
+        source = self.source 
+        source.ensure("ex").write("a" * 100)
+        source.ensure("ex2").write("a" * 100)
+        class DRsync(RSync):
+            def filter(self, x):
+                assert x != source
+                if x.endswith("ex2"):
+                    self.x = 1
+                    source.join("ex2").remove()
+                return True
+        rsync = DRsync()
+        rsync.add_target(gw, dest)
+        rsync.send(source)
+        assert rsync.x == 1
+        assert len(dest.listdir()) == 1
+        assert len(source.listdir()) == 1

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