[py-svn] r37898 - in py/trunk/py/test: . testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Feb 4 13:29:28 CET 2007

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Feb  4 13:29:26 2007
New Revision: 37898

provide a high-level helper for getting 
at a pathlist specified in a conftest (and
the paths can be relative to the conftest.py file they
are contained in) 

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/config.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/config.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/config.py	Sun Feb  4 13:29:26 2007
@@ -84,6 +84,19 @@
         col = self.conftest.rget("Directory", pkgpath)(pkgpath)
         col._config = self
         return col 
+    def getvalue_pathlist(self, name, path=None):
+        """ return a matching value, which needs to be sequence
+            of filenames that will be returned as a list of Path
+            objects (they can be relative to the location 
+            where they were found).
+        """
+        try:
+            mod, relroots = self.conftest.rget_with_confmod(name, path)
+        except KeyError:
+            return None
+        modpath = py.path.local(mod.__file__).dirpath()
+        return [modpath.join(x, abs=True) for x in relroots]
     def addoptions(self, groupname, *specs): 
         """ add a named group of options to the current testing session. 
@@ -163,6 +176,7 @@
     def _reparse(self, args):
         """ this is used from tests that want to re-invoke parse(). """
+        #assert args # XXX should not be empty
         global config_per_process
         oldconfig = py.test.config

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/conftesthandle.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/conftesthandle.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/conftesthandle.py	Sun Feb  4 13:29:26 2007
@@ -41,63 +41,39 @@
         except KeyError:
             dp = path.dirpath()
             if dp == path: 
-                return [self.importconfig(defaultconftestpath)]
+                return [importconfig(defaultconftestpath)]
             clist = self.getconftestmodules(dp)
             conftestpath = path.join("conftest.py")
             if conftestpath.check(file=1):
-                clist.append(self.importconfig(conftestpath))
+                clist.append(importconfig(conftestpath))
             self._path2confmods[path] = clist
         # be defensive: avoid changes from caller side to
         # affect us by always returning a copy of the actual list 
         return clist[:]
-    def getconftest(self, path):
-        """ Return a direct module of that path
-        """
-        if isinstance(path, str):
-            path = py.path.local(path)
-        try:
-            conftestmod = self.getconftestmodules(path)[-1]
-            if py.path.local(conftestmod.__file__).dirpath() != path:
-                raise AttributeError
-            return conftestmod
-        except KeyError:
-            raise AttributeError
-        # we raise here AttributeError to unify error reporting in case
-        # of lack of variable in conftest or lack of file, but we do not want to
-        # hide ImportError
-    # XXX no real use case, may probably go 
-    #def lget(self, name, path=None):
-    #    modules = self.getconftestmodules(path)
-    #    return self._get(name, modules)
     def rget(self, name, path=None):
+        mod, value = self.rget_with_confmod(name, path)
+        return value
+    def rget_with_confmod(self, name, path=None):
         modules = self.getconftestmodules(path)
-        return self._get(name, modules)
-    def rget_path(self, name, path):
-        """ can raise AttributeError
-        """
-        return getattr(self.getconftest(path), name)
-    def _get(self, name, modules):
         for mod in modules:
-                return getattr(mod, name)
+                return mod, getattr(mod, name)
             except AttributeError:
         raise KeyError, name
-    def importconfig(self, configpath):
-        # We could have used caching here, but it's redundant since
-        # they're cached on path anyway, so we use it only when doing rget_path
-        if not configpath.dirpath('__init__.py').check(file=1): 
-            # HACK: we don't want any "globally" imported conftest.py, 
-            #       prone to conflicts and subtle problems 
-            modname = str(configpath).replace('.', configpath.sep)
-            mod = configpath.pyimport(modname=modname)
-        else:
-            mod = configpath.pyimport()
-        return mod
+def importconfig(configpath):
+    # We could have used caching here, but it's redundant since
+    # they're cached on path anyway, so we use it only when doing rget_path
+    assert configpath.check(), configpath
+    if not configpath.dirpath('__init__.py').check(file=1): 
+        # HACK: we don't want any "globally" imported conftest.py, 
+        #       prone to conflicts and subtle problems 
+        modname = str(configpath).replace('.', configpath.sep)
+        mod = configpath.pyimport(modname=modname)
+    else:
+        mod = configpath.pyimport()
+    return mod

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_config.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_config.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_config.py	Sun Feb  4 13:29:26 2007
@@ -256,7 +256,19 @@
         assert not config.is_boxed()
         config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir, '--box'])
         assert config.is_boxed()
+    def test_getvalue_pathlist(self):
+        tmpdir = self.tmpdir
+        somepath = tmpdir.join("x", "y", "z")
+        p = tmpdir.join("conftest.py")
+        p.write("pathlist = ['.', %r]" % str(somepath))
+        config = py.test.config._reparse([p])
+        assert config.getvalue_pathlist('notexist') is None
+        pl = config.getvalue_pathlist('pathlist')
+        print pl
+        assert len(pl) == 2
+        assert pl[0] == tmpdir
+        assert pl[1] == somepath
 class TestConfigColitems:
     def setup_class(cls):

Modified: py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_conftesthandle.py
--- py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_conftesthandle.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/test/testing/test_conftesthandle.py	Sun Feb  4 13:29:26 2007
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@
         #conftest.lget("a") == 1
         #conftest.lget("b") == 1
-    def test_value_access_path(self):
+    def test_value_access_with_confmod(self):
         topdir = self.basedir.join("adir", "b")
         topdir.ensure("xx", dir=True)
         conftest = Conftest(topdir)
-        assert conftest.rget_path("a", topdir) == 1.5
-        assert conftest.rget_path("a", topdir.dirpath()) == 1
-        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "conftest.rget_path('a', topdir.join('xx'))")
-        #assert py.path.local(mod.__file__).dirpath() == topdir
+        mod, value = conftest.rget_with_confmod("a", topdir)
+        assert  value == 1.5
+        path = py.path.local(mod.__file__)
+        assert path == self.basedir.join("adir", "b", "conftest.py")
 class TestConftestValueAccessInPackage(TestConftestValueAccessGlobal):
     def setup_class(cls):

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